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Bright side...Zane stopped 37 and 35 SOG this weekend.

Bad new...we gave 40 and 37 SOG this weekend.

Zane better be in net next Friday.

Berry better tighten up our D this week in practice.

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Weird too that MN was able to BLOW OUT such a "gritty, hard nosed, decent" team like BSU...ON THE ROAD.

But hey....they are a "very good" 5 win team. No reason at all we should expect to beat them AT HOME. :silly:

Would you f'in give it a rest?

It's history, let's worry about next week.

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~Didn't seem to have the jump this weekend other than a few guys. Did not watch, listened to TH. Sounds like they were lucky to get outta Kato with two points.

~Rocco has to be on the top unit. Whatever line he is on he makes better. Wish they could find the final piece to that Rowney-Parks unit.

~Zane was very good in the net. Gave them the goaltending they needed.

Its playoff time in college hockey.

OD played well. Put Rocco back to top line. Drake back on 2nd line and OD w Mac's. I know Connor sits but...

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Weird too that MN was able to BLOW OUT such a "gritty, hard nosed, decent" team like BSU...ON THE ROAD.

But hey....they are a "very good" 5 win team. No reason at all we should expect to beat them AT HOME. :silly:

Yes, we got it the first 19 times you mentioned it this weekend.

Thanks! :)

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Alright Sioux haters, come on out. Not a great performance. Had a lot on the line, didn't get the job done. Could have won a share of the cup. Yes the ties all season long hurt them in the long run.

I'm disappointed....hurts like hell. Not going to sugarcoat anything.

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Saw that it was in Bemidji tonight, strange decison to have it in Bemidji rather than Madison since St.Cloud was the only team with a chance to win the cup outright.

Looks like the loss tonight has dropped the Sioux to #7 in the pairwise for the time being, Very important to take care of Tech in just 2 next weekend.

I think that has everything to do with the fact that MN had it from last season and had a chance to keep it, so it stayed with the team? It was presented to the team by Lucia in the locker room so I bet MN just loaded it on the bus for their trip up to Bemidji. At some point they'll have to let SCSU have it for awhile.

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This. I think we will be fine. Better not look past next week to St. Paul though. Playoff hockey means anybody can beat you if you let them. Lets not let them.

The dreaded "hot goalie", I do like how we matchup with Tech and think we will be fine next weekend though.

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Alright Sioux haters, come on out. Not a great performance. Had a lot on the line, didn't get the job done. Could have won a share of the cup. Yes the ties all season long hurt them in the long run.

I'm disappointed....hurts like hell. Not going to sugarcoat anything.

I think you are confusing "haters" with hard-core fans that hate losing. There is a huge difference between those groups. If you want Sioux haters, just go to St. Paul in a couple of weeks. I always get a bunch of smart remarks from fans wearing urine-colored clothing who then run and hide in the crowd so you can't respond. Kind of like the urine-colored players on the ice!

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I think you are confusing "haters" with hard-core fans that hate losing. There is a huge difference between those groups. If you want Sioux haters, just go to St. Paul in a couple of weeks. I always get a bunch of smart remarks from fans wearing urine-colored clothing who then run and hide in the crowd so you can't respond. Kind of like the urine-colored players on the ice!


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I think you are confusing "haters" with hard-core fans that hate losing. There is a huge difference between those groups. If you want Sioux haters, just go to St. Paul in a couple of weeks. I always get a bunch of smart remarks from fans wearing urine-colored clothing who then run and hide in the crowd so you can't respond. Kind of like the urine-colored players on the ice!

I'm a hard-core fan that is one of the worst losers you'll ever find. I expect UND to win every game. I put way way way too much emotion in college hockey, and my wife won't talk to me when I watch games.

I've only missed the final five once in the last 11 years. In the middle of gopher fans for the Potulny game winner, and the Wheeler game winner. What gets me is when supposed fans of my favorite team CONSTANTLY rag on them. I question coaching decisions, I question certain guys ability to play for them. But in the end, I'll back them.

A poster said it best a few days ago....If this team is so disappointing to some, why follow them? I want to throw the TV out the window, and throw somebody under the bus.....But I don't know if a true fan would constantly do that. Maybe I'm wrong....

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Dangit, pretty sure I had that guy blocked. He can't be a Sioux fan.....can't be. Way too much hatred towards UND hockey.

Weird how this board works.

Let me get this straight. When hypocrites like Mafia Man and Wilbur bring up last night OVER AND OVER AND OVER again how that BSU tie was "ok" because of how "horrible" they AREN'T, it's FINE. Of course they kept saying this because MN only beat them by ONE GOAL. and was down most of the night to them.

But tonight when UM BLOWS THEM OUT....all you hear is crickets from the blind sheep. And when people point out the irony....we are the ones who need to "give it a rest".


Like I've always said....you CAN be a fan of this team and NOT have your head buried in the sand all of the time. Criticism towards your favorite team IS ok. Just because they are poor little college kids doesn't mean we have to be blind idiots that can't see through our green glasses.

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I think that has everything to do with the fact that MN had it from last season and had a chance to keep it, so it stayed with the team? It was presented to the team by Lucia in the locker room so I bet MN just loaded it on the bus for their trip up to Bemidji. At some point they'll have to let SCSU have it for awhile.

Regardless. SCSU had a chance to clinch a share of it Friday night so it should have been in Madison. WCHA could have brought it to Bemidji today.

It's a real shame considering it's St. Cloud's first MacNaughton Cup win.

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It feels good to own the last two years of the league.

You shared it with Jan and you know it!!! :lol:

More Sioux fans would be hating on you I think, but we're too busy going elbow to elbow with ourselves. I picked Minnesota to win the league. Too much returning talent, and a good young goalie.

I hate the gophers like I hate work on Monday morning. But congrats, your team got it done in the regular season.

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