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What do you think of the logo now??


Fighting Hawks logo  

316 members have voted

  1. 1. Now that the dust has settled, what is your grade for the new Fighting Hawks logo now?

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5 minutes ago, iluvdebbies said:

Move on from those who haven't moved on. Your constant preaching doesn't seem to be swaying them over to the new nickname. Eventually most will come to terms with the new name/logo.


***Not directed at anyone, but everyone.***

True stewards of the University have a problem with being patient.  They have watched the irrevocable harm done to UND over the years, and want to move forward, united, for the sake of this great University.  

I agree it will take time, but watching the in-fighting and the negative effects of the debate is hard to watch from the sidelines.

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18 minutes ago, iluvdebbies said:

Move on from those who haven't moved on. Your constant preaching doesn't seem to be swaying them over to the new nickname. Eventually most will come to terms with the new name/logo.


***Not directed at anyone, but everyone.***

The multiple "Sioux Forever" chants at every UND hockey game need to stop. Wear whatever you want, especially since they are still selling merchandise with the old logos, but realize that the name and logo are gone and not coming back and deal with it. There isn't a single student-athlete left who played under that name or logo.

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10 minutes ago, CMSioux said:

I believe if the process wouldn't have been a three ring circus we would not be called the Fighting Hawks. Although there is little research or experience from other universities on what would have been a correct process there is now research/experience on how not to do it thanks to UND. I am one that accepts the change to Fighting Hawks because it was time, but I was a Fighting Sioux as a student and that won't change. Also I have plenty of Fighting Sioux gear I intend to keep wearing to every game I attend I highly doubt anyone of merit will ever say anything to me about it.  

The process could have been flawless.  UND could have chosen a great unique name and developed an even better logo, and there would still almost as many people upset with the process.  We ALL can agree that the entire process of retiring the Fighting Sioux name and coming up with a replacement was a cluster $&#% from the beginning.  From bills in the ND state legislature, to lawsuits, to settlements, to tribal votes, to no tribal votes,  to measures on the ballot, to committees, to dropping the "no nickname option" to the final 5 tom be voted on to selecting a new logo.  If you want to write a book on how not to go through a nickname and logo change at a University, This process could be the standard showing that.  

All the resistance, hatred and unaccepting attitude for the Fighting Hawks name and logo can all be narrowed down to one thing.  And that is the NCAA telling UND that they had to retire the Fighting Sioux name. 

You can classify all this animosity toward the Fighting Hawks name/logo as misplaced rage.  People are angry that UND had to change its nickname.  Everyone was.  We all were united on that fight that this was ridiculous and the NCAA was overstepping their bounds.  Once the settlement was signed and the time passed to get tribal approval, people had to direct their anger towards someone else other than the NCAA.  Eventually that became the one thing that represented and reminded people that we were not the Fighting Sioux anymore, the Fighting Hawks name and logo.  Like I said, it didn't matter what the name or logo was.  God himself could have come up with it and people would still resist it.  

We are were all one angry about the Fighting Sioux nickname being forced to be retired.  Some of us have realized that staying angry about that issue and resisting change, in the grand scheme of things, just wasn't worth fighting anymore.  Not that we gave up, we just accepted reality and moved on with the new name and logo.  And you know what, it didn't kill us.  Our school pride and our love for UND athletics wasn't any less. 

We are all fans of UND athletics.  We all have gone through the same emotions regarding the nickname throughout this entire process.  Anger, resentment and resistance to the Fighting Hawks name/logo is not going to unite us as a fanbase.  It is only going to divide us.  Let us all come together and support the University of North Dakota Fighting Hawks.  



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I personally believe that if RR or Nodaks would have been chosen, acceptance would not be great but would be better than FH.  The committee was at fault for putting FH on the ballet knowing that 40 some other schools retired NA names and went to some form of hawk.  I recall that FH was only submitted once in the popular name suggestions.  They were directed to forward names that were unique and resonated pride for UND. 

