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the announcer on versus just referred to the Travis Zajac line as being out there at the beginning of a pp.

That line has been getting better chances than the EGG line tonight. Doesn't really matter which line is out there right now. Devils are playing like they're afraid of Ottawa. They have no edge to their game.

How come I don't overly relate a Roman Spartan as a Senator (Pic on the front of their Jersey's) ? ? ?

Huh? The Spartans were Greek and the image on the Ottawa Jersey is definitely that of a Roman. I agree that the image isn't that of a Roman Senator. The helmet suggests that he is a Centurion, but do you honestly think the team should have selected a fat guy in a toga and head wreath as their logo instead? :silly:


And Detroit will dismantle THAT winner.

Negative and Negative. Detroits isn't gettting past the ducks if they win their series.

Buffalo is the Bomb... :silly:


maybe LOU in NJ should just let a coach coach through a friken season instead of hving to have his mug in the spotlight every year now..........hire mike eaves or whomever and stick with him. it has to be a adjustment for the players. not saying this is why they lost at all. ottawa i believe will win the cup. they are dam good and took zpar, zajac and the rest of of pretty much every game.

oh well, just stafford to route for to win a ring!! even if he doesnt play much for now on he still can bring the cup back to the ralph!!

Ottawa is a jugernaut and they will continue to roll through their competition.

They are going to run into a buffalo buzz saw that is four lines deep. They will be under attack at all times.

If Neil touches one of the Buffalo Skilled players I predict a Blood Bath. Lindy will not put up with it.


There's no doubt that Ottawa is the team to beat, but... I would love to know how they'd fair against the Sabres because the Sabres, in my opinion, is the fastest team remaining in the playoffs.

Gosh I want the Wings to win, but I couldn't believe they won yesterday! In the first period (the part I watched anyways) it was all San Jose.


They are going to run into a buffalo buzz saw that is four lines deep. They will be under attack at all times.

If Neil touches one of the Buffalo Skilled players I predict a Blood Bath. Lindy will not put up with it.

I'll admit that I picked Ottawa to win it all last year and they let me down but this year they are firing on all cylinders. Goaltending hasn't let them down yet, Defensivley they are strong Preissing,Redden, Phillips and offensively they are Big, Strong and Fast.

Should be a good series.

I'll admit that I picked Ottawa to win it all last year and they let me down but this year they are firing on all cylinders. Goaltending hasn't let them down yet, Defensivley they are strong Preissing,Redden, Phillips and offensively they are Big, Strong and Fast.

Should be a good series.

Buffalo is going beat them with their speed. I would say that the Sabres are deep 3-4 lines, Ottawa has a great first line but drop off after that.

If Neil touches one of the Buffalo Skilled players I predict a Blood Bath.

Oh yeah!!

Lindy for sure will protect his skill players.

I like Buffalo from the east.

And who cares from the west.

Let's Go Buffalo!


Buffalo is going beat them with their speed. I would say that the Sabres are deep 3-4 lines, Ottawa has a great first line but drop off after that.

This assumes Ottawa can't contain their speed. I watched some of Buffalo's playoffs thus far and every time their speed has been contained, they've looked rather awful.

I hate to say this, but I wonder if Ottawa would employ the trap against Buffalo. It would effectively nullify their speed, slow down the game, and put everyone to sleep. However, it may be the only way to stop them right now.


Buffalo is going beat them with their speed. I would say that the Sabres are deep 3-4 lines, Ottawa has a great first line but drop off after that.

ahem...how about those Sens and their 4th line in last night's game....

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