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Everything posted by CMSioux

  1. only blame lies with a person who is living with someone infected and chooses to go out. Update, just got a call that he died. He was in his 80s so guess they better not list Corona as contributing to his death.
  2. So if your neighbor's spouse tested positive and then your neighbor came over to your house for dinner and you got infected is there no accountability?
  3. The kicker is if they would have stayed at home the two weeks they would have known they were infected. I do agree that there will be situations where people don't know they were infected and are essential workers and have to go to work. This person should have probably realized they were exposed.
  4. Family friend got it from their caregiver in Grand Forks, family has been called and he is dying. Guess it's okay since he was over 80, at least his caregiver didn't have their personal freedom reduced for a few weeks as they felt healthy when they went to work. Oh the caregiver's spouse worked at LM.
  5. CMSioux

    The Herald

    I predict an upsurge in paywall subscriptions in the fall, hopefully because fall sports has started up. I know that's what I'm waiting for since right now there isn't a lot to read about locally.
  6. Heard a news story that Land Grant Universities like NDSU are being examined because the land they were given was taken from indigenous people. Some like South Dakota State are already putting together some kind of program to pay money back. Wonder if the #2 University in North Dakota will have to pay up - perhaps the use of the native american's sacred animal, the bison, as a nickname will also soon be on the table? https://www.hcn.org/issues/52.4/indigenous-affairs-education-land-grab-universities No trolling just reality of the times we live in.
  7. Tower City Clams (not my school I just think the name is unique).
  8. Hoping when they recruited him they discussed our history of long tenure in our coaching ranks.
  9. That was pretty obvious we weren't on his short list - he called us North Dakota University in his tweet.
  10. I know this is useless but it would be nice if we could move away from the snarky political comments and just share information and facts. By now we know what side of the political spectrum many of us fall on and thus the related opinions on the situation and which politicians individuals like or dislike.
  11. It seems any info that is more than one sentence or not a Fox talking point is above many.
  12. Did I read he had "2 years to play 1" would that make sense to another DI team? Might be a better fit for a high level DII team?
  13. CMSioux

    The Herald

    The headline writer is going to get talked to for giving away the story, should have been something like "Exciting changes coming to Herald". Wondering if they are gonna cut back Marilyn's expense account for the Eat Beat. (There goes my change at being name "Cheeriest Person of the Week." )
  14. But if you repeat a lie often enough they will believe it and repost it for eternity.
  15. Send him a note on a $100 bill (obviously joking as according to the NCAA you, as an alumnus, can't even walk up to him and say you think UND is a great school or tweet him with the same message).
  16. Living in Minnesota it is well known that if you have symptoms they do not waste a test on you they just send you home. Just saying that the # of people testing positive is not a good measure.
  17. Okay I will bite, did you mean testicles or tentacles (the more commonly used analogy)?
  18. So are we to believe that a year from now UND opens the job search, or does a finish similar to this year make the job hers?
  19. I am on board with giving her a shot based on the current world situation. She has proven herself to have a winner's mentality as a player and coach. She is young, with a winning pedigree that hopefully recruits will connect with. This team knows her so hopefully that eliminates transfer risks. She has been on staff for seven years so she might have been on the radar for a head coaching job somewhere else. However it is considered a one year gig as I read it.
  20. We can help you, "they are never wrong, and they creep here often to correct any comment about Moo U."
  21. Based on what was shared here earlier she probably has a better relationship with the players than Brewster. She also helped recruit the current team and is a main contact for new and potential recruits. We will be no worse than last year and if mindset and attitude change that could result in a couple of additional wins. We have some development to achieve to reach USD level.
  22. There are several that fit this description with a variety of opinions and If they were going to do that it would have happened days ago.
  23. Wasn't the team undefeated at home last year? I think it is more of a change in priorities issue of casual fans at all schools.
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