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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. You need to be thinking not only Title IX, but also core sports. The only sports you mention cutting are women's sports. Not good for Title IX. If you want to stay in the Big Sky, you cannot cut women's golf. It is a core sport. Also, cutting just these two sports isn't likely going to cut $1.4M, which is the current hole in the department. As said before, one of the biggest drains to the department is women's hockey and should be the first to go. Women's hockey has been a varsity sport for only about 15 years. UND/Grand Forks was a hockey community before women's hockey and will continue to be without women's hockey. If additional cuts are needed, I would look at M/W Swimming. Yes, UND has the facilities, but as I mentioned in a previous post, UND had talked of replacing the pool facilities by 2015. We are already a year past that and I doubt that there is a change in sentiment regarding the adequacy of facilities. Cutting Whcky and M/W S/D would get UND down to 16 sports. To keep Title IX compliant, I would keep softball and soccer. Soccer is played by kids of all age groups all across America, and the world for that matter. In regards to softball, UND has 18 home games this year. Yes they do play more away games, through tournament and invitationals, but I would keep it and have a nice round 16 sports.
  2. It hit me a while after posting earlier that his name was Neil. I found this picture linked to this site. Sorry for the thread drift.
  3. Wasn't there a Whalen who played goalie for GFC back in the 70's.
  4. Part of this equation is facilities, near term and long term. The attached was part of UND's reclassification analysis. UND at some point will need to upgrade the swimming facilities. Big $$.
  5. How do the big time FBS schools like Alabama handle this situation? Looking at the Alabama website they have about 3 more sports than men's sports. And I'm sure there are a lot more perks/better facilities for the football than there is for anything else at Alabama. If women's hockey was scrapped at UND, the women would still have two more sports than the men, 10-8. If cutting women's hockey is saving money above and beyond the shortfall, money (scholarships) could be reallocated to other women's sports, such as soccer or softball. If UND is really trying to get a handle on the athletic budget, cutting a little bit of the fat here and there isn't going to do it. Women's hockey is the most obvious choice for a serious cut.
  6. I was just typing the same thing. You beat me to it.
  7. If "everything" is on the table, I would be eyeing Women's Hockey. I believe Idalski's contract is up on the end of this season, coincidentally. Since UND has already cut two men's sports, cutting one women's sport wouldn't be earth shattering. The costs associated with women's hockey have to be quite large in comparison to some of the other sports being mentioned for cuts. Would cutting baseball, men's golf and women's hockey get to the $1.4M or would more need to be cut? Edit: Additionally, the most recent comments seem to dwell more on the sports that will be discontinued than on conference affiliation.
  8. I first heard Jim Rome on the radio about ten years ago while on the road for work. I listened to it for about half an hour and had to turn it off, as it had to be one of the stupidest shows I had ever heard. "Clones" calling in with their "take". Rome saying the same thing over and over again for 5-10 minutes, trying to sound intelligent. I ran some errands yesterday, station surfing, and heard him on the radio talking about the kid from FSU that killed two people and was likely on some drugs. Rome spent five minutes talking about it, saying since the kid was not an athlete he wasn't going to talk about it. How is this man still on the radio? Who listens to him? Maybe I am just too old and not enough of a sports nut, but I just don't get the appeal of Jim Rome's show.
  9. Is it athletics related or deeper rhan that?
  10. UND finished last in conference, but the Big Sky does sponsor softball
  11. Big Sky sport that is required of it's member schools.
  12. I don't threaten. I challenge.
  13. He came out publically and said he didn't know the facts of the issue, which was a lie that became public from his texts. The AD fell on the sword to cover DB, saying that he erred in not bring these ideas forward. Per the texts they both lied.
  14. Can we get the man's last name right. It is Larsen, not Larson. Those of us who spell our name correctly don't want to be associated in this mess.
  15. GeauxSioux

    2016 Season

    Rules from new Texas football coach... I didn't want to start a new thread for this, so decided to put it here.
  16. Wasn't this deal signed a couple of months ago? It is almost as if FU just found out what they signed and are trying to put lipstick on a pig.
  17. Dedication of Robin Hall marks continued growth of unmanned aircraft opportunities at UND
  18. I actually like the new logo better than the name. The new wordsmith of the name also is a better look, as well. It is still going to be an adjustment period, but it is growing on me.
  19. Great last name.
  20. According to this list, Duluth is more than double the size of the Bismarck metro 168 Duluth 279,601 304 Bismarck 129,517
  21. Internal audit targeted UND's Josh Riedy for communication, pay raises Good riddance.
  22. It looks like it does have to be forced/mandated. Public university now requires applicants pledge commitment to ‘diversity and inclusion’
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