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Everything posted by zonadub

  1. Don't think it was the Summit that took so long. They would have taken UND anytime over that last 5 years. It was the lack of a football home in the MVFC that took so long.
  2. So this is a stupid question, but I gotta ask... does UND joining the Summit/MVFC make NDSU more or less likely to seek FBS status?
  3. Well, there was the year that U Florida won both FBS and men's basketball notional championships (2006-2007?) Don't know how their women's teams did, though.
  4. You are technically correct. should have said during 2016-17 school year
  5. Agreed! merely meeting the mandated $1.3 MM cut does not do anything to increase funding resources for those teams that remain (that Kennedy wants to be competitive)
  6. Yeah, forgot about that constitutional thing. 1889 political back-scratching...
  7. Any guesses how much of a deficit they run? Burgum has the mandate, doesn't he?
  8. This must be why there will be a national outcry if women's hockey is dropped
  9. Can anyone explain why Mayville and Valley City are still open?
  10. Two thoughts.. (not that I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night or anything) Summit League sponsors S & D, softball and soccer the WIH season will likely be finished as this date hits (and it sounds like the coach's contract is expiring as well) Don't know if there is a connection or if there is a coincidence on the other hand, if there is any basis to the UND to B1G hockey conference rumor and the possibility of a Women's B1G hockey, WIH might be both safe and a key to the invitation.
  11. Looks like this prophecy is materializing And no hockey titles.
  12. Half of that amount would pay the NCHC exit fee. (a one-time cost) Just sayin... a little over half that would cover the budget cut.
  13. UND being included in discussions about B1G schools 14 times a year (home/away) would raise the profile of the school. Being mentioned in the same sportscasts as Penn State or Ohio State will bring more prestige than being included with Youngstown in football reports or Ft Wayne in basketball. The collateral benefit of the B1G is much greater than Summit/MVFC. Can't imagine that Kennedy would say No if the opportunity would present itself.
  14. Maybe the Hawks can win a first round (dare we hope for two?) game at the dance and Jones gets an offer from a mid-major. we can always hope.
  15. Unless your initials are BF. Then it can take a while.
  16. Getting a feeling of deja vu. Like where football was in 2011
  17. Finally got the stream going with a minute left in first half. Now that I came back to ss, probably won't be able to gem the stream back. on another note, the ladies are having a tough time with the Vandals.
  18. Are you sure about this one?
  19. Still wondering who is leaving the MVFC. Specifically - can't imagine Youngstown is ok with adding another Dakota school. Is it possible they believe they are finally getting an invite to the Ohio Valley Conference?
  20. Uhh no you must have missed it.
  21. Before the bison trolls get all uppity ... It's just a joke. Don't have purple font on iPad.
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