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1 hour ago, iluvdebbies said:

Move on from those who haven't moved on. Your constant preaching doesn't seem to be swaying them over to the new nickname. Eventually most will come to terms with the new name/logo.


***Not directed at anyone, but everyone.***


51 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

The multiple "Sioux Forever" chants at every UND hockey game need to stop. Wear whatever you want, especially since they are still selling merchandise with the old logos, but realize that the name and logo are gone and not coming back and deal with it. There isn't a single student-athlete left who played under that name or logo.

jdub...................................so your post here is in response to the one on top but obviously the ***everyone*** part doesn't include you.  "chants........need to stop", "realize that the name and logo are gone" and "deal with it". 

Guess the constant preaching part wasn't directed towards you...........or you didn't feel it was.


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2 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:


jdub...................................so your post here is in response to the one on top but obviously the ***everyone*** part doesn't include you.  "chants........need to stop", "realize that the name and logo are gone" and "deal with it". 

Guess the constant preaching wasn't directed towards you.


One specific chant needs to stop. It's embarrassing whether people realize or not. Get rid of that and the criticism of those who won't move on will die down. 

Don't care about the rest of it but the name and logo are gone and not coming back, correct? I'm not getting rid of any of my Sioux stuff, still wear/display it and don't think anyone else should either. But I can accept its now a historical item and in fact it is not "Sioux Forever". 

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5 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

Embarrassing how? Since you're excluded from the "preaching" part of this discussion please enlighten me/us. I don't chime in on that chant but in no way find it embarrassing.

It's embarrassing.  And it is dividing our fanbase.  There are people that are trying to accept the Fighting Hawks name and move on past a decade long debate, and there are people who want to continue the debate and refuse to accept reality.  It's time.  One side is right, the other side is wrong.  Doesn't take a genius to figure out which one is which.

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1 minute ago, Oxbow6 said:

Ummmmmmmm.....ok.  I guess I don't see the issue. Some fans are still passionate about the legacy and history of the Sioux name over decades. I get that. If it offends you find a safe space. I'm not a "SF" guy. Loved the old nickname and logo and I grew up with it but it's gone. I have accepted that. I don't like the new logo or nickname, personally I think it's garbage but I don't shame everyone or anyone I come in contact with that wears the new gear just because I don't care for it. You just keep preaching here, along with others, on how some are "wrong" and you all are "right".  That tactic seems to be working well. :huh:

I think I might have to start calling the :Sioux Forever" crowd " Nickname Justice Warrior."  They remind me of all the idiots out there protesting their causes and ignore truth and the facts and think that their social issue is worth destroying property and marching for.  Not saying that is happening here, but the mindset is the same.  We lost the Sioux name.  Quit your bitchy little cryfest "sioux forever" chants and your constant hatred toward and thing Fighting Hawks and get freakin over yourself!!!  The fact that you are still fighting this issue doesn't make you a better person or more of a Fighting Sioux fan.  It makes you look like a toddler who didn't get to keep their lolipop after mommy took it away and continues to cry about it 10 years later!!

End rant  

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This is coming from a guy that loves the Sioux nickname and still wears Sioux gear and will always love it, but I have new Hawk gear also and love it the same. That said, the time has come for our sports teams to all play under one united banner for the good of the university.  The football, volleyball and both basketball teams embraced it and had great success.  The powers that be in the hockey program need to move forward and do the same.  Put it on the uniforms, on the ice and on the outside of the arena. Leave the Sioux logo anywhere it is integrated into the building or has historical significance as a continuing reminder of our great past, but it is clearly time to move forward and end the great divide and it must begin with leadership at the Ralph.

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1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

Embarrassing how? Since you're excluded from the "preaching" part of this discussion please enlighten me/us. I don't chime in on that chant but in no way find it embarrassing. 

BTW so I know for sure......are you an employee of the university?

Because it has nothing to do with the team on the ice and everything to do with people not being able to accept change of a logo/name that has changed multiple times since UND was started.

Absolutely not.

The good news is we can now move on to something we'll agree on, confirmation already swirling on twitter and will be confirmed at 3:30.


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