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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. Sounds like he just committed to UND!
  2. Beat me to it by seconds. Great minds....! LOL!
  3. The one on the left also is reminiscent of the Nazi "imperial eagle." ... just sayin' in case you have an issue with that kind of thing.
  4. Teeder11

    2018 Season

    Gawd, I hate u with your new newfangled facts and all. Pitchfork nation needs a goat to scape. What the hell else are fanboy boards for anyways?
  5. UND Today is a cool publication to subscribe too. Yes, it's a PR publication that is mostly positive about what is going on at UND. But all that said, the information is true and accurate -- and it usually has stuff before it hits the Herald. In fact, many of the more positive Herald articles about UND originated in UND Today. http://blogs.und.edu/und-today/ Subscribe page: http://blogs.und.edu/und-today/subscribe/
  6. I sense Gjovig's fingerprints all over this one. He's grinding a lot of axes behind the scenes, I'm hearing.
  7. Teeder11

    2018 Season

    I think you're on to something -- or on something.... as the Common Man might say.
  8. Teeder11

    2018 Season

    Ha ha! Yes, if it were totally up to me, I wouldn't be going south that time of year. Wife taught summer school until the end of June and kids are tied up with swimming lessons, camps and Summer Performing Arts until mid July... so August it is, I guess. We are doing St. Louis, Atlanta, Orlando, Daytona Beach, Nashville, Chicago and home again. Been saving up for over a year. #Roadtripfromhell. LOL!
  9. Teeder11

    2018 Season

    Sorry guys. I will be road tripping to Orlando and back, July 27-Aug. 10. At least no one will blame my reports on being oppo research for other teams, like last year. I think other FCS programs have better things to worry about than injury reports from some armchair blogger in Grand Forks. All that said, maybe I will try to catch some late camp sessions. Hoping there isn't a full contingent of stationary bikers on the sidelines by then.
  10. My picks were meant to be strictly the new incoming frosh. I would have had a slightly different outlook had I included the transfers.
  11. You bet! I put them in my TOP 5 only for immediate impact purposes, with the departure of Taubs and Holmen. What do you know about specialists, anyway?? ( ;
  12. 1. Bruner 2. Maag 3. Siegel 4. P/K Peterson 5. L/S Hinders
  13. That’ll show ‘em! “Cold dead hands,” and “Get off my lawn” and all that other stuff, right? Grrrrrr. Now you got me all mad, too!
  14. I'm actually not critical of the women's game in that way. I certainly don't have the exact same expectations for style of play when I go to MBB compared to WBB. They are equally pleasing to me in their own ways, especially if UND is winning. Where I depart from WIH is when I see the sense of entitlement that seems to exude people associated with the former UND program that it was somehow different and that it should have been handled differently than other cut programs: wrestling, baseball, M&W S&D, and the privatizing of MG (to include the recent broaching of a possible endowment plan). Their (many WIH supporters) vitriol is nauseating even for someone like me who attended almost all of their homes games and cheered them on win or lose. "hell hath no fury ..."
  15. Someone other than me said it best.... it feels so good to be recruited. Some just need to revive that feeling again.
  16. http://www.grandforksherald.com/sports/4285552-unds-geno-crandall-arrested-suspicion-dui
  17. Depends on how much UND gets for the land sales. Negotiations have involved the family, to some extent, but mostly the group that's been privately keeping MG afloat the past 2 seasons.
  18. This may need a different thread: http://blogs.und.edu/und-today/2018/06/ray-richards-legacy-endures/
  19. I'm ok with TB leaving if his heart's somewhere else. He was talented in spurts but was sometimes erratic with the ball and mistake prone. He came off the bench to spell Geno for a few minutes each game. He may have developed into a more reliable talent for UND had he stuck it out but we'll never know. Best of luck to him and his future!
  20. SDSU Jacks for one. But, yeah, maybe we can get the Herald boys on it. Is Aaron Anderson looking at coaching?
  21. Teeder11

    2018 Season

    Fair points, for sure. I ran into Chaves the other day and he was saying how when EWU came into the Alerus Center last year without Gubrud and a couple other star players, their coach simply adjusted the game plan to more of a game manager mode with the assumption that they were going to have to eke out a win. The score was 21-14 EWU. I was feeling better about UND after that game until I heard that. Ouch.
  22. Teeder11

    2018 Season

    Yeah, just think how bad it would have been had we not had our best QB in there, and best inside backers and best secondary guys. er... wait. I know, I know excuses (actually agree with you on the excuses are useless part...doesn't make it suck any less, tho. )
  23. We'd all need to have your diligence, acumen and interpretive talents to get the job done, tho.
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