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Everything posted by petey23

  1. They list him at 6 feet tall and 270 pounds. He also plays hockey and baseball in high school.
  2. I was surpised we got him. I think this is a pretty big get for UND. I am not a coach or recruiter and obviously some skills a kid uses in high school may not translate to college but in watching Century play a couple times last year Schweigert was a far more noticeable force on both sides of the ball than the Leingang kid who went to Kansas State.
  3. Do we believe in 2nd chances?
  4. Disgusting effort today. Undisciplined. Unmotivated.
  5. Seriously. How in the !@#$ do we have a false start play on the first play of every fucking possession?
  6. Smart play by the USD receiver to prevent the Holm pick 6....bonus for him the officials didn't call it and the Yotes got a TD to boot.
  7. petey23

    The Yotes

    I mixed UND in a parlay and also into a teaser bet at +16.5 today
  8. So with Brandon Bochenski skating "one last shift" on Saturday night it hit me that the UND student body has an opportunity to bring a Meme to life. "Let's Go Brandon" "F*ck Joe Biden"
  9. Muss's teams seemingly had all the scholarship money on offense. Fun to watch from a playstation aspect but knowing you probably had to score 40+ to have a chance to win was a little tough to buy into.
  10. He had a few options on that play. Tuck it and turn upfield and slide. Would be 4th and short and we can decide to either take the lead or go for it on 4th and short. Tuck it and turn upfield and try and get the first down. He either gets it or we make a decicison to either go for it on 4th down or kick the FG for the lead. Keep moving to the right(he had time and space) and hopefully the receiver moves with him and gives him an open lane to throw the ball. Throw it away. Kick FG to take the lead.
  11. He was very close to breaking that play for big yardage....hard to believe we didn't go back to that matchup a few times let along even once?
  12. This is definitely not a coaching clinic by either sideline today.
  13. Bison favored by 13.5 on the site I may or may not use.
  14. If they were going to put a nickname on the Alerus for football I would go with "The Kettle"
  15. petey23


    You must not have NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, or MSNBC or read the NYT, USA Today, or WAPO. Spoiler alert, all deaths were and all future deaths are The Governors fault.
  16. I think this is the case even if Q is healthy.
  17. 13-31 UND needs to force NDSU to pass the ball not have them pass the ball when they feel like it. We need to force NDSU to throw the ball 20-25+ times and have the yards per attempt in that 6-7 range. I unfortunately think they will only throw the ball about 15 times and the yards per attempt will probably be in the 11-15 yards per attempt range.
  18. Their fans are compared to the likes of UND hockey if you ignore the window licking, mouth breathing, and lack of proper hygeine habits of the average bison fan.
  19. Used to have Bully Brew right down the hallway where I lived....then they moved.
  20. Have 2 tickets in Section 114. Face Value or best offer.
  21. From what I gathered she had catered an event for them so yes those were her seats for the game yesterday. From what I gathered they are going to add a bar rail and these seats will be available maybe? I think for this year they are just being parceled out so I don't know if they are able to be purchased.
  22. I ended up sitting in this area today. I was standing in the end zone which is my preferred area to watch a game since sitting in the seats at the Alerus is similar to sitting in a cheap Airlines puddle jumper economy section for me. Was standing behind the seating area which was roped off and Michelle, the owner of Darcy's Cafe said she was only using 2 of her allotted tickets and asked if we wanted to sit. These sections were pretty full, not sure about the double row of seats section which was empty when I stopped by. Apparently they are waiting on a bar rail to be installed along this area as well....supply chain issues. As long as the tickets are just a little more than the other season tickets I would purchase these if available.
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