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Murder in Grand Forks (6/24/2014)


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Lutheran Social Services is the main sponsor of Somali refugees. Its kind of a racket because the more they sponsor, the more the government funds LSS.

They should be sponsoring more Ethiopian and South Sudanese. At least they are Christian and don't want to overthrow the government and have its people submit to Sharia law.

You really think Somali refugees are in any position to overthrow the government? That is pure paranoia. The refugees you so casually throw under the bus are here to get away from the Islamic militias that are trying to take over; they are on our side, not theirs. And having a religious litmus test for refugees is deeply offensive to what America is supposed to be about.

We Americans need to stop whining about taxes and appreciate the fact we live in the greatest country on earth. And we need to help those less fortunate who want what we have. Anything less is not the America I was raised to believe in.

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You really think Somali refugees are in any position to overthrow the government? That is pure paranoia. The refugees you so casually throw under the bus are here to get away from the Islamic militias that are trying to take over; they are on our side, not theirs. And having a religious litmus test for refugees is deeply offensive to what America is supposed to be about.

We Americans need to stop whining about taxes and appreciate the fact we live in the greatest country on earth. And we need to help those less fortunate who want what we have. Anything less is not the America I was raised to believe in.


Do you ever read or watch serious news?


Sharia Law is deeply offensive to any western democracy. Sharia is the problem, but libs pretend its not.

And this has nothing to do with the murder in GF.

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You really think Somali refugees are in any position to overthrow the government? That is pure paranoia. The refugees you so casually throw under the bus are here to get away from the Islamic militias that are trying to take over; they are on our side, not theirs. And having a religious litmus test for refugees is deeply offensive to what America is supposed to be about.

We Americans need to stop whining about taxes and appreciate the fact we live in the greatest country on earth. And we need to help those less fortunate who want what we have. Anything less is not the America I was raised to believe in.

Spoken like someone that doesn't pay taxes!
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Because their homeland is lawless and war-torn and the Somalians want their children to have a chance at a decent life. As to how they get here, I believe there are some non-profit charities that work to get them in the United States and get them on their feet once they settle here.

I don't believe they are coming directly from Somalian. I am fairly certain, in most cases, they are coming from larger cities (Minneapolis, Chicago, etc) looking to start businesses or simply looking for work. They hear the ND economy is booming and they start flocking.

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We Americans need to stop whining about taxes and appreciate the fact we live in the greatest country on earth. And we need to help those less fortunate who want what we have. Anything less is not the America I was raised to believe in.

Personally, I am sick and tired of paying excessively high taxes and it's not the USA's job to take care of everyone else.

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Lutheran Social Services is the main sponsor of Somali refugees. Its kind of a racket because the more they sponsor, the more the government funds LSS.

They should be sponsoring more Ethiopian and South Sudanese. At least they are Christian and don't want to overthrow the government and have its people submit to Sharia law.

Nothing to argue with here. Spot on...but wait Muslims and their religion promote only love and peace. Except when beheadings and mass executions are warranted.............

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We Americans need to stop whining about taxes and appreciate the fact we live in the greatest country on earth. And we need to help those less fortunate who want what we have. Anything less is not the America I was raised to believe in.

Excuse me? Nobody offered my Italian great-grandparents any "help" when they came to America from Italy. Nobody offered them Section 8 housing, welfare benefits, food stamps, and interpreters for school conferences. Their children, including my grandparents, were slapped on the hand for speaking Italian in the home. They were in America now - and they needed to learn English and adapt to the new culture here. My grandpa busted his butt for a good life here - nobody handed them a damn thing.

Flash forward a couple of generations. Now it's "welcome to America, here's your housing, here's food, here's clothing, here's the map to the local welfare office, here's an interpreter to assist you. Feel free to over-run the community you live in and bitch about America all you want. Enjoy!".

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Excuse me? Nobody offered my Italian great-grandparents any "help" when they came to America from Italy. Nobody offered them Section 8 housing, welfare benefits, foodod stamps, and interpreters for school conferences. Their children, including my grandparents, were slapped on the hand for speaking Italian in the home. They were in America now - and they needed to learn English and adapt to the new culture here. My grandpa busted his butt for a good life here - nobody handed them a damn thing.

Flash forward a couple of generations. Now it's "welcome to America, here's your housing, here's food, here's clothing, here's the map to the local welfare office, here's an interpreter to assist you. Feel free to over-run the community you live in and bitch about America all you want. Enjoy!".

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess you don't have a picture of Harry Reid tattooed to your calf.

