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Everything posted by dmksioux

  1. Are you referring to the tweet and story in the Milwaukee newspaper last week? If so, the Oakland AD denied the story and said they haven't been contacted when asked to respond. Now having said that, it's a well known fact that Oakland wants out and whether or not this latest rumor is true, it's most likely just a matter of time until they leave.
  2. Has Oakland left? I know there's rumors but the last I heard, their AD said they haven't been contacted by the the Horizon League. Have I missed something?
  3. Great basketball game and a tough ending for Weber. Guy for ECU makes a fade away jumper from NBA 3 point range as the clock expires to get the win. Weber looked darn good even though they lost.
  4. Didn't see this coming... http://www.grandfork...group/homepage/ EDIT: Sorry, didn't see this in the other thread. Feel free to delete
  5. The only problem with using Wyoming is they are, if I remember correctly, the only school of higher education in the state. That means no competition for state dollars or fan interest. They are the only show in the state.
  6. That's what I've thought and what I've heard. Big Ten Hockey, despite what many people on here say or want to believe, will be a top 3 with the potential to be #1 or #2 in hockey. The world revolves around money and college athletics is no different. The Big Ten schools have more money than schools in any other conference...just depends on how much each school wants to invest in the sport. UM, UW, Michigan, Michigan State all have a solid hockey tradition. I don't expect PSU and OSU to automatically become powerhouses in hockey, but those other four won't be going anywhere...and I believe their programs will get stronger by being in the Big Ten because their schedule will be more friendly to the casual fan who doesn't have alot of college hockey knowledge.
  7. I don't think anyone here has said that OSU will be averaging those types of numbers next year or in the next few years even. All that's been said is that the Big Ten Hockey conference will be a top three conference with the potential to be #2 or even # 1. They have the money to do so. Currently only half the teams have the fan base in hockey but that can be built. I'm interested in the opinion of our UM posters on this as well. Going by straight attendance numbers, one could already argue that hockey does take a back seat to basketball. The hockey team averaged ~9500 fans last year. The basketball team is around 11,800. http://www.ncaa.org/...ball attendance I do not follow either program so it would be interesting to see what U of M fans say...
  8. Not that I care too much, but I love the hypocrisy with Bison Fans. First they argue until they are blue in the face about how important it is to have six home games and that is why they don't want to schedule UND. It will hurt their gate and bottom line, etc. etc. Now when it appears they are only getting five home games, it's no big deal...
  9. Agree that it's a "Big If" but to say the potential isn't there is wrong. They will never put more finances into hockey than they would into football or basketball...but they don't need to. All they need to do is find a few extra million they have laying around and put it towards hockey. As far at the LSSU comparison, I think it's valid. They don't have the resources of a UND or DU, but then again, UND and DU don't have the financial resources of a UM, OSU, PSU, etc and that's my point. The two things that are keeping some of the Big Ten schools from being a regular contender are school committment (financial) and fanbase. IMO, The money issue can be resolved rather easily...building a fan base is more of an issue. I also don't think that OSU will be dropping hockey anytime soon...if so, why start the Big Ten hockey conference? There had to be some internal discussions amongst Big Ten schools regarding committment to hockey prior to the initiating the new conference. Hate on the Big Ten all you want, I like to do the same, but they have people who know what they are doing when it comes to running their conference.
  10. I also hate sticking up for UM and the Big Ten, but to think that the new Big Ten Hockey conference doesn't have the potential to become one of, if not the top conference in hockey is a bit naive. The Athletic budget those schools operate with is astronomical compared to schools in the NCHC. IF they decide to devote even a little extra money to hockey, schools like Penn State and Ohio State will become very good and likely put teams in the NCAA on a regular basis. Both PSU and OSU have the arena and finances to do so. Tradition will only go so far. Look at Notre Dame has done recently and what they are building. Look at past "Traditional Powerhouses" such as LSSU and see how they are doing. IF the Big Ten Schools want to emphasize hockey, none of them will have any issue competing with the traditional powers.
  11. Your right, the author of the bill stated as much. He also made a point of saying he was on the finance committee that gives financial aid to Minnesota universities. Why would he say that? As I stated before, the bill won't pass, but the author of the bill was basically telling the University that they should rethink their decision about not playing UND.
  12. This artice was in the paper last week. This version leaves a few items out. The representative basically said the bill is a bit in jest. He also stated that he is a member of the finance committee which decides allocations to the Universities...a not so subtle hint that it may be in the best interest for the U of M to get UND back on the schedule sooner rather than later...
  13. Guess I was thinking the Play in round would get fans excited about the chance to go to the Conference tourney/elite 8/whatever you want to call it in a destination location such as Vegas or Reno. Maybe not right away, but eventually it may build excitement/increase attendance for that game. Just thinking of alternatives...
  14. According to a tweet on SFI, another offer out to an OL from the state of Washington...he's a big boy. Has an offer from Idaho so far... Morgan Richey: http://rivals.yahoo....n-Richey-138620
  15. How about doing it like the WCHA Final Five? Twelve team league, give the top 4 teams a bye. The other 8 play each other with teams 5-8 hosting teams 9-12. Then have the rest of the tournament at a designated location such as Boise, SLC, Vegas, or Reno. Reseed so #1 seed plays the lowest remaining seed and so on...
  16. Yep, five of us will be at the show in Fargo on Saturday...
  17. Looks like she is from Iowa. She's looks to be a point guard who likes to dish the ball. Hopefully she is someone who will helps solve the turnover issue the ladies have been struggling with. http://www.undsports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=13500&ATCLID=206733460
  18. Big Sky Freshman of the Year: Venky Jois from EWU Defensive Player of the Year: Will Cherry from UM New Comer of the Year: Davion Berry of WSU EDIT: The All Conference teams will be announced shortly...
  19. Well it looks as though Montana's Junior G/F Kareem Jamar is Big Sky MVP for the year...just announced on the Big Sky facebook page. EDIT: Too bad for Huff...hopefully added motivation for next year...
  20. Are the locker rooms he's referring to the ones at Memorial Stadium or at Alerus Center?
  21. The only constant is change. The Big Sky may seem stable, especially compared to the Summit and recent movement/rumors, however our conference is not immune. If MSU and MU suddenly up and left the conference, would you still feel the same way about the Big Sky? As Sic states, our AD and Conference Commissioner need to be on top of the situation and ready react as needed...
  22. Anyone know anything about Dylan Beck from Lakota? I have heard that he attended Junior Day. Big kid but don't know anything about him... http://www.maxpreps.com/athletes/PWN0Rlb450WwB2zD1G4CUw/football-fall-11/profile-dylan-beck.htm
  23. I think it has the potential to grow into a good rivalry as well. UND fans travel well to Madison which is a little bit further from GF. MSP may be a bit closer to Madison than Omaha, but not too much. It helps that UNO is going DI with all their sports. Miami and possibly WMU will potentially turn into fun games as well due to their style of play and being DI schools. It will definitely take a few years...but will evenutally get there I believe.
  24. UND, DU are the two "marquee programs" in the NCHC. Do you think that they agreed to not play each other twice the first year so that they can play the other schools in order to bolster the schedules for those schools? Perhaps try to get the "smaller" programs in the conference excited about the NCHC? Just a thought...
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