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Everything posted by dmksioux

  1. Is expansion at Alerus even possible? I know they are looking at purchasing more land but I don't believe that means they are looking at renovating/adding on to the Alerus' stadium. Only possible way to add on, without redoing the roof is to add seats in the South end zone which means perhaps a couple thousand extra seats at most. As much as I would like to see FBS as an option for us...I think it's still a ways off. And as much as I hate to say it, NDSU is currently better positioned for an FBS move.
  2. Really looking for three but I can check with my buddies. How much are you asking?
  3. So...anyone have any leads on tix or know of a UMD ticket exchange web site?
  4. Looks like Army has offered him...
  5. Nice timing for this story... http://mobile.grandforksherald.com/page/article/id/282495/property_id/40/
  6. Not sure...but I do hope that GF Hockey's rumor turns out being correct. Would be nice to have a microbrew/restaurant in town...
  7. The guys that own Rhombus Guys recently purchased the Opera House building in Downtown GF. I know they have some nice apartments in the upper level but I believe the main floor is still open. Not sure what they have in mind for it but perhaps a museum could be housed there. In looking at the website, the plans show a restaurant being in there, which currently isn't. http://operalofts.com/history.htm
  8. They were moving dirt and staking out the land for the Med school before winter hit. It will be on the North East portion of the Bronson property. Not sure how much room would be left to the south. They will have to figure in parking for the Med school as well.
  9. The corner of Columbia and Gateway is where the new Med School is being built.
  10. http://www.grandforksherald.com/event/article/id/282166/group/homepage/ Looks like the Alerus Center is upgrading its score boards and message boards in time for next football season. Not sure if that means new video boards also? "The center also plans on getting new arena scoreboards and message boards in time for the next UND football season, she said."
  11. Technically Schwiegert was a national search. This is more along the lines when Mussman was named Coach. No need to open it up outside of an internal posting. Why go through all the extra work, reviewing apps, point process, etc if you plan to hire internally. Only way I see Brown being hired is if there aren't any other qualified applicants.
  12. Not sure but a quick look at his twitter page shows his profile pic of a UND football practice still so seems as though he is sticking around. He had a tweet about Chicago so perhaps he's enroute back to GF? Edit: I should add that yes, it probably is a bit creepy to be checking out football player twitter accounts...
  13. Since the search was opened up nationally, one would think this means that he won't get the job...at least the head coaching job.
  14. In looking at gopher hole, a poster said that Ryan James (some guy who reports on U of M athletics apparantly) has said shanks was denied admission to U of M. So as long as he can gain admission here, he will be suiting up next season (January). Don't know much about him, but there's always a place for a seven footer on your basketball team.
  15. Personally I do not see it as a "make or break your season type of game." It's the first game for the coaching staff and several young players. I don't expect a win. I expect to see them compete in that game. Not sure if we have a " make or break game in our schedule," but if I had to choose one, it would be the Montana game at home. We will have played a few games by that point and UM is a team we've split with over the past couple seasons. If we compete against them, and possibly even beat them, then I will feel confident we are headed in the right direction.
  16. Well this thread has zero chance of becoming a pissing match with our neighbors to the south now. {sarcasm emphasized} I do like to see us being more aggressive with recruiting...
  17. To be honest, fgosioux does make some valid points...or at least some points I agree with. I do feel our athletic programs are mired in mediocrity right now. So we won a few Great West conference titles in some sports...we should have won them and won more based on our athletic budget in comparison to the other GWC schools. The only sports that have taken a legitimate step up in play has been the Volleyball team and the Women's hockey team at least in my eyes. Every other sport has been average at best...even including hockey (when comparing to what we expect from that program).
  18. dmksioux

    2013 Playoffs

    You might want to dial it back a bit on the "Demise of the Bison." They still have a lot of good players, good coaches, and a good system. The Bison should be contenders again next year. Do I think they will win it, probably not. But as of now, they would be in the top 8 or better. The Bison are going to come back to the pack a bit but it's not going to happen instantaneously.
  19. I am looking for three tickets to the Saturday Night game in Duluth (February 22nd). It appears to be sold out on Ticketmaster. Anyone looking to sell tickets to this game or know of a good place to go looking on the secondary market? Does UMD have a fan forum like Siouxsports?
  20. Anyone hearing anything on Kyle Norberg? His twitter says he was visiting Illinois State. Not real clear on the reason why...
  21. Grand Forks has landed one of the six test sites. http://www.grandforksherald.com/event/article/id/281247/
  22. This is all I could find on his time with St. Cloud State. From the Minot State Bio page:
  23. I don't see the ISU assistant coach listed in the above list. Have they since applied?
  24. So based on your sources track record for the next HC, we should expect the opposite of what you say and be disappointed with the assistants he chooses...
  25. You seriously believe that women's hockey will one day be the number 2 team on campus? Ahead of football and men's bball? I hope I never live to see the day where women's hockey is our second most popular sport.
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