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Everything posted by dmksioux

  1. NDSU is playing Ferris St. (Due to MSU backing out) and Delaware St. which are cupcakes. They have historically played a cupcake or two most seasons they have been FCS. If we didn't have Montana and SDSU as out of conference games, I would agree and want to play an FBS this year, but our schedule is already very difficult, even more difficult than Ndsu's. The reason NDSU's program is doing so well is they devote more resources to football than we do, including bringing in a high calibre coach. Their Assistant coaches are making as much, if not more than, our head coach. Seven to eight wins is the key and again, most, if not all, FCS elite teams play a cupcake or two out of conference.
  2. I think we need to start focusing on the crowd other than students. Students showed up in large numbers, the rest of the public, not so much...lots of empty seats on the home side stands. Early in the game, students did make some noise. On the first few third downs, they pounded on the backs of chairs and/or stomped their feet which was more than anyone else was doing. I wish the announcer would go back to saying "ok Sioux fans (insert North Dakota fans) on your feet for a third down" and same thing for the kickoffs. Perhaps the environment was stale due to the opponent. Next week is a big game and everyone will have to step it up a few notches to get the home field advantage going.
  3. You could be right, but as a fellow Sioux/North Dakota/UND fan, I was giving him the benefit of the doubt when he says he was asking honest questions and wanting some info on FCS football. He didn't bring hockey into the conversation, another poster did. Sometimes we jump on posters a bit too quickly on this board, as Ira said, it's good to have differing opinions and ask questions. Trolls are pretty obvious when they post as we have several on here that don't add anything to the conversation, imo, Mafia Man's post didn't come across as that. Either way, time to move on and continue to talk Valpo. I'm looking forward to the game, even though it should be a fairly easy win. Things I will watch for will be some of the "little" things such as tackling/flowing to the ball, discipline (mental mistakes, blown assignments, etc.), and attitude. In watching the team the last few years, the attitude that we had in the 90's and early 2000's has been missing. I want to see an aggressive defense that gets after people, a team that eliminates the bone head penalties, and that stays focused at least until the game is out of hand in the second half.
  4. No need to attack fellow Sioux fans. Mafia man has a favorite sport which happens to be hockey. When he decides to post in other forums, that's great! Answer questions and encourage more posting. I didn't see his initial question as being too snarky or as trolling. Attacking each other is counter productive to building fan support in all of UND athletics...save that for the Bison trolls...
  5. Valpo plays at the FCS level just like UND. In order to make the playoffs, seven wins has been the threshold, at least in past years, that teams need to get to to make the playoffs. As for the rest of the answer, UND FB Fan summed it up well enough.
  6. Single game tailgate spots are $15 per spot.
  7. Still trying to make my mind up on a couple of the picks. ;-)
  8. Flying helicopters in the Pacific Northwest...
  9. Agree, if you look on the left shoulders you can see what appear to be UND and NDSU logos on each of the shirts... Not much of a country music fan...music is good for the song but the lyrics are a bit cheesey, for lack of a better term, for me. Nonetheless, wish them luck on their dream.
  10. Did they really only make 100 of these? If so, are all items they release in the collection going to be this limited? Might be pretty tough to get your hands in some of the items.
  11. For those of you who like to pick the games, don't forget about the Big Sky Challenge: http://bigskychallenge.com/
  12. I'm hearing that FB Dustin Iverson is having his red shirt pulled. Anyone hear about any others yet?
  13. It's more than a rumor since their electronic advertising board on the building says "Tim Horton's" coming soon. Lots of development in that area this summer. I would have to guess we will be seeing a few restaurnt/bars opening soon.
  14. I was driving down 42nd st this morning and as I was driving by the new "Strip mall" next to the AE2s building, I saw they were advertising that a Tim Horton's will be opening soon. I know it's been mentioned that GF would be a good location due to our proximity to Canada and the hordes of Canadians that visit every weekend. Anyone ever been to a Horton's before? EDIT: Also, it appears as though another building is going up directly south of AE2s, between the new strip mall and the apartments to the east. Does anyone know what that's going to be? I know the structure has steel in it so is it another strip mall or a restaurant maybe?
  15. I saw several boxes of them at Hyslop yesterday when I went in to pick up my tailgating passes. Didn't think to inquire about when and how to get one...
  16. I'm not disagreeing with anything you wrote, even though my personal opinion is different. I understand the reasons UND chose not to play the game amd as I said, some of those reasons are legit. I was simply stating the fact that UND was the one who chose not to sign the contract, which ended the series. Flash forward and now UND wants to restart the series and NDSU doesn't...primarily for reasons that aren't legit. Nothing more for me to add to this thread....at least at this point, so carry on. :-)
  17. Couldn't the same be said about scheduling FBS games? Those teams have more scholarships, chances are we would lose, and we risk injury in those games (just as we do in every game...see Braden Hanson in the Mines game). To me those are all lame arguments when it came to a 100+year rivalry with NDSU. Any other school fine, but not NDSU. As I said, continue the series until it becomes apparent that the scholarship level/athletes they are recruiting translates to a dominance on the field. I understand what your getting at, just don't agree. The fact remains that UND had the chance to sign the contract and chose not to.
  18. But he's actually right. I don't buy the "NDSU" ended the rivalry when they chose to move up argument. They made the right move for them and wanted to continue the series. We (UND), chose not to. You can argue the reasons why, some legit, some not, but the bottom line is UND made the decision to not play the game. Personally I think it was the wrong decision even though it had the potential to hurt our playoff chances. UND should have attempted to keep the rivalry going, unless it got to the point that the outcome was too lopsided and the scholarship difference became apparent. This is all my opinion of course, except for the part where UND chose to not play NDSU due to playoff implications.
  19. No kidding...definitely did not need to relive that...
  20. dmksioux

    Ticket sells

    Yep...I was number 5 on the list and was able to get a couple spots. Pretty excited for the season to start!
  21. You could add Sacremento State to the list as we beat them at their place last year...
  22. So it appears as though Dickey's has opened back up again. Not sure if they changed ownership or what the deal was, but they were open yesterday when I drove by.
  23. UND actually had a bit of a rivalry with MSU a number of years ago...especially in the 70's. MSU leads the overall series 16-13-1.
  24. I really like the idea of a "Bakken Bowl" or "Bakken Border Battle" with a trophy related to the oil industry. Not sure what it would take to get it started...perhaps a certain poster on here (cue Jayson Hadju or even David Primus) would be able to get things rolling...
  25. Don't remember where I saw it, but I remember reading that both of them were doing some running on the sidelines.
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