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Everything posted by dmksioux

  1. Maybe he can't decide so he's trying to wait one of the candidates out...thinking one of them will have to eventually get tired of this nonsense and withdraw.
  2. Since the Big Sky is pretty weak, outside of Weber St. and Montana, I think we will be just fine in conference play. Probably pretty close to a .750 win percentage in league. Should have no problem making the tourney, but winning it's another story. Talent is there, but they need to play as a team to win the tourney...
  3. This^ Very selfish play and we very seldom, if ever, make the extra pass to the open player. The guards are quick, but when the defense collapses, they should be looking to kick it out to the open player. There were several opportunities to do so today, but is only recall one time where it happened. Webb found an open Schuler...who ended up missing.
  4. In perusing the interwebs, I see that he was in the running for the Austin Peay job last spring. Also a finalist for the Northern St. job back in 2005 when Jerry Glanville was also a finalist. I would say the odds he becomes our next coach are pretty slim.
  5. I will measure the season's success on how the team plays versus the W-L record next year. I don't think we will have a very good record, but that won't be my measuring stick. My measuring stick will include seeing if our players improve at the fundamentals, have a good attitude, and get better as the season goes on, then I will be happy....whatever the record is. Edit: Should add that I hope to see a decrease in penalties/Personal Fouls although that could fall under fundamentals as well...
  6. Currently seeing 4-8...which will likely change at the beginning of next season...
  7. I think Stony Brook is a pretty solid addition to the schedule. Also gives me an excuse to visit my brother out east .
  8. Does anyone know if this game is being televised?
  9. Casey Young, maybe move Tyhree Ivory back to receiver?
  10. Who cares who applies for the Assistant positions. You get the posting out there to meet the time requirements, make it generic enough and when the head coach is selected, he can have his guy apply. There could be zero applicants before the HC is named, doesn't really matter as it is just a formality to speed along the process.
  11. I don't get this at all. Why couldn't every coaching position be posted at the same time(when the initial HC position was posted)? When the new HC is announced, the guy he wants as an Assistant Coach, DC, OC etc. could turn in his application at that time and be hired the next day. Why couldn't that have been done?
  12. Ok, wasn't sure. Faison also hired Brewster.
  13. He also hired the new Women's Soccer coach (first season was this year). I also believe he hired the Idalski (Women's Hockey), Jeff Dodson (Men's Baseball), and the softball coach.
  14. Hopefully it is announced by the end of the week so the players leaving for break know who their coach will be...
  15. So it has also been rumored that DeBoer was asked to apply. Does anyone know if Bubba was "asked" to apply?
  16. I believe they are splitting into two divisions. Play in division teams twice and other division teams once. Six teams twice for twelve games and six teams for one game and you get 18.
  17. When people talk about moving up, I believe they are referring to the second division after the possible "big 5" conferences form their own division.
  18. And I think that is what everyone is getting uptight about. As others have said, it may take UND having to hire an outside Hockey HC or possibly NDSU to hire an outside Head FB coach in order for a review of the hiring policies. My only question in regards to Faison and the process, is did he consider/attempt to invoke the "Emergency hire" clause that is supposedly out there?
  19. This may be true, but it sure seems as if every other University/College outside of North Dakota know how to streamline the process and cut some of the red tape.
  20. The only reason I see for a top 9 is that the next UND coach came in 9th in the "point standings." Sure would be nice to have Faison make some kind of statement this week...
  21. So UND hires this week or next to avoid that scenario only to have the announcement overshadowed by NDSU winning its third FCS championship. Seems plausible...
  22. Is that accurate? I never saw the interview but there has been some question as to whether the $70k is on top of the $150k or just to get to $150k. Or was the extra $70k for assistant salaries.
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