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Everything posted by zonadub

  1. Maybe the reason that UND had to move to the Summit/MVFC is because NDSU could not get in the Big Sky.
  2. Think it was for scheduling, not $
  3. to those of you with the knowledge... how does this class stack up?
  4. Think I remember reading m/w buckets plus 5 more each somewhere on this board
  5. Not wanting to fuel the bison fan base any more than they already are, I doubt Iowa was looking past NDSU. Pretty confident they wanted to be the team that stopped NDSU's winning streak vs FBS.
  6. Will the move to the Summit buy Jones more time?
  7. Had one of those in McVey.
  8. The Big Sky again reaffirmed what a quality conference it is when they stood by their agreement of no exit fee, even though UND has only been a member for a handful of years. And by allowing UND to have a football home for two extra years.
  9. Really like the Big Sky, but it has become a bit bloated for a 1 bid conference. A lot of that bloat does not compete for conference championships but does drag the RPI down. So is there ever a possibility of the Summit getting more than 1 bid to something like March madness?
  10. This brings a couple of questions to mind... who is leaving the MVFC? Youngstown? Missouri State? does this mean that New Mexico State will be following Idaho to FCS and the Big Sky? will UND joining the Summit mean long-term stability had finally been achieved by the revolving door conference?
  11. Wow, Guess you missed the point of my original post. Nothing about inferiority. Acknowledged that both sides have fans who want to see the schools reunited in a conference. point was that Sica put forth a spin on SV's theory that might actually make sense. And my belief that both teams would end up in an FBS WAC, if that ever came to happen. Personally, I think Cal Baptist joining the WAC shoots a huge hole in SV's idea, but wanted to tip the cap to Sica that he had a theory that made a little light shine through.
  12. If you are bored, you don't have to come to SS and read it. there are several/many UND fans who agree with you, I'm just not one of them
  13. This is a common theme among bison posters. It seems that NDSU misses UND more than most of them admit. (Though, yes, some do admit it, as do many UND fans) if SV's prediction about the FBS WAC come to fruition, their desire to reunite with UND will be through the new WAC. Sica's break-down of Cal Baptist's entry into the WAC notwithstanding, their entry into the WAC is the biggest fly in SV's ointment. Just can't reconcile that one. But to offset the potential loss of Chicago State does make sense, at least as Sica illustrates the scenario. would really hate to see the Montanas and NDSU move to FBS and leave UND behind (again).
  14. zonadub

    2017 Season

    Big talk for a Notre Dame fan
  15. Wonder if it was the same as the committee to investigate dropping sports. Pres Kennedy asked for the information to make a decision whether to drop sports and then nothing happened. Did he ask Faison to get the facts to make a decision about conferences and the conclusion is to remain in the Big Sky, like the decision to keep all existing sports? It would make sense that he wanted to 'get up to speed' on the athletics situation before making decisions to drop or not drop sports and likewise to change or not change conferences. Maybe the costs of the two conferences is close enough so that a change is not warranted.
  16. Not that it matters at this point, nor endorse the action, but the basket should have counted. Ball was in the air when the light comes on.
  17. Think his name is Rocco, at least this week. Sent an email to the Alerus & told them they need to open the roof for this game. Might need some cold North Dakota night skies to hold the iSpider offense in check.
  18. I truly hope the administration sees it this way
  19. Rivalries are not declared or made overnight. Rivalries are developed over time, and we are seeing this with the Montana's, Weber, Eastern Washington, Cal Poly and even Northern Arizona on the FB field and court, (BB and VB). One will more than likely also follow with Idaho. Stay the course in the Big Sky, be different among the Dakota schools and celebrate the new rivalries that UND is building.
  20. And why would UND want to join that cluster ????
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