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There are things in life that some faction will always disagree with.

Being a functioning part of a civil society is learning that:

(a) not everything will be to your satisfaction

(b) things you enjoy will be the bane of others

We all must live within this framework of satisfaction/dissatisfaction. It's what keeps the whole representative democracy, the great experiment of this country, functioning. It's what keeps us as a country from swinging radically one direction or another.

When enough hit the "dissatisfaction" point on an issue, then action and change occurs. Until then you must work, in a civil manner, to convince others to your point of view.

What we have now is a minority of a minority who are offended by something (see (b) above) and those same folks demanding that their will be imposed on others.

Seeing another's will imposed (think: totalitarianism, censorship, or any of the other great political evils) rammed onto anyone is a bane of my life.

Hence, Myles Brand and the NCAA. :blush:

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There are things in life that some faction will always disagree with.

Being a functioning part of a civil society is learning that:

(a) not everything will be to your satisfaction

(b) things you enjoy will be the bane of others

We all must live within this framework of satisfaction/dissatisfaction. It's what keeps the whole representative democracy, the great experiment of this country, functioning. It's what keeps us as a country from swinging radically one direction or another.

When enough hit the "dissatisfaction" point on an issue, then action and change occurs. Until then you must work, in a civil manner, to convince others to your point of view.

What we have now is a minority of a minority who are offended by something (see (b) above) and those same folks demanding that their will be imposed on others.

Seeing another's will imposed (think: totalitarianism, censorship, or any of the other great political evils) rammed onto anyone is a bane of my life.

Very well put, Sic.

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Unless Jim Dahl (the mod) has anything different to say about this, I believe it has been proven that it was Gary LaPointe. Whether you believe it or not, Sioux-cia isn't one to lie about such things.
I'm comfortable stating that I caught the user who goes by "GrahamKracker" trying to guess other member's passwords and successfully logging into at least one other user's account to fabricate racist posts. GrahamKracker had identified himself to me and others as Mr. LaPointe numerous times before that incident, and additional evidence suggests that self-identification was correct.

I'm repeating myself, but people continue to refer to the incident as the "hack", whereas I think its noteworthy attribute was the "fabrication of racism". Perhaps the most outspoken critic of the Sioux name was caught red-handed fabricating the incidents of racism he decries. While I was quick to dismiss such conspiracy theories before, in that there are indisputably racist people at UND as everywhere, now I sure wonder every time he conveniently stumbles on a new racist sign, blog, or t-shirt. :blush:

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This bears repeating (with some emphasis added):

I'm repeating myself, but people continue to refer to the incident as the "hack", whereas I think its noteworthy attribute was the "fabrication of racism". Perhaps the most outspoken critic of the Sioux name was caught red-handed fabricating the incidents of racism he decries. While I was quick to dismiss such conspiracy theories before, in that there are indisputably racist people at UND as everywhere, now I sure wonder every time he conveniently stumbles on a new racist sign, blog, or t-shirt. :blush:
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I might add that if the person posting comments on the Dakota Student Web site as "g lapointe" really is Gary LaPointe, his claim that Sioux-cia or I tapped into his unsecured wireless network to post the racist comments here is nothing more than an outrageous lie.

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I might add that if the person posting comments on the Dakota Student Web site as "g lapointe" really is Gary LaPointe, his claim that Sioux-cia or I tapped into his unsecured wireless network to post the racist comments here is nothing more than an outrageous lie.

Let's see Mr. Gary Lapointe prove that one irrefutably. If not, that is slander.

Mr. Jim Dahl can prove his statements with computer records.

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I might add that if the person posting comments on the Dakota Student Web site as "g lapointe" really is Gary LaPointe, his claim that Sioux-cia or I tapped into his unsecured wireless network to post the racist comments here is nothing more than an outrageous lie.

Sue the bastard. I'd also suggest the same for anybody whose account was hacked. "ID Theft", which hacking can be, is a criminal offense, at the state and federal levels, even if the do-nothing 'tards in the UND or GF police department won't investigate, I'm sure the FBI or AG would.

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Sue the bastard. I'd also suggest the same for anybody whose account was hacked. "ID Theft", which hacking can be, is a criminal offense, at the state and federal levels, even if the do-nothing 'tards in the UND or GF police department won't investigate, I'm sure the FBI or AG would.

