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Media Stories on the Sioux Name


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Wow- Hope is still alive! We'll have to see how this plays out.

I really appreciate the people on both reservations who have stuck their neck out on this issue. They certainly don't have to do it, but I sense they're as passionate about retaining the name as we are.

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That was a great article. boy am I mad at the herald for writing that story it's way to pro nickname, I mean everything was slanted to Mr. Fool Bear, they are always doing that. :D:D

This article presented both sides:

Liz Luger, one of the UND Indian students featured in Sunday
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Actually I'm of the opinion that I'm rarely, if ever, right. My whole point is whether an article has quotes from the other side or doesn't, it really doesn't bother me, as apparently it does some. I have to believe that I have at least some rudimentry ability to decipher what is going on in an article. I can derive a few concerns from some of the things listed in the previous article (the one in sundays herald) , but at the same time realize that it was only one half of the story, is all I'm saying. I'm not drinking all the kool aid, far from it, but deriving just a few particular pieces from it. :D --- And yes I'm quite aware that today's story had both sides, that's why I used the emoticons on my previous post. it's a little sarcasm

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It almost appears as if the Tribal Council is going to let the Standing Rock Tribe vote... They keep kicking the can down the road.

There are some that don't want a vote because it will shoots holes in the Anti-Name people argument. That is why some are stone walling.

If they have vote on the Standing Rock Tribe and they vote to approved UND's use of the Fighting Sioux name much like the vote in Spirit Lake it basically proves that ANTI-Fighting Sioux crowd like Ron His Horse is Thunder are wrong.

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Actually I'm of the opinion that I'm rarely, if ever, right. My whole point is whether an article has quotes from the other side or doesn't, it really doesn't bother me, as apparently it does some. I have to believe that I have at least some rudimentry ability to decipher what is going on in an article. I can derive a few concerns from some of the things listed in the previous article (the one in sundays herald) , but at the same time realize that it was only one half of the story, is all I'm saying. I'm not drinking all the kool aid, far from it, but deriving just a few particular pieces from it. :D --- And yes I'm quite aware that today's story had both sides, that's why I used the emoticons on my previous post. it's a little sarcasm

I misunderstood you last post then. my apologies.

I do although disagree with you that the article written about the NA's experiences at UND was appropriate.

The article suggests to the reader that these peoples experiences are the norm at UND and I'm very confident that they are not.

Including an alternative opinion is a critical component in presenting a condition that has two sides.

Through specific quotes the article gave the message that any Sioux NAs that supported the name only did so because that individual had not been a UND student.

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Mascot Bill Cannot Override Free Speech

I believe this is a letter to the editor in regards to the article mention in the post above mine.

In the mid-1990s the Native American Student Staff and Faculty for Progress formed and wanted to eliminate the mascot of the University of Illinois. They wrote the federal Office of Civil Rights and the United States Department of Education requesting decertification because a majority of the university students and alumni voted to keep the American Indian mascot.

The request was refused. The Department of Education reply included this:

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And sad!

So does this include, Vikings, Irish, Warriors, Spartans, Trojans... There is a lot that fits under race, isn't there?

This seems like one step closer to UND Green v. UMN Gold. Don't want to offend the little buck toothed fellas. DOn't they have it hard enough? We are taking their natural habitat in urban sprawl and jepordizing their exsistance. NDSU Yellow seems right too as we nearly killed off the Buffalo with our settling.

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This is an email received by students from President Kelley today in regards to the nickname. Not a lot of new information, but I thought some of you might like to read it.

Statement by UND President Robert O. Kelley on Nickname/Logo Transition

May 6, 2010

Good afternoon.

Today, I want to provide you with an update on the issue of the UND nickname and logo.

First, though, I want to state that, as the Spring semester draws to a close, the University of North Dakota continues to focus on its core mission

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A third Task Group has not yet been appointed. This one we are calling the New Directions Task Group, which, when and, I might add, if activated, will help us think through the process of selecting a new name and logo for the university.

So you're saying there's still a chance...

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There were 2 encouraging things in that letter.

mikejm, you got #1. That's a very interesting "IF".

#2. It seems as if they are not going to hide from the Sioux nickname. This tells me that, unlike the censorship at SCSU, they won't be putting photos over the old logos on banners, hanging jerseys, other old photos documenting Sioux athletic history. (For those that don't know what I am referring to, somewhere in the Concrete Center there is a photo of an old SCSU hockey player in his Chicago Blackhawk's gear. And they have pasted a photo of something, perhaps the SCSU logo, over the Blackhawk logo on his jersey).

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So does this include, Vikings, Irish, Warriors, Spartans, Trojans... There is a lot that fits under race, isn't there?

This seems like one step closer to UND Green v. UMN Gold. Don't want to offend the little buck toothed fellas. DOn't they have it hard enough? We are taking their natural habitat in urban sprawl and jepordizing their exsistance. NDSU Yellow seems right too as we nearly killed off the Buffalo with our settling.

The interesting aspect of this is that it may also apply to the U of Wisc if taken literally. The badgers don't refer to an animal but to individuals in Wisconsin so if the law is taken literally, then Wisc should be forced to change its nickname as well. Won't happen but somebody is sure to push it.

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