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Everything posted by petey23

  1. He was warming up towards the end of the 3rd quarter and Petrino had quit trying to win the game after their second possession of the 2nd half. I was hoping we would see him for the entire 4th quarter and was very surprised he didn't take over on the 2nd series either.
  2. I think he has been under utilized this year. Should be getting 6-10 meaningful snaps a game in my opinion. Quincy + Otis + RPO=pick your poison on D.
  3. Yeah I remember reading the county medical examiner report as well as some layman's assessments of it. I think Chavin's indifference to a person showing obvious signs of an overdose which he has assumedly been trained to recognize is enough reason to find him guilty on at least 1 of the charges. But to paraphrase a couple of the assessments of the county report...Floyd had a lethal amount of fentanyl and other drugs in his system and was likely on his way to dying that day unless someone got him to a hospital....if you watch the entire body cam videos you can see pretty clearly he has a large tablet of something in his tongue(likely fentanyl), he turns his head the other direction and when he turns back towards the body cam it is gone(he swallowed it).
  4. I think they were second to UND as a group on D. One factor was the experience factor of JBD and Kierstad. One of those equations has changed and the other hasn't.
  5. Many do. Oldest teams in college hockey this past season AIC, Mankato, RIT, Niagara, Army, LSSU, Bemidji, Sacred heart, Canisius, Air Force, Michigan Tech, LIU, SCSU
  6. Understand that their are regional considerations but in the end going into the playoffs the teams are essentially ranked as follows 1. SDSU 2.SHSU 3. JMU 4. JSU 5. Delaware 6. UND 7. NDSU 8. Weber State 9. SIU 10. EWU 11. Missouri State 12. Sacred Heart 13. Davidson 14. VMI 15. Monmouth 16. Holy Cross
  7. Nick and Jordan are Mike Schmaltz's sons. Mike Played WR for UND football in the late 80's. Jake is Marc Schmaltz's son and Mike's nephew. Marc played LB for UND football in the in the late 80's/early 90's. I think Marc was 1 year behind Mike. Not sure if the youngest former UND football player Monte has any hockey playing kids.
  8. Does anyone remember when Sports Writers were crusty and gruff and chain smoked and threw a little something something in their black coffee that they drank out of a Styrofoam cup? They wrote from a more masculine world view and were guy's guys and you didn't know or care what their political views were. Think Soucheray and Reusse. Not saying they were perfect but definitely preferable to the soy latte drinking, tofu eating, beta cucks that seem to cover sports these days.
  9. Bowling Green would also jump to the NCHC if given the opportunity.
  10. It will be interesting to see what the defense shows in court. There are videos that the mainstream media has not shown as it doesn't fit their agenda. Video of George Floyd saying he can't breathe while standing and while seated in the back of the car. Video where he turns his head while in his vehicle and you can see a large white tablet on his tongue and he turns his head and when he turns back it has been swallowed....once the lethal amount of drugs took effect he would have trouble breathing and his lungs would start to fill with liquid. Trained Police Officers should have recognized some of the additional symptoms he was showing and given him the antidote while they waited for the paramedics to arrive, which they likely have in their vehicle. Chauvin likely didn't kill George Floyd but he was pretty indifferent to a man in obvious distress and showing clear signs of overdosing on something and who was at this point absolutely no threat to 1 officer let alone 5 or 6. It says "Protect and Serve" for a reason.
  11. Asked and Answered. Boynton and Mullahy are listed as uncommitted on the USHL website.
  12. The top 3 USHL goalies statistically are all uncommitted. All 3 turn 21 this summer. 6 of the top 9 are uncommitted overall.
  13. I hope the moderators of that Facebook Group do a thorough job of screening out Non UND fans and UND haters. There is enough material on that site daily to make our fanbase the laughing stock of college hockey.
  14. Landscape has changed over the last 20 years. I think back then there were about 200 Division 1 teams, now there is around 350. The girls that played for UND and NDSU back in the late 80's and through the 90's would for the most part all be Division 1 recruits in today's world. UND and NDSU were regularly regarded as top 40 teams in the country before the D1 explosion happened which also changed the recruiting world.
  15. I guess it is all in who you come across with any fan base. I have had nothing but great experiences in St. Cloud. Have a great relationship with a few St. Cloud fans that we hang out with before and after games at Howie's and also usually meet up in Minneapolis and now St. Paul again for the conference tournaments. They all have nothing but reverence for UND Hockey. Usually have extra tickets and I have hooked them up when they come to Grand Forks. As far as obnoxious uninformed fans, sure they have a few as every program does including ours. Our bad fans might be worse since many also have a tinge of arrogance. Anyway, to each his own but I find myself pulling for SCSU when we are out of the mix.
  16. petey23


    If UND had lost in the same manner as UMD did last night we would have people on here debating A. Is it Berry's fault for having the team take their foot off the gas after the 2nd period and try and ride the game out for the 2-1 win or B. Is it Berry's fault for not skating 4 lines all night so the team got gassed and didn't have enough in the tank in the 3rd period and overtime.
  17. I would guess to keep UMass from scouting their back up goalie, or maybe he was getting tested again with the possibility of joining the team in Pittsburgh if he had a negative test or two and passed protocol.
  18. And UND pulled his scholarship money for his Junior season. He decided to stay and pay his own way. Of course he would have probably had to sit out if he transferred.
  19. Boston U is near Fenway. Watched the Championship Game in 2015 at the Cask & Flagon and it was full of disappointed BU undergrads....
  20. Found an x-ray from Sandelin's layest medical checkup
  21. I agree, WMU is solid. When everyone was speculating about Denver and UNO at the end of the year I think a case could have and should have been made that WMU was better than both of them at the end of the year.
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