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Everything posted by dmksioux

  1. Application never said that. It said it would remain open until filled. Applications turned in by December 10th would receive first consideration...or something along those lines.
  2. They also have U of Iowa coming up in a couple weeks. Anyone know if this was the game that was possibly going to be at the Betty until the nickname became an issue?
  3. I thought this was the Women's BBall forum. Why the heck is fb being discussed here? Stop feeding trolls. Congrats to the ladies for beating NDSU today.
  4. Not necessarily sold on Bubba, but one difference from Muss is he comes from the defensive side of the ball. UND's defense has been unwatchable the last couple years.
  5. So with nine apps forwarded to Faison, is safe to speculate that the next UND coach came in 9th in the HR point system?
  6. I never said it was Faisons fault. Just that the process is a joke. I'm really curious how many other DI schools follow a similar HR point policy when it comes to hiring a coach? From the open records policy to the point system, the whole process comes off as a joke. It will be interesting to see how the FU coaching hire plays out in comparison to ours.
  7. Right on cue. Unfortunately I think a lot of the damage has already been done. This point system is a load of BS. Faison is the AD for a reason...to make the tough decisions. No need for HR to have a point system and get in the way of the AD making a decision.
  8. This turning into major cluster%#€£. Can't UND get anything right with our football program? I know some on here will say relax, let the process play out, better times are ahead, etc. but I am starting to have some serious doubts. How many DI schools have a similar hiring process as ours?
  9. Well, it only tells us that Faison continues the smoke screen while waiting to announce his guy, or that he is truly playing this by the book.
  10. If Bubba is in fact chosen, what other UND guys does he bring in? Digger Anderson maybe?
  11. I would agree with this as well. I also hope the next official announcement regarding the HC position is the name of the new HC.
  12. So what will be the next statement we hear from Faison? Will it be an announcement of the new HC or will it be a list of finalists he's bringing in for interviews?
  13. Ok...I was a bit confused at first. Both UNM and NM State are not returning their D-Coordinators. Faison was at NM State so one would think that if he were looking at either of them, it would be Elson. Still not impressed with either of their defenses the last few years.
  14. The article you quoted was about the UNM D-Coordinator, Jeff Mills. UND92 was referring to the NM State Coordinator, Dave Elson. Just to clarify for people... EDIT: In looking at NM State's record this year, you could say the same thing about their defense. It appears they were giving up around 45 points a game...
  15. NDSU will have to either promote a current assistant to HC or name an current Assistant as Interim HC. There's no way they could name someone else HC before their playoff run is over... Could they?
  16. Hmmm, don't we have a game against Wyoming in a couple years?
  17. Yes, you have to provide a drivers license. At least I have when using rental cars under my employer.
  18. I know it's not the same, thus the ;-) in my initial post...
  19. Huh, didn't know that. Point still stands that people shortening our (former) name to the Sioux versus Fighting Sioux.
  20. So what about Fighting Sioux to just Sioux??? ;-)
  21. I did notice that St. Thomas is looking to open a position for OC. I believe Caruso was HC/OC at St. Thomas. Maybe some foreshadowing??? I really have no idea, just speculating...
  22. Since he was on the way to the airport, hopefully that means alcohol wasn't involved. Perhaps they were in a hurry and the accident resulted in minor damage so he didn't think it needed to be reported. No reason to excuse what he did, but not as serious as it could be if alcohol was involved. This is all speculation of course...
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