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Everything posted by dmksioux

  1. To some degree you may be right. But I believe the product on the field had much more to do with it. It wasn't that we were losing games, but how we were losing them. At times, our play was downright laughable and comparable to HS or even Jr. High football. How can you expect people to shell out money for what we were putting on the field? Hockey, even though they haven't won a championship in 10+ years, is at least competitive and puts out a good product. Even so, there are now games, such as last weekend, that weren't sold out.
  2. Today's game day and the first test for our senior laden team. I know the Mussman firing is getting a lot of the attention right now, but hopefully people don't forget about this game. So what do posters think? Does UND have a legit shot at an upset? The Badgers are always tough at home. I would like to think we can keep it close with a chance to win at the end but since moving to DI, we haven't ever been close to an upset/signature win...at least that I can recall.
  3. Barney Cotton played in the NFL and had DI experience. I'm guessing there is more than one potential candidate who has NFL and DI experience out there.
  4. Probably because Ole Miss recruited him for Track.
  5. dmksioux

    Fire Muss

    Wouldn't he have been doing this for the past couple weeks? Unless he was trying to keep it under wraps and feared a leak. If he is lining up the buyout money, perhaps a leak could come during that process as well.
  6. dmksioux

    Fire Muss

    This is where I would guess a leak could potentially come from...Whether it be as vague as telling a friend/relative that "an unscheduled team meeting has been called" or something with more information. Just my speculation of course...
  7. dmksioux

    Fire Muss

    One would think a team meeting would be scheduled to notify players first, if something was imminent. There should also be some type of "End of the season" meeting I would guess as well. If there isn't an impromptu "team meeting" called/scheduled today, does that indicate Muss may be around for another year?
  8. dmksioux

    Fire Muss

    Is anyone monitoring the twitter world for a "scoop?"
  9. Haven't seen him play but have heard we might be looking as a walk on at this point. He also has a history of a few concussions, so not sure if he will pursue football in college or not.
  10. Agree that it would be nice to just beat an FBS team. Not sure why NDSU football had to be brought into yet another non-football thread. No need to even check which poster brought it up...again. No UND fans should be making fun of the NDSU FBS wins...especially when we were owned by Idaho...twice. Now, back on topic...any NDSU fans willing to defend the actions of Bresciani and Taylor regarding their Dance team???
  11. Yea, hard to believe The Nest is a DI facility. There are class B schools in ND with better "gyms".
  12. For comparison's sake...here is ISU's facility. Not sure if they always have bleachers setup behind the baskets...
  13. Perhaps you haven't seen "The Nest" at Sac State...
  14. dmksioux

    Fire Muss

    As I said, a few take it too far. I was referring mostly to the sentiment of the "Fire Muss" thread and the general direction the program is headed. It's pretty obvious a change needs to be made based on team performance.
  15. dmksioux

    Fire Muss

    / One could argue the other side of that as well. Parent, recruits, etc can come to the site and see the passion of the fan base. Everyone (fans, recruits, players, etc) can see the season isn't going well. In reading this site, people will also see that the fan base isn't happy with the status quo and changes need to be made, versus the other side...apathy. Recruits want to play for a "winning and proud" program. I would rather see what is taking place on our fan board this year as opposed to seeing what is happening on Idaho States message board where it's basically crickets chirping. I hope our football forum doesn't get to that point. Sure some posters may take it to the extreme, but it shows we still care about the program and want to see it get back on track.
  16. dmksioux

    Fire Muss

    Perhaps Mr. Faison doesn't respond to emails he can't decipher.
  17. Not to mention the Summit RPI/Ranking has been higher than the Big Sky conference for a few years now. Other than Weber St. and Montana, the rest of the conference hasn't done much. That should be changing this year with UND stepping it up and hopefully EWU.
  18. I've heard that before...just never tried figuring out how to do that. At any rate..thanks!
  19. I posted this in the 2013 season thread before the season started and asked if a Mod could change it...guess not.
  20. Looks like we got a big man out of Missouri to commit today. Anyone know anything about him? http://cleveland.rivals.com/viewprospect.asp?Sport=2&pr_key=151404
  21. Would've liked to have been there but was hosting the GF Volleyball tailgate party for homecoming. Great to hear the ladies pulled it out. Sad that I'm at the football game and posting on siouxsports as iopposed to being into the game...although we are playing better than I anticipated.
  22. He won't be hard to find since he was arrested in put in jail. Maybe if he bonds out, AP or someone may have there chance...
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