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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. Two things: First, the Sam Houston running back was down on that goal line run, right? Finally got to see a reverse angle on it in this clip. His abdomen at least bounced off the turf before he was in. Secondly, that botched punt was so close to being disastrous. Again, nice to see a reverse angle on it finally -- you could see that his knee was down and hand on the ball with contact from the defender. Good call by stripes.
  2. Thought they'd sand do something that was actually clever like photoshopping some "Texas Hook'em Horns" on ol' Mike. Guess I gave them too much credit.
  3. Teeder11

    2018 Season

    Shep, hopefully, we can secretly have a Rah Rah session over our offense in Secton 215 on Saturday.
  4. Craig Haley of STATS FCS has us at #22: 1 NDSU 2 JMU 3 SDSU 4 Kennesaw 5 NC A&T 6 EWU 7 Wofford 8 Maine 9 McNeese 10 Nova 11 Elon 12 Jacksonville St 13. Weber 14 SHSU 15 Samford 16 Ill St 17 Central Ark 18 Griz 19 UC Davis 20 Rhody 21 S Dakota 22 N Dakota 23 Mercer 24 Nicholls 25 Towson EDIT: SHSU falls to #14
  5. With a ranking comes a target on the back. Two edged sword. This year could be fun!
  6. Coach said they were ticked off from last home game and took it out on Steve McNair U.
  7. Teeder11

    Sam Houston

    How Prairie View look for speed in comparison to them/us?
  8. Jury's still out on Geno, too.
  9. Teeder11

    2018 Season

    Thanks for the info and insight! Sounds like both our teams are very very young. Good luck, Yotes
  10. Teeder11

    2018 Season

    Love this quote about UND from the La. Tech coach. Wasn't long ago that this is what folks would have been saying about the team from Fargo, and not us. Word is getting around. "Tonight our team showed togetherness and the desire to compete for every point against a very talented team – a team with a very strong volleyball history," head coach Adriano de Souza noted. "Even trailing 2-0 in the match, we were still leading in kills. Missed serves, some hitting errors and missed opportunities in counter attack were what hurt us tonight. I like the steps our team is taking in order to consistently compete intelligently and harder for every point."
  11. Teeder11

    2018 Season

    The new Williams kid, transfer from UCONN, is a treat to watch. If you can get out to the Betty this year, she is worth the price of admission, and the way she tandems with Jordan is lethal. The new setter from Finland is getting in sync with the others. Nieukirk and Ahrens are learning fast on their feet... both can kill with authority. Also, the game has really slowed down for Lydia Rutton, and she is far more dominant than she ever was last year. Lastly, pay attention to Williams (No. 0) when Pryor lets her jump serve, which was basically all match today. Her serve is almost impossible to handle. Two times she rattled off like 8-9 services in a row with 2-3 aces each time. Pryor tried this a couple years ago with the young Dominguez defensive specialist. Whereas, she was 50/50 to put it in the net, Williams will put it in the net now and again -- but she is far more consistent with a lot more heat behind it.
  12. Teeder11

    2018 Season

    You're not wrong. I was there. WCU made it interesting at times, when UND would lose focus... but basically it was a run-away.
  13. At least people can comprehend his messages.
  14. FWIW ...Here is President Kennedy's response to the Aviation Department faculty. http://blogs.und.edu/und-today/2018/08/president-kennedy-open-letter-to-aviation-department/
  15. $20.3 million over 5 years!!!!! This is a big deal! Nice job to all involved in landing this huge grant for important research. http://blogs.und.edu/und-today/2018/08/smhs-nets-20-3m-cancer-research-grant/
  16. Much truth in what you say. Aerospace has a student surge right now, and they need revenue to keep up. I give them credit for finding entrepreneurial ways to get it done, but you still have to play ball within the rules of the game. I find it ironic that the Portly One has a post about this whole debacle on his blog, detailing how despised DiLorenzo is on campus, when the underlying causation of the rift is that DiLorenzo is trying to stop Aerospace from doing things in a shady manner. Basically, he could have another blog post weeks from now railing against how UND let its aviation faculty jack up student fees with no accountability for what the money would actually be used for.
  17. No argument here on that other than the departments still have to follow proper protocols and not circumvent the administration or the proper NDUS policies for incorporation of new student fees.
  18. Appreciate that. He's always been very fair, cordial and extremely nice in my interactions with him. I understand my stuff is all anecdotal and others will have other stories to counteract mine. I am sure there's blame on both sides. I just wish the faculty and administration could get together and hash these things out instead of doing the reverse and going straight to the media first, and then trying to work it out. All good.
  19. Totally understand your take. He's got a tough job because he has to do all the hard bad-cop work on campus. The problem is that you will never hear about any of the good things he does because that's not sexy news... so all you hear about is the complaints. So it skews the perception. All I can say is that the guy gets stuff done... and holds people accountable. And public employees don't really like that when it's their ox being gored.
  20. True. But Kennedy really likes DiLorenzo. He's not going anywhere, and for many on campus who will never say it publicly, that's a good thing. The ones who are complaining about the Provost are the ones who are averse to change, used to doing things their own way, and used to moving forward on things and asking for forgiveness later. The administration has drawn a line in the sand and called the Aviation department on the carpet on some shady things, and now they're crying.
  21. So far a onesided story here, and not much of one at that. Again, I must say, this wreaks of another flanking maneuver in Gjovig's assault on the Kennedy administration.... IMHO.
  22. Not a big enough shutout of a MVFC team, I guess.
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