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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Milwaukee's epic tumble is near complete. Pittsburgh's magic number for the last NL wild card spot is down to 5 (over Milwaukee). If it wasn't for Oakland's AL West train wreck everyone would be talking about Milwaukee's NL Central collