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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Easy. Pick one from each of the CCHA, AHA, and ECAC. (Reasonable.) Pick three from HEA. (Maybe.) Pick four (of six) from the %BigCantCount and blow off the NCHC completely. (Dear USCHO: You can't be serious.) That's how. Pay closer attention next time, will ya?
  2. As much as I'd love to see a giant bubble machine in REA ... no.
  3. We'll be able to notice how exactly?
  4. Those suspects are in the hands of law enforcement. Three days and both suspects in custody; bravo to GFPD on that one.
  5. There's yet to be justice for Sadek (the NDSCS student) and too many others. Maybe by keeping them "front of mind" we can change that.
  6. Cratter's link / source: http://www.inforum.com/content/caution-advised-one-week-after-discovery-slain-ndsu-students-body-police-still-have-no Volochenko, the older fellow, died from "assault-related injuries". (I believe past stories said he was beat to death with his own walking cane.) Bearson died from "homicidal violence". Can someone translate either of those (or are those intentionally obtuse statements by cops)?
  7. Even after some of the additional and enlightening facts in the NDSCS case came out (the felony drug warrant for the missing person / murder victim) I don't recall NDSCS issuing a similar statement.
  8. http://www.policechiefmagazine.org/magazine/index.cfm?fuseaction=display_arch&article_id=2604&issue_id=22012
  9. It's public record that the FBI is involved in the Bearson investigation. I believe it's because a state line was crossed.
  10. Let's see ... a Vegas line of a 17 point spread and a 44.5 over/under ... well done.
  11. If a state nickname related moniker is a must ... Peace Gardeners!
  12. I guess I don't see a "must" as much as a "why some do" in this:
  13. I haven't seen many Minutemen in Massachusetts lately either. Shall I tell UMass (Amherst)?
  14. Hence the UC Berkeley ("Cal") Golden Bears and the UC Los Angeles Bruins.
  15. No, not at all. Hence my statement ... To me the Lovelien situation is the most disappointing as that one happened in a public place and still isn't solved. The two college guys (NDSCS, NDSU) are just eerie: murdered and dumped. And anyone who kills an 87 year old man (Volochenko) deserves a heated seat in Hell.
  16. This one from Moorhead.
  17. So must KVRR-TV Fargo. Gang Activity On the Rise in Fargo: "Gangs are starting to immerge from the shadows here in Fargo. In the matter of a three week span leading up to the beginning of August Fargo Police have had a lot more contact with criminal organizations and gangs. ... With charges ranging from theft and drugs to assault, police are working to combat the problem."
  18. Mr. Bearson was from Sartell. Sartell is in the heart of ... Source: http://www.co.stearns.mn.us/LawPublicSafety/SheriffServices/Enforcement/ViolentOffenses It's more than a little eerie that another small town guy, one at NDSCS, one at NDSU, ends up murdered in suspicious circumstances in a six month span.
  19. Sadek had dealings with the drug culture. http://www.bakkentoday.com/event/article/id/36714/
  20. (With apologies to Fernie of the KIJHL) ... The Ghost Riders
  21. The investigation of NDSU student Bearson's death doesn't seem to be progressing (at least publicly); in some ways it seems to be going the wrong way. Caution advised one week after discovery of slain NDSU student's body; police still have no answers So in a week of investigation, by how many law enforcement agencies, the Fargo / NDSU community has gone from "no indication the public was at risk" to "urged the public to be cautious". The Red River Valley does not need another "unsolved" situation like NDSCS / Andrew Sadek.
  22. Same reason people slow down to look at train wrecks.
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