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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. I think you are right, PCM. Good post. Take care.
  2. From what I am told, It's a bit looser at the Herald than many might think. The Herald top editors are pretty handsoff as far the newspages, and that's where the bias is (the top editors that is). I'm told that the copy editors have a lot of freedom as far as how they lay out their own pages at the Herald. And all the copy editors I know at the Herald, and that's five or six, are all Sioux fans. The sports section also are Sioux fans, except for Kevin Fee, who is much more neutral. The newroom is led by the managing editor, Kevin Grinde, in the Herald's case, and I can tell you for certain that he is not anti-nickname at all. He's a graduate of Bemidji State and cheers hard for the Beavers and the Fighting Sioux. Mike Jacobs, as editor and publisher, has his hands on all divsions of the paper, and tends to spend more time worrrying about the bottomline and the money making ends of the paper -- advertising and circulation.
  3. My bad.... sorry PCM. I just know a lot of the newsroom guys (reporters, photogs, copy editors) at the Herald. They come over for a drink after their shifts and we chat. Yes, I would say that the top managers of the Heraldo have an agenda, but I wouldn't paint with a broad brush. The reporters that I visit with me are all fervent Fighting Sioux fans, including the guy that wrote both stories for today's paper. I'm told that the editors don't pressure reporters to write a certain way, and if they did, the reporters would quit. I guess they're unionized. And many of the anti-Sioux crowd as far as reporters have moved on. So yes, the editorials may be slanted, but that's what they're supposed to be. But I wouldn't say the news pages are.
  4. PCM: What do you mean by whiney headline? Are you reading something into it. Just curious. And are you suggesting that the guys at the Herald who work the night shift and who lay out the stories on front page placed the stories above the fold and below the fold due to some kind of agenda? Again just curious.
  5. Im not a big Phil Harmeson fan all the time. But, the guy knows the NCAA, NCC and WCHA inside and out. He could run any consulting firm in the country on NCAA and reclassification issues. And he's got a law degree to boot. There's one. Paul LeBel, also on the UND task force, is dean of the Law School and a national export on tort law and reform. I'm sure he's done a bit of consulting in his day. So there's an able-body lieutenant to Harmeson for ya. I could probably go down the list and find others on the Task Force who know a thing or two about what they're studying. Just my two pennies. Bye
  6. Must be a glass-half-full mentality.... which is fine. UND has tended to be a bit more pragmatic in its approach.
  7. I talked to the Herald reporter. He said that the newspaper did an open records request from UND recently and discovered a letter from the NCAA staff review committee dated Dec. 9 that recommended the NCAA uphold the restrictions on UND. Then, the Heraldo found the 35-page rebuttal from UND dated Dec. 23. All of these actions and letters were completed after UND submitted its second appeal to the NCAA. It's all info that had never been reported before. The rebuttal from UND is the new information Harmeson and Franklin are referring to, I guess.
  8. Seriously... you guys think about this stuff way too much. Lace up some skates, hit the pond, if they're frozen yet down in the Forks. Just do something. Concerned in Canada
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