The investigation of NDSU student Bearson's death doesn't seem to be progressing (at least publicly); in some ways it seems to be going the wrong way.
Caution advised one week after discovery of slain NDSU student's body; police still have no answers
So in a week of investigation, by how many law enforcement agencies, the Fargo / NDSU community has gone from "no indication the public was at risk" to "urged the public to be cautious".
The Red River Valley does not need another "unsolved" situation like NDSCS / Andrew Sadek.
That always looks like the lost, seventh member of The Village People to me:
Cop, chief, cowboy, biker, construction worker, and military man ... sunflake viking ...
Well, there is a statue of a Nokota out front of REA already.
However, before I completely believe you, can you tell us your "good ol' boys" club ID number? It's right there on your membership card beside the schedule of meetings at the truck stop.
The station they built ... has it really kept up with the times?
Don't get me wrong, Pat and Terry had a great run and earned a ton of respect, but as with everything in life there comes a time to move on.
So he's leaving 'DAZ to do something different. After 39 years the guy's earned it.
I say this at times to make fun of Bison football fans, but I think it fits here also:
How things are right now is how they'll always be.
Part of growing (as a person, community, or State) is accepting that change is always happening. Heck, someday all the good ol' boys will be on the other side of the grass too.
Dullum files retirement with WDAZ after 39 years at TV station
WDAZ announced the retirement of Terry Dullum this afternoon.
I have to admit that NAU did a good job with their "rebranding" last spring.
They came up with a logo that is clear and distinct, timeless, and not gimmicky. I'd call it a success.
Dear Montana,
Nothin' to see here.
Don't look at the box score from Bozeman last week. Just look at your film of your UND game from last year. Start thinking now about your home game the following week v. UC Davis.
Nothin' to see here.
Historically, Hak has had his top two defensive pairs be a senior/sophomore and then a junior/freshman.
Last year? Simmer/Schmaltz; Mattson/Ladue.
I'd expect more of the same.