North Dakota Century Code

12.1-06.1-08. Computer fraud - Computer crime - Classification - Penalty.

1. A person commits computer fraud by gaining or attempting to gain access to,

altering, damaging, modifying, copying, disclosing, taking possession of, or

destroying any computer, computer system, computer network, or any part of the

computer, system, or network, without authorization, and with the intent to devise or

execute any scheme or artifice to defraud, deceive, prevent the authorized use of, or

control property or services by means of false or fraudulent pretenses,

representations, or promises. A person who commits computer fraud is guilty of a

class C felony.

2. A person commits computer crime by intentionally and either in excess of

authorization given or without authorization gaining or attempting to gain access to,

altering, damaging, modifying, copying, disclosing, taking possession of, introducing

a computer contaminant into, destroying, or preventing the authorized use of any

computer, computer system, or computer network, or any computer software,

program, or data contained in the computer, computer system, or computer network.

A person who commits computer crime is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.

3. In addition to any other remedy available, the owner or lessee of a computer,

computer system, computer network, or any part of the computer, computer system,

or computer network may bring a civil action for damages, restitution, and attorney's

fees for damages incurred as a result of the violation of this section.

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I'm comfortable stating that I caught the user who goes by "GrahamKracker" trying to guess other member's passwords and successfully logging into at least one other user's account to fabricate racist posts.

I did receive a PM from SiouxSports that someone had tried to access my account around the same time that all of this was going on. Thankfully my password, bluecheese90210, is hard to figure out.

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I did receive a PM from SiouxSports that someone had tried to access my account around the same time that all of this was going on. Thankfully my password, bluecheese90210, is hard to figure out.

Thanks for the perfect way to end the day! I laughed so loud I think I scared the people who were in the hall outside my office! :blush::huh:

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All I heard was the lady answering phone calls say that the money for the defense could be wiser spent on something else. :blush:

I sold a pile of junk at my garage sale this summer, that I never thought anyone would buy.......and people thought some of it was the greatest thing that they had ever found in their lives. To each their own.

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Did anyone else hear the "put that in your pipe and smoke it" caller?

You know, I have to agree with Jim Dahl. Everytime I hear someone saying something like that, I now think that it is a member of the anti-nickname crowd trying to fabricate evidence for their cause.

My parents taught us a lot of things, but the most important one was- don't ever tell lies, because if you do and you get caught, whoever catches you will never believe you again. What do you have, if you don't have trust?

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Dakota Huseby is the talk show host and supports him for doing what he felt in his heart, but then again not many people agree with Dakota. She drives me nuts.

This is how dumb she is: She said the money being spent on the lawsuit should be put to better use like lowering tuition. Someone called in and said the money is being donated by alumni not UND or the state. She said she knew that. So I don't understand what she did't understand about the whole thing. The caller said hey if you can get alumni to donate money so students can have free tuition, more power to you. She's a few sandwiches short of a picnic

Someone just called in and said he has not left Grand Forks because his wife is still a student at UND.

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Dakota Huseby is the talk show host and supports him for doing what he felt in his heart, but then again not many people agree with Dakota. She drives me nuts.

I would think her name is offensive to some people. I think she should change "Dakota" to "Beige" ... something that won't upset too many people, and would create a nice boring feeling ... and not cause a poor UND prof to spit up his chai onto his Birkenstocks. :blush:

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I truly hate Dakota Huseby. She is the biggest whiner ever. She is just so irritating. I don't know what it is about her, but she just irritates me so much. I would just like to punch her right in the face. She likes to pretend she is this all knowing person, but in actuality she's a complete buffoon who wouldn't know her arse from her elbow if you drew her a map on her eyelids. How this ignorant schmuck has a talk show is beyond me. She is without a shadow of a doubt the single stupidest person in the history of the world and we would be all better off if she moved to Antarctica and mated with a penguin.

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and Diggler is right...if there's something to bitch about, she'll do it! Think about it...what makes talk radio work...MAKING THE PHONES RING!!! She's just working her gig...she really doesn't give a crap about who's being unfair to whom...she just cares if the phone rings and she can fill 3 hours on the radio!

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