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Everything posted by zonadub

  1. zonadub

    2017 Season

    Think you may have a point ... Mussman was a better recruiter than Schweigert. Next year will be very important in showing how Schweigert's style of recruiting under the radar high schoolers pans out. Is it effective, or does the staff need to be better at getting talent that other teams covet? I understand that there were a lot of injuries this year, but the drop off from the beginning of the season has been alarming. Shouldn't backups at this level at least be competitive? Especially after having multiple game experience as the year progresses? If UND wants to beat more than the likes of Missouri State, Indiana State and Southern Illinois of the MVFC, The Hawks must have a roster that can overcome injuries.
  2. zonadub

    Hawks - Eagles

    What a fun way for Studsrud to finish his UND career! Turn the offense loose, since there is really nothing to lose. Oh, wait a minute... maybe be it would prove something else...
  3. He appears to be a better head coach than OC. Faison may have missed the boat, but we will never know.
  4. Let's look at this from a different perspective... if Rudolph returns, will position coaches leave?
  5. Why does Schweigert keep getting a free pass from almost everyone on this board? Bubba is the head coach. If Rudolph wasn't running the offense the way Bubba wants, he would have been corrected or replaced long before next Sunday.
  6. Actually Deacades of Hockey >>>>> year or two of Wrasslin'
  7. Don't get me wrong, Studarud fits Bubba's run first, run second scheme extremely well, but I don't think he is a throwing qb
  8. That is not the only passing shortfall, Studarud also can't throw deep with accuracy and that would be an integral part of being a dual threat
  9. dispute the claim that Studarud is a dual threat. He is a running qb, but his passing skills are questionable. IMHO he has a history of not being accurate in delivering the ball to the flat, so that is why there are no screen passes in the Hawks' playbook. are the dropped passes fully on the receivers or could the ball have been put in a better position to be caught? Also, Studarud's predilection to lock on to a receiver has been often discussed here. That is not the quality of a good passing qb. On the other hand, if you really mean he is a duel threat, bring on Aaron Burr.
  10. Schmidt was not a coordinator at Southern Illinois, iirc. Bubba was the DCC under Lennon there.
  11. zonadub

    Game Day at PSU

    After SUU beat EWU, SUU will be an upset, as well. Go F'Hawks!
  12. Still contend that Rudy is running the offense Bubba wants. Otherwise Rudy would already be gone. no in-game adjustments until it's too late... Is that on the OC or the Head Coach when it goes on this long?
  13. zonadub


    Has to sit out the season... transfer rule
  14. Listened on iheart radio and have to give Jack Michaels credit for trying to sound enthusiastic throughout the whole game. UND may have only been behind 10 - 0 after the first quarter, but the thing that I thought was crazy was that the defense had created more turnovers than first downs made by the offense in this first quarter and a half! Even with third string defenders! The offense barely had more yards in the first quarter than the defense had turnovers. It has to be some kind of record. How deflating that has to be for the defense. gundy1124 for OC
  15. Trying to take an objective view of the Bison non-conference scheduling, it seems that they have it figured out... FBS/Power 5 teams don't schedule them after NDSU won the last 5 FBS games they played. Why pay someone $500k +- to have them come in and hurt your record/ranking? they have scheduled home and home with a couple of the better FCS schools (Montana, EWU) they can still sell out their almost 19,000+ seat FargDome playing cupcakes and pay them very little, making home cupcake games profitable for the program they get more home games and the gate receipts that go with them they can pad their OOC record against those cupcakes whether we like it or not, they instill a culture of winning and, despite what some on here continue to post, they are a damn good football team year after year. I realize I am not walking to the beat of the SS.com drummer, but the reality of NDSU's FCS record is very good
  16. zonadub

    2017 Season

    Wow, has the air been let out of the UND football! Almost noon Thursday, GF time, and not a single pre-game thread. Not even a look-alike thread. i don't know enough about the team or UNC so don't feel it is something I can start, but always look forward to reading the pre-game posts.
  17. How do you do this when the first touchdown gets nullified by a phantom penalty?
  18. I realize that this is not the prevailing sentiment on this board, but... Rudy is running the offense Bubba wants. Otherwise things would have already changed. now I will duck when I write this comment... is it too late to hire DeBoer?
  19. Schweigert has built a team to compete and win in the Big Sky Conference. Unfortunately, the Big Sky is not what it used to be on a national scale, as the conference's abysmal playoff record attests. While last Saturday was not fun for Sioux fans to watch, they will be competitive and possibly even win the conference this season. Think they are not ready to win the MVFC (but don't have to be for 3 years) and will struggle in the playoffs, but feel confident that they will be ready to play MVFC football as opposed to BSC football when it is time. As for tomorrow, not a lot of confidence in the Bobcats, so will say the team with the most points wins. UND by a couple of field goals.
  20. thinking that proves your point? Took many years and a huge budget cut by the state, but you are correct - no longer the $2 million drain called women's hockey at UND. Really don't think we can thank Faison for that one, though, more a Kennedy decision. Shafer cut baseball, paving the Title IX way for women's hockey to go, but the current state of the Summit may make that an ill-fated decision.
  21. Bison06 have you ever heard of a guy names Brian Faison? He was willing to dump over $2 million a year into a women's hockey program that averaged less than 1000 fans per game. I am afraid your logic doesn't work with him.
  22. With a bye the last week of the regular season, maybe it's not good to have a first round bye in the playoffs. Maybe it's better to host a first round playoff game.
  23. UND can and probably will bounce back from this game and very well could still win or at least challenge for the Big Sky title. On the other hand, today showed that UND is (at the risk of inviting the trolls) not ready for the MVFC, unless UND wants to be battling the likes of Missouri State and Southern Illinois for the top of the bottom half of the standings. Did not get a chance to watch the game (and really don't have a desire to watch a replay), but reading through this thread, Studsrud keeps reminding me of Philip Rivers. Decent, not great, QB that just doesn't quite get it done. if Rudolph was not calling the type of offense that Bubba wanted UND to run, he would not have lasted 4+ years as the OC. And the players have to execute the game plan, not just in the locker room, but on the field. Time to stop piling all the blame on Rudolph.
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