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UND's Next Step


Time for a change?  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. What should UND do with the name?

    • Drop it asap
    • work with tribes for 3 years

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I had to vote for dropping it asap. Even if we win the tribes support, it could be a ticking time bomb. And then we'd only have a year to change. It doesn't seem worth the hassle. I'm with others that have stated that UND would essentially be held hostage.

Maybe I should have put a third option about having a back-up plan.

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I had to vote for dropping it asap. Even if we win the tribes support, it could be a ticking time bomb. And then we'd only have a year to change. It doesn't seem worth the hassle. I'm with others that have stated that UND would essentially be held hostage.

Maybe I should have put a third option about having a back-up plan.

Here is a solution. We keep the logo but change the name. Here is how.

We notify all tribes or bands in North Dakota, Minnesota, and Manitoba that we are considering a name change and to inform them that they are being considered as an official sponsor for the University and if selected their tribe (or band) receive the benefit of the shared use of the logo and will receive exclusive national recognition. New name could be Fighting (Insert Band/Tribe Name Here) Sioux. And maybe have a different sponsor each year.

Tribes/bands may actually compete with each other to be the one. We could either keep the Sioux name or choose some other name. If the existing imagery is appropriate to the new tribe/band it stays or we could modify it as needed.

Asking a Canadian tribe to sponsor us makes sense because historically this was Canadian soil and Canadian native Americans or is it native Canadians lived here. Also Canadians love hockey I'm sure they would love to sponsor the team and we would get a new fan base. Seems most people think our team is Canadian anyway so overall it looks like a win/win situation if managed OK.

Fighting Ojibway? Fighting Anishinabi? I think Ojibway sounds OK, better than force of the north. There are over 50 tribes in Manitoba! Lots of names to choose from. http://www.nanations.com/canada/manitoba.htm also several tribes in Minnesota http://www.accessgenealogy.com/nativ...sota/index.htm just pick one and get approval so we can keep the logo.

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I would say wait the 3 years but the part of the agreement that says they can change their mind anytime and the name is gone in a year really got to me, so get rid of the name and NO MORE INDIAN NICKNAMES!!!! That way we don't go through this mess ever. :lol:

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Here is a solution. We keep the logo but change the name. Here is how.

We notify all tribes or bands in North Dakota, Minnesota, and Manitoba that we are considering a name change and to inform them that they are being considered as an official sponsor for the University and if selected their tribe (or band) receive the benefit of the shared use of the logo and will receive exclusive national recognition. New name could be Fighting (Insert Band/Tribe Name Here) Sioux. And maybe have a different sponsor each year.

Tribes/bands may actually compete with each other to be the one. We could either keep the Sioux name or choose some other name. If the existing imagery is appropriate to the new tribe/band it stays or we could modify it as needed.

Asking a Canadian tribe to sponsor us makes sense because historically this was Canadian soil and Canadian native Americans or is it native Canadians lived here. Also Canadians love hockey I'm sure they would love to sponsor the team and we would get a new fan base. Seems most people think our team is Canadian anyway so overall it looks like a win/win situation if managed OK.

Fighting Ojibway? Fighting Anishinabi? I think Ojibway sounds OK, better than force of the north. There are over 50 tribes in Manitoba! Lots of names to choose from. http://www.nanations.com/canada/manitoba.htm also several tribes in Minnesota http://www.accessgenealogy.com/nativ...sota/index.htm just pick one and get approval so we can keep the logo.

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This has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Change the name but not the logo? Why do you think we are in this mess? Sponsorship?? I hope you are kidding.

Why not Dakota, Fighting Mallards, Ole's, Honkers...

Gange Green. Anything but flickertails.

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I am so angry right now words cannot describe it. Yesterday after I heard the details of the settlement I went to an establishment in Grand Forks. There just so happened to be a Native American working. He was wearing a shirt that said something to the tune of "Original Homeland Security since 1800 or so, and on that shirt there was a big picture of native warriors with their guns! Are you kidding me. Why can we not wear a symbol of the Native Americans and treat it with pride. When they go around flaunting terrible shirts like that.

I also think that we should have no nickname at all. Be the University of North Dakota. That's it nothing more. Does anyone else think it would really cheese up the Ralph buy putting logos of another nickname on the walls and such when there are still logos of the Sioux imbedded in the floors. I think it would seriously look cheesy.

Anyone else hear that retard Ed Schultz's rant on Ralph. I did and totally lost any little little respect I had for that Wishy washy Flaming Liberal!

Long Live the University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux!

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We fought the good fight, now it's time to drop it, ASAP. I really can't see us adopting some new age stupid-ass nickname like Firehawks or Storm. Here come your University of North Dakota Fighting Green. Whatever we do, Green, White, and Black must stay.

No nickname at all would be ideal, but as others have pointed out, it looks like we must adopt something new per the settlement. Let's make it as generic as possible until such time comes that something else emerges, if ever.

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Per Wikipedia "US State Nicknames":

North Dakota

Flickertail State <-- Been there, done that. ;)

Sioux State <-- That one is fading away according to His Horse is Thunder.

Peace Garden State <-- Coaches in gardening gloves aren't photogenic; PCM'll explain. :lol:

Rough Rider State

North Dakota = BLIZZARD

Picture this... The lights go dark at The Ralph an Alert Message starts scrolling Blizzard warning around the 360 video board . Sirens start blarring. Here's the University of North Dakota BLizzard!

Also paint the Zambonies like ND DOT snowplows. :D

DQ blizzards could be sold at the Ralph. yum butterfinger blizzard :sad:

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I would say drop it as soon as possible, at least start the stage for dropping it. Others are correct, it is a ticking time bomb. Also don't do anything against any minorities as this is not what the use of the Sioux name and logo were about but pride in their resolve and strength. Unfortunately, I also think dropping it will ultimately result in the loss of identity within the larger American community as I think most Americans only think of the tribes when there is a sports team named after one. When was the last time you heard of the Arpahoe as an example?

