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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. I prefer the 6’ apart for social distancing. A number that they pulled from their backsides.
  2. I wonder how often this happens...Colorado State Health Dept. Classified Man Who Died of Alcohol Poisoning as Covid Death, Coroner Claims
  3. They would be essential workers.
  4. Since Mafia Man (grammar guy) is already asleep. It is eminent domain, not imminent domain.
  5. Florida, like California, is lower than Germany in the deaths/million. Florida is somewhat of a microcosm of the US. A large percentage of the US deaths are in the Northeast... NY, NJ, PA and MA. 56% of the deaths in Florida are in 3 counties, Miami/Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. Gov DeSantis, has for the most part allowed the counties to do what they see is best for their community. Florida began Phase I of reopening, with the exception of the above counties. There is no need for a national policy or statewide policies when the threat is not widespread. When beaches opened in certain locations across the country, a segment of our society went nuts at how irresponsible it was. The beaches here opened last week. My family took advantage of it. Fresh air, sunshine, exercise, etc.
  6. An ongoing event that make your numbers pale in comparison. Granted these figures are worldwide and not just USA.
  7. Had to do it....
  8. I prefer to not live in fear. Fear is not a plan. Way too much of it going on.
  9. The arrogance is strong with this one.
  10. You may want to reread your post because your “point” got muddled into your bashing of America for being over regulated. But you want to “regulate” people to where masks? My question to all who are in favor of masking and sheltering.... when does it end? What is the end game? When are we all safe to stand less than 6’ apart? I asked these questions early on early on of people who were supporting these actions and have never gotten a good answer other than “we have to flatten the curve”. Okay, that is quite arbitrary and doesn’t provide answers to my questions. Any answers out there from the maskers?
  11. I have a coworker with an America is bad attitude. Here is a good place to do a comparison between countries. USA ranks pretty well in regards to regulation. https://www.heritage.org/index/visualize?cnts=unitedstates|romania&src=country Once upon a time USA was top 5 in this index and had been trending upward over the past few years until the 2020 index.
  12. To date there are just over 271k Corona deaths in the world. Yet we kill people on purpose at a much higher rate and it is ignored
  13. I have a vendor in Louisiana who knew of four people in the New Orleans metro who had it 3 of them said it was just like a normal flu. The other said it was like a really nasty flu. All four are over it.
  14. Are these the same folks who “model” global warming? Isn’t modeling what they are doing to predict the future? The “experts” took the extreme in all of their modeling of the virus and scared everyone and look what we have. It almost looks dystopian going to the grocery store. Arrows on the floor showing you which direction to walk, lines of where to stand in line, people in masks avoiding each other. There seems to be more congestion at end of the aisles this way, than there was normally. Something just doesn’t seem right in telling well people to stay home.
  15. The point was that they were supposed to have 40,000 deaths by now, if they didn’t close everything down. They have around 2,700. The “experts” were way off. I also, for weeks, kept hearing about flattening the curve or you would see a huge spike. Sweden didn’t seem to experience that. The UK, who did shut down, did spike, at least briefly.
  16. By not shutting down their country, Sweden has lost just under 2,700 people or 0.0265% of their population. The predictions from the educated said that they would lose 40,000 by May 1st and 100,000 by June. Lockdown Stockholm Syndrome
  17. I am in the construction industry which has been deemed essential. You are expected to work unless you are sick and/or have tested positive. Office people are working from home part of the time and in the office some if the time. People not working due to Covid are being compensated.
  18. Fixed the link.
  19. Agree or disagree, there are some valid points here..... "The Ripple-Effects Of The Government Lockdown Are Only Starting To Take Shape..." You would not, in the slightest, in any kind of sane world, shut down an entire economy and lock down everything when you have a 5 per 100,000 death rate for the overwhelming share of the population.
  20. Along with Florida. Some of the beaches are opening back up. Escambia County officials meet on the 28th to discuss opening up Pensacola Beach and Perdido Key beaches. Also, there is about 15 miles of public park beaches between Pensacola Beach and Navarre Beach for people to get out and enjoy the sun, wind, surf, water.... Plenty of room for a family to go out and enjoy and keep distance from others.
  21. It would probably help if they didn't do stuff like this... Pensacola Florida break coronavirus rules Easter block party
  22. What is disturbing is how the media see this event, as it does with most things, through a political lens. It is hard to find news that is not sensationalized, left or right.
  23. That is the man. I have a friend whose parents had seats right across the visitor tunnel from Bruce. It was comical watching him throw comments the whole game at the opposing team/coach. Brooks wanted his revenge.
  24. I have a story that I heard a long time ago and I am not even sure if it is true or who told me. A certain fan used to sit behind the visitor bench and liked to aggravate opposing coaches and Herb Brooks was one of his favorite targets. In an effort to get some retribution Brooks had light syrup poured on the fans seat, so when he came in and sat down he didn’t see it. Brooks turned around and had a good laugh. Hockey is the best sport. The personalities, the action, the rivalries.. Sioux hockey is the greatest with the best fans in the world.
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