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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. Teeder11

    2018 Season

    Actually, I think LkvlleUNDFan did a nice job of helping many on this board understand that there are things beyond the coaching staff's control when it comes to players' decisions. His/her post, I think, actually will help many move on from Grady and quit bringing him up, which gets us closer to what most of us want anyway.
  2. Argggh... that schtuff just boils my blood. Can't fix stupid or laziness, I guess.
  3. They will still refer to us as "North Dakota State" or the "Bison" but I get your greater point.
  4. It will be "North Dakota" at center court at the Betty, as has been mentioned on here by others already. But that was a side issue, and not the main issue of the most recent meeting. Of greater concern were the contractual arrangements (that JDub27 has done a nice job elaborating on) between UND and REA. The outcome on those discussions will be harder to discern and sort out by those of us scoring at home.
  5. Teeder11

    2018 Season

    ^^^^^^^ I nominate for post of the week. Too funny.
  6. Teeder11

    2018 Season

    Agreed. Need to build depth and stay healthy. Football is the most watched college sport in the country. It would be huge for UND to get back to our strong tradition of success on the grid iron.
  7. Teeder11

    2018 Season

    "They" aren't complaining. Some fans of UND are arguing for more love for a program whose growth potential is enormous. "They" admire the tradition of success of MH and aspire to emulate it, per Bubba's own words.
  8. Touché. That was boneheaded on my part. Sorry about that.
  9. Teeder11

    2018 Season

    Coaches, working with AD financial analysts (and alumni) got 'er done. Got rolling under BF, completed under Chaves.
  10. Argggh... I thought I had a good line of logic going there... Disregard. I think Troy, Mich. threw me off. Thanks!
  11. Teeder11

    2018 Season

    Or the hockey players (I kid, I kid).... sorry wrong thread. I say don't purposely limit your recruiting base because of some bad apples. Like when the Gophs made a big deal of going all-Minnesota and won zilch; then turned around and let two Grand Forks kids in and voila, or something like that. A million-plus metro two hours north of Forks should not be ignored in any of our sports programs.
  12. You can still love something and state uncomfortable facts.
  13. How about start by just being a UND fan and not differentiate between programs.
  14. As long as the royalties come back to UND— then WGAF?
  15. This silo approach to funding athletics you speak of is a weird way to run a ship. I think the disconnect is that most of us on here see the Athletic Department as a single entity made up of individual programs -- some big and some small -- very few lucrative and most hemorrhaging cash. What many of us don't see and what we don't believe in is an everyone-for-themselves approach. That kind of mindset may be awesome for the lucrative program(s) but does nothing to move the needle forward for the Athletic Department as a whole, and by extension, the University. This is especially true when your power program is a niche program followed mostly by a vast minority of folks in nine or 10 states on the U.S. northern tier. It's like Johns Hopkins lacrosse rolling off umpteen national championships in a row -- if a tree falls in the forest and no one's there to .... Oh hell, you get the point. EDIT: My point is that many of us who tend to argue your points aren't satisfied with JUST the hockey team doing well. We want the hockey team and as many other programs as possible to do well, especially in sports that will garner more press nationally, such as football and basketball. Look at how Loyola Chicago blew up in this year's Big Dance.
  16. A job any one of us would have taken a look at had we had the fortune of being recruited for it.
  17. Sadly, that goes for both sides of our unfortunate divide.
  18. But these are the athletes we love and cheer for, right? Our UND athletes. You do support them, though, don't you? If not, might as well be an NDSU fan or a Jackrabbits guy or God forbid a Goopher lover! Yikes!!
  19. Bingo. In the Army, we used to say "One team, One fight." The Bozos down south got it down pat.
  20. I hear you. Perception is reality -- unfortunately for MRK, in this case. His heart is in the right place when it comes to fighting for UND. And yes, his passion and sense of humor can come across as arrogant to some, especially to those looking for reasons to be skeptical. The Irishman in him doesn't help either. I should know, having descended from the land of Erin myself.
  21. One also needs to understand the context that MJ has never thought highly of folks of MRK's ideological background. I'll leave it that.
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