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I would say drop it as soon as possible, at least start the stage for dropping it. Others are correct, it is a ticking time bomb. Also don't do anything against any minorities as this is not what the use of the Sioux name and logo were about but pride in their resolve and strength. Unfortunately, I also think dropping it will ultimately result in the loss of identity within the larger American community as I think most Americans only think of the tribes when there is a sports team named after one. When was the last time you heard of the Arpahoe as an example?

The original Parent Trap Movie at the summer camp. I think one of the 4 person cabins was named Arapaho. Great flick.

Leave the name the University of North Dakota. No new nickname for now. We can still cheer for the Sioux, it is our right of freedom of speech.

UND should not contact any of the tribal leaders. If the tribes wish to have any sort of special relationship with UND they may have the appropriate officials contact UND. If we keep trying to get them to change, we simply continue to empower guys like His Horse is Thunder (but he isn't). Let those folks do what they do and ignore them.

UND will continue to be successful and the traditions will continue. The nickname and logos are not nor have they ever been who we are anymore than the UND Fighting Sioux have had any thing to do with the identity of being Native American. Those Native American leaders have chosen to dishonor their elders and ancestors who agreed to the issue in the first place and it is now their problem not ours. We will look weak and foolish if UND tries in any way to enter talks with these folks. If as many Native Americans as the polls indicated want the name to stay, let them deal with their own tribal governments and then come back to UND and ask if UND is interested.

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UND will continue to be successful and the traditions will continue. The nickname and logos are not nor have they ever been who we are anymore than the UND Fighting Sioux have had any thing to do with the identity of being Native American. Those Native American leaders have chosen to dishonor their elders and ancestors who agreed to the issue in the first place and it is now their problem not ours. We will look weak and foolish if UND tries in any way to enter talks with these folks. If as many Native Americans as the polls indicated want the name to stay, let them deal with their own tribal governments and then come back to UND and ask if UND is interested.

Tribal Governments change so fast. Why not ask the Tribal Elders what they think about the UND name? Weren't they the ones that game UND the right to use the name?

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I've got two suggestions. Either the Fighting Lawyer or Fighting Crybabbies. This episode has shown those are the only two groups that matter.

(I want to be sure that you nobody associates "crybabbies" with the Indian population. Both the UND and Sports Illustrated showed that their support of Indian nicknames was pretty widespread.)

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Leave the name the University of North Dakota. No new nickname for now. We can still cheer for the Sioux, it is our right of freedom of speech.

I like the idea of no new nickname. The basketball teams could have Dakota on the front. We could have a football helmet similar to what I said here. Hockey could go back to the "North Dakota".

I will miss the logo, but UND will always be the Sioux to me and I don't think I like any of the nicknames that I've heard, even the ones that I've thought of.

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I like the idea of no new nickname. The basketball teams could have Dakota on the front. We could have a football helmet similar to what I said here. Hockey could go back to the "North Dakota".

I will miss the logo, but UND will always be the Sioux to me and I don't think I like any of the nicknames that I've heard, even the ones that I've thought of.

I thought those North Dakota shirts sucked I would put a big eagle on it or something cool.

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I thought those North Dakota shirts sucked I would put a big eagle on it or something cool.

I'll retire my Sioux Gear but I will not wear a logo or name again. I'll show up to the games wearing black or green. (I spill too much on myself to wear white.) If the kids want something with the new logo on it that's fine. They can build up their own identity.

The only exception that that rule is I'll probably go ahead and purchase the championship hats as we go forward.

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I voted with try for three years, but in actuality, I can see only two years or so. If nothing happens after two years, we have to get our poop in a group and start working towards a change.

My 8 year old happened to catch the news last night, and was dumbfounded about why "the Native Americans don't like the Fighting Sioux name." I told him, objectively as possible, that some Native Americans don't think it is nice to them, and they think the name and logo make fun of them. His response was, "Dad... it's a nice picture. It's not making fun of them." Innocent, truthful words that will remain unheard, I'm afraid.

Who knows what will happen over the course of a couple of years. I would guess Spirit Lake might give the okay, while Standing Rock will not. I am surpised at one thing: In various interviews with Native Americans, I saw that one wish is to bring publicity to the tribe. If that is truly a goal of the tribes, I think UND can help there... bringing me to vote in this poll as I did.

On the flip side, another interview request I saw was to be given hockey game tickets. So that says, at least to me, these folks have something we want... and they can name the price. American economics at its finest.

I see a light at the end of the tunnel, but it just might be a freight train coming to run our asses over.

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I was out SOB hunting when I heard the news

I was really disappointed

I say it's time for Strinden to fade into the sunset (I don't want to hear from him again)

& Stenejem should give up on politics

The State board is weak & sad

The NCAA is Pathetic

I say ask both tribes one more time for a vote from all their members (To heck with their so called leaders) No bribes or political smoozing - We want to continue to Honor them, but we have had enough

If they want to be completely Soverign ..... so be it & Good Luck

I say do this ASAP - if they say yes it's over - No lets move on & Boycott their Casinos..........Go Fighting Calvary

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North Dakota = BLIZZARD

Picture this... The lights go dark at The Ralph an Alert Message starts scrolling Blizzard warning around the 360 video board . Sirens start blarring. Here's the University of North Dakota BLizzard!

Also paint the Zambonies like ND DOT snowplows. :lol:

DQ blizzards could be sold at the Ralph. yum butterfinger blizzard :lol:

I like the idea, and with the blizzard warning you could have a loud howling of the wind that could send shivers around the arena, plus i love DQ blizzards!!!!! :D

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