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Excuse me? Nobody offered my Italian great-grandparents any "help" when they came to America from Italy. Nobody offered them Section 8 housing, welfare benefits, food stamps, and interpreters for school conferences. Their children, including my grandparents, were slapped on the hand for speaking Italian in the home. They were in America now - and they needed to learn English and adapt to the new culture here. My grandpa busted his butt for a good life here - nobody handed them a damn thing.

Flash forward a couple of generations. Now it's "welcome to America, here's your housing, here's food, here's clothing, here's the map to the local welfare office, here's an interpreter to assist you. Feel free to over-run the community you live in and bitch about America all you want. Enjoy!".

Exactly - also the immigrants back then had to have a sponsor who was responsible for them plus they had to pass a physical.
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Excuse me? Nobody offered my Italian great-grandparents any "help" when they came to America from Italy. Nobody offered them Section 8 housing, welfare benefits, food stamps, and interpreters for school conferences. Their children, including my grandparents, were slapped on the hand for speaking Italian in the home. They were in America now - and they needed to learn English and adapt to the new culture here. My grandpa busted his butt for a good life here - nobody handed them a damn thing.

Flash forward a couple of generations. Now it's "welcome to America, here's your housing, here's food, here's clothing, here's the map to the local welfare office, here's an interpreter to assist you. Feel free to over-run the community you live in and bitch about America all you want. Enjoy!".

Okay, then let's just build a big wall around America, right after we hunt down and deport all 11 million illegal aliens in America right now. You'll find most of them picking veggies out of the fields of California's Central Valley. And then I'll watch you and everyone else here whine and moan and complain about having to pay the bar tab to do it. And it will be a big bar tab, I can assure you. But if you want it, you better be able to pay for it.

A lot of people volunteer their time to teach these people English and help them assimilate into the community. I used to work with one of them, she has since moved on. A lot of charities and churches do similar work with these and other less fortunate people. It isn't all "big gummint". So you should just get off your moral high horse about this topic because you don't know what you are talking about.

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A lot of people volunteer their time to teach these people English and help them assimilate into the community. I used to work with one of them, she has since moved on. A lot of charities and churches do similar work with these and other less fortunate people. It isn't all "big gummint". So you should just get off your moral high horse about this topic because you don't know what you are talking about.

Perfect. Let people volunteer to help these people but don't force us to pay higher taxes to provide them with an "American Dream" they don't have to work for.

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Okay, then let's just build a big wall around America, right after we hunt down and deport all 11 million illegal aliens in America right now. You'll find most of them picking veggies out of the fields of California's Central Valley...

Wrong, gong, there are many of them working in the Bakken.

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As someone that has also worked in a position that directly deals with this area, I can say fightingsioux4life being naive. Lutheran Social Services gets funded based in part by how many of these immigrants they can bring over. Little concern is given to criminal pasts/backgrounds because in part many of the people come from places where backgrounds are next to impossible. Lutheran Social Services does help initially but then shortly dumps them off onto county social services. Heating assistance, housing assistance, etc is all in play. I have personally observed people from relatively good situations still collecting rent assistance 8-9 years after they settled. Yes it is true that not 100% of immigrants follow this pattern but it is the vast majority. I am not even going to sit here and pretend to say it is 100% right or wrong what happens, but rest assured, this is what is happening.

I want to be clear, that this refers to the immigrants that LSS more often than not targets from "disadvantaged" areas. Yes everyone was once an immigrant, how hard they worked and how well they behaved is what distinguishes them.

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Hey fs4l, do you have any clue what Mexico does with its "immigrants" from Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, etc...?

The freight train that runs to the heart of Mexico's 'Drugs War': Riding 'La Bestia' to freedom or death

This is what happens in Mexico to the people that ride the La Bestia

In an incident that occurred in early December, more than 100 Central American migrants were assaulted as they travelled atop of a cargo train from Chiapas to Ciudad Ixtepec (Oaxaca) in Mexico. The attack took place around 3:30 a.m. when the train stopped in order to clear wood that was obstructing the tracks. At that time, witnesses say that approximately 10 people armed with guns and machetes boarded the train. The assailants insulted and beat the victims until they descended from the cars and then proceeded to rob the migrants of all their possessions. (See more at):
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I don't believe they are coming directly from Somalian. I am fairly certain, in most cases, they are coming from larger cities (Minneapolis, Chicago, etc) looking to start businesses or simply looking for work. They hear the ND economy is booming and they start flocking.

Large group was transplanted to Faribault MN. Govt paid the city on some deal. The people dont speak our language. They have no marketable skills. They are on the govt dole. Drive downtown during the day. You see them standing in door ways talking on there cell phones etc. Pretty expensive warm and fuzzy when the govt wont take of its veterans. The US cant save the world.

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