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student section football traditions


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I am one student that is ready to finally make some noise. I was wondering what the section does at this point. I know when I was there growing up I heard the it's third down and get on your feet for another sioux kick off. That was back in 2002. Has there been any real traditions made though. I would love to get some real traditions going. If hockey can why can't football, basketball, and volleyball?

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Biggest one is standing and banging on the seat in front of you for third downs or other big plays on defense. A few died or are slowly dying with the nickname. Most notably raising your left hand after first downs them switching hands and yelling Sioux with the PA announcer similar to when the hockey team comes on the ice.

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I wish the student section could get back to the days of when the Alerus first opened. Those first couple of years were unbelievable!! A lot of it could be attributed to team success I suppose, but still would be nice to get that type of excitement about football around here. One tradition that should be at every school is supporting your athletic teams, especially football. It's the fall and the students are all back. They should be excited to watch some UND sports.

Getting back to traditions, standing up and yelling on third down has been one of the ones that has been around for awhile. I am hoping that an increase in students at the game will create more traditions. First step, getting students to show up.

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Does anyone know how we would get an end of the Third quarter dance going. I plan on doing it on my own, but in less there is a song I don't see many others joining in. I also attended alot of volleyball games at my junior college, and we always sung a phrase of a song when we earned a point.

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I wish the student section could get back to the days of when the Alerus first opened. Those first couple of years were unbelievable!! A lot of it could be attributed to team success I suppose, but still would be nice to get that type of excitement about football around here. One tradition that should be at every school is supporting your athletic teams, especially football. It's the fall and the students are all back. They should be excited to watch some UND sports.

Getting back to traditions, standing up and yelling on third down has been one of the ones that has been around for awhile. I am hoping that an increase in students at the game will create more traditions. First step, getting students to show up.

First step is winning games. Although I love our schedule this year, should things go poorly (blowouts by the bad guys) in those games against SDSU, UM, and MSU it could kill attendance for a long time. The team and the coaches need to put a product on the field that people want to watch. I'd love to see some dances/chants by the student section this year. It makes it more fun for those students which keeps them coming back to games.

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I wish the student section could get back to the days of when the Alerus first opened. Those first couple of years were unbelievable!! A lot of it could be attributed to team success I suppose, but still would be nice to get that type of excitement about football around here. One tradition that should be at every school is supporting your athletic teams, especially football. It's the fall and the students are all back. They should be excited to watch some UND sports.

Getting back to traditions, standing up and yelling on third down has been one of the ones that has been around for awhile. I am hoping that an increase in students at the game will create more traditions. First step, getting students to show up.

Call me crazy but how bout being loud on 1st 2nd an 3rd down? A first down chant? A TD chant? Something on kickoffs? There are lots of easy things that students could do to make the games more fun for everyone.

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Does anyone know how we would get an end of the Third quarter dance going. I plan on doing it on my own, but in less there is a song I don't see many others joining in. I also attended alot of volleyball games at my junior college, and we always sung a phrase of a song when we earned a point.

1) Find a song

2) Find a group of people willing to do it (other students, band members, etc)

3) Hopefully watch it grow.

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1) Improve the entrance song and entrance video to get the students and general crowd into it more (like Enter Sandman by Metallica, which gives everyone goose bumps of excitement when the team enters the field).

2) Students should be prompted to make noise THE ENTIRE TIME the defense is on the field, not only on the third downs. REAL home field advantages come from fields where the crowds do that.

3) Saved the best for last, WIN!!

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I applied to be a yell leader, but was not choosen. Does anyone know if they have an office I could make suggestions to them at I think this is the perfect year to change things around. Coming back after 10 years I am so ready to change things up. I have watched games online and listened to them on the radio.

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I'm of the philosophy when the other team has the ball, it should be 3 downs of hell. Each down louder than the next. We have an enclosed building where sound has no where to go. I hope our students and all of our fans would make a game of it-- being so loud that it's nearly impossible for the opposing team to audible or check down. UC Davis in the national semis, was a perfect example of a team that could not overcome the product on the field along with great support from the fans.

I'm encouraged by the initiative of getting yell leaders. Now if we can just get everyone's noses out of their cell phones at the same time... If you ask me what I notice the most when I go to sporting events compared to 10-15 years ago, is how much time is spent gazing at our phones at the game. That along with winning has had an effect on how fans behave.

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I applied to be a yell leader, but was not choosen. Does anyone know if they have an office I could make suggestions to them at I think this is the perfect year to change things around. Coming back after 10 years I am so ready to change things up. I have watched games online and listened to them on the radio.

I can tell you that my freshman year at NDSU they tried getting us to do some new cheers and stuff. Failed miserably.

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I can tell you that my freshman year at NDSU they tried getting us to do some new cheers and stuff. Failed miserably.

Saw a story on tv about their "yell leader" program a while back. That seems to have been a success.
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Jumping in here. NoDak Nation (official student group) is "running" the yell leaders this year. As referenced earlier in the thread, our first goal within UND Athletics is to get the students there. Last year was a good start (student attendance up 26.6% to be exact), but it's just that, a start. In regards to cheers/traditions - it is my view that tradition cannot be forced, only encouraged. We are trying to set things up in a way that allows new traditions, or the bringing back of old traditions to be organic and from the students/team.

For students who are in this thread/on this site (108498, SWSioux MN, etc.) and others who may be reading, I encourage you to get ahold of me via email (David.Primus@athletics.UND.edu) and I can put you in touch with the yell leaders for next year. I know they would love help from the "inside" of the student section to get cheers/yells/etc. going (they certainly won’t be able to do it by themselves) and no doubt they're open to ideas.

David Primus

UND Athletics

Director of Marketing

P.S. Football season ticket commercial started running today, will be posted to YouTube today/tomorrow as well. I encourage everyone to like/follow the teams on Facebook/Instagram and Twitter and help us pack the Alerus Center this Fall! Going to be a fun year!

This video was defiantly better than videos in years past but the music just isn't thumping enough or loud enough and the guy talking kind of takes away from it. It seems like more of a TV commercial. I like the old highlights in there and there should be some really good highlights to chose from last season. I'm not sure if you have any control over this but is there any way to crank the speakers for the intro and get some loud thumping music? I know the old fans won't like the music but they don't add much to the atmosphere anyway. And maybe some fire works for when the team storms out? Fog machine? Green strobe lights in the helmet? We could have an awesome intro. Just look at the hockey team's intros over the years. Loud intense and awesome every time. The students love that stuff.

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