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This group of seniors has so much talent but they have not learned or improved on their chemistry or team play one bit since their freshmen year. At this point I would say this is all coaching that nobody has improved and its all about them getting their points and missing wide open players. A major shake in this lineup is needed. Its getting hard to watch and a shame this keeps happening.

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Completely outmatched down low tonight. I have never seen a team with worse luck in regards to injuries. Not an excuse either. If we can't find a post to step up, either Calcuterra or Salmonson or Traylor once they get back, we are in trouble come league play.

Miss Brekke dearly.

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This group of seniors has so much talent but they have not learned or improved on their chemistry or team play one bit since their freshmen year. At this point I would say this is all coaching that nobody has improved and its all about them getting their points and missing wide open players. A major shake in this lineup is needed. Its getting hard to watch and a shame this keeps happening.


Very selfish play and we very seldom, if ever, make the extra pass to the open player. The guards are quick, but when the defense collapses, they should be looking to kick it out to the open player. There were several opportunities to do so today, but is only recall one time where it happened. Webb found an open Schuler...who ended up missing.

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We have key players playing out of position badly. We have guards playing the 4 and all that is happening is they are getting hurt. Schuler is getting beat up and he is a natural 2 that kicked *ss his freshman year and since he has played the 4. He is one that should be at the 2 and let him shoot. We have also a shooter in Stefen that hardly played tonight. Jones obviously thinks he can just out run and out jump everybody without bringing in guys that can take teams out of the zones with shooters. We are in deep trouble with the lack of any post presence and it doesn't look like it will get any better. Teams will dump it down low and zone us. This is so frustrating.

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This team isn't goinv anywhere without some decent post defense. The jacks looked like a team that came in with a gameplan and they executed it. We looked like 5 guys who showed up for open gym. We have 4 seniors that have spent their entire careers together but they play like they just met each other last week. Jones' offense is terrible. And how many turnovers did they have coming out of a timeout? At least 2' maybe 3. Seems like this team always gets better as the season goes along, but this is frustrating......

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