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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. I thought that was @sioux rube on the left and @SIOUXFAN97 on the right.
  2. Wasn't hydrogen also part of the plan when Rainbow bought the power plant at Underwood ND from GRE? Xcel has been doing hydrogen (off peak) at Monticello.
  3. The one plan for Harrington Hall converts it to almost completely 3c (above).
  4. As disappointed with his production as we are, I'm hoping he's unsatisfied with himself and has something to prove.
  5. As someone noted earlier, the runway at GFK was down (construction) for a significant period of time.
  6. Sesame Street / Twitter feed seven second attention span society.
  7. It looks like the Gretzky Kings logo .... https://www.nhl.com/kings/news/la-kings-unveil-brand-evolution
  8. WAS: I get trading Keumper (see: Lindgren), but the $8.5M for PLD*? I suspect they think they're going to have cap room due to LTIR relief (probably Oshie or Backstrom). *PLD sounds like a disease ... "Do you suffer from the acute and chronic effects of PLD? Try TradeToCaps for fast relief ... "
  9. LAK: Addition by subtraction
  10. Top six; bottom six Top nine and a grind that can still score
  11. The hole was there. Only C McD and Patrick Kane* dare shoot at it like that. *just ask the Flyers ...
  12. Normally it's look what the cat dragged in. This time it's the Cats being dragged back to Alberta ... (c) C McD
  13. It'd be like Sather's "hawk landing".
  14. I wouldn't expect a regular lineup card with a freshman center before Christmas; nor would I expect two freshman forwards together until then. After Christmas if you're still playing like a freshman you're not playing.
  15. Don't be phoney; kids see right through that. Be who you are.
  16. Hockey is a small world; they likely knew something was up. And in a portal world ...
  17. Alternatively, if he's not good at it don't do it.
  18. Did Potulny see the (Alston, NIL, full cost) handwriting on the wall and decided now is the time to leave NMU?
  19. Hang a curve ball and I'm gonna hack at it.
  20. Does anyone understand The Situation ...
  21. Slipec: the open secret is no longer secret
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