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Favorite TJ Moment


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I wanted to start this thread to talk about people's favorite Osh moments over the last three years. There have been plenty, from huge hits to big goals.

My favorite Osh memory, however, is watching him stand at the center ice dot ready to go, with no time left (maybe 2 seconds), in the FF vs BC. I remember thinking, "wow, no quit in this kid".

Thanks TJ!!! Good Luck in the big show.

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It was at a meet and greet,

HockeyMom's little guy (I think it was HockeyMom's son) wanted a picture with TJ. He was in awe of TJ and stood about three feet away from him. TJ reached over, put his arm around him and pulled him close for the picture. That little guy's face was filled with adoration!

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When playing CC on the PK, racing Prosser for the loose puck in the corner and it looked like he might take a hit and then all of a sudden Oshie just sends Prosser flying into the boards. Perfect of example of "Better to be the Hammer than the Nail,"


That is the same thing I was thinking speaker...WOW what a HIT Good Luck OSH

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Top 3 TJ Oshie Moments:

3. This event happened during the course of play vs. Michigan in the Regional 2005. There was a sequence where TJ took the puck, lost the puck, and REGAINED the puck three consecutive times and made a pass while perpendicular to the ice after being tripped up. The pass went to a wide-open Travis Zajac for a goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. 2007 on the road at Michigan Tech: Duncan gains the zone and shoots a wrister between the circles which is deflected off a stick and rolls upward into the protective net behind the goal. The puck traveled about 15-20 feet up the net....TJ calmly skates towards the end boards and cradles the puck on his fore-hand, catching the puck, as it came down from the rafters. He then swivles to his left and hands the ref the puck off his blade and gets ready for the face-off. Classic! ...., the Sioux fans in attendance give him a standing -O!

1. The effort he put forth everytime he was on the ice.

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When playing CC on the PK, racing Prosser for the loose puck in the corner and it looked like he might take a hit and then all of a sudden Oshie just sends Prosser flying into the boards. Perfect of example of "Better to be the Hammer than the Nail,"


That came to mind right away as I was sitting 5 rows up from where it happened.Other than that it will always be every shift he was on the ice because he played like it was the last shift of his life.Damn I'm going to miss watching him play.
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I was in disbeleif when he came back for 07! However, he proved night in/out why he came back...

Case in point, The interview at the end of the 1st period vs BC a few months back...

Were getting blasted down 4-0, and you can see in his eyes he knows we can comeback, even though we fell short...

Favorite moment, every game he has a huge hit early...The crowd at the Ralph always loves that first big hit. 9/10 times it was always the Osh...

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Top 3 TJ Oshie Moments:

3. This event happened during the course of play vs. Michigan in the Regional 2005. There was a sequence where TJ took the puck, lost the puck, and REGAINED the puck three consecutive times and made a pass while perpendicular to the ice after being tripped up. The pass went to a wide-open Travis Zajac for a goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. 2007 on the road at Michigan Tech: Duncan gains the zone and shoots a wrister between the circles which is deflected off a stick and rolls upward into the protective net behind the goal. The puck traveled about 15-20 feet up the net....TJ calmly skates towards the end boards and cradles the puck on his fore-hand, catching the puck, as it came down from the rafters. He then swivles to his left and hands the ref the puck off his blade and gets ready for the face-off. Classic! ...., the Sioux fans in attendance give him a standing -O!

1. The effort he put forth everytime he was on the ice.

agreed, but I hope you mean Regional 2006, not 2005. 2005 at Regionals, we played BU and BC and TJ didn't play for us yet. Though that is awesome if he did actually do it.

Some of my greatest TJ moments are any at of the meet and greets because no matter how long he was there, who was asking him to sign multiple things....TJ did this with a smile on his face and something nice to say.....even when I had him sign the page with the articles of him getting arrested. :)

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I've been thinking about this since last night so I can come up with some truly awesome play. However, we've all seen T.J. play and know that there isn't just one play that stands out.... it's every shift, every play. Simply seeing him on the ice, I felt as though something amazing could happen at any moment. His amazing setups for numerous Duncan goals, his bone crushing checks not only in the corners but also in open ice, and his own seemingly impossible moves and deeks that often resulted in just as amazing goals.

But I also have to echo what others said. Seeing Oshie off the ice and interact with fans, especially children, was something that made me smile. I've heard stories and experienced first hand that Oshie is always willing to take a picture with fans, even if it's not the most convenient time (like at a concert...). So thanks Osh! You've offered more than enough memories for the three years you've been here and you will greatly be missed. We know you'll do fantastic in the NHL and can't wait to see ya impress all the Blues fans!

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There are a ton of memories and great plays, but this one is what TJ is all about.


Agree. Wasn't probably his best highlight at UND, but that play sums up Oshie the best over the course of his career at UND. The best player on the ice is out-working everyone else. Makes a play very few can make when a big play needed to be made.

Told my 7 year old that Oshie was turning professional and wasn't going to be playing for the Sioux next year. She smiled and said "That's ok", but then her eyes moistened and I knew she didn't really feel that way.

He was great for college hockey and great for UND and it's fans.

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This play stood out to me the most..... http://s25.photobucket.com/albums/c91/RedF...oal2-Duncan.flv

It was more awesome because I was there with my Denver buddy and all of his Denver friends.....they were all in shock

Thanks for everything TJ. You were awesome to watch and good luck in the NHL

Yeah i was at that game also and that was amazing! It was in front of there student section and they were speechless! What a play an then i loved the way duncan goes over to Osh to celebrate with him cause he was amazed also! :) We will miss you #7

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My favorite moment (beside the hit previoiusly mentioned) proves TJ is the most exciting hockey player I have ever followed. I was listening to a Sioux/CC game on the radio in my car during the 06-07 season. I'll never forget TH's voice and the enthusiasm he used as Oshie gutted it out backchecking to break up an offensive opportunity for CC. An incredible two-way player. I am now a Blue's fan.

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I remember when I first met TJ... I was laying in his bed while I was hanging out with Brian (they were roommates freshman year). He came in and I didn't know who he was and Brian introduced us and I was like "oh I'm probably laying in your bed" and TJ said that was fine. He went back out into the hall and played hockey with the other then-freshmen (who I also didn't realize it was them) and I continued laying there. I didn't even realize these guys were "famous" haha

That's probably my favorite and most memorable non-hockey TJ moment!

Hockey related: I was the last person left at the autograph thing in December and he waited for me when he could've been like "I'll sign something for you later", it was cute lol

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His short-handed goal in the 2007 Frozen Four.

For sure my favorite TJ moment. No quit, and a sweet backhander that froze a pro-grade goalie.

It was a pro-quality goal all the way.

Thanks, TJ...for the honor of watching you play.

Lots of twine in your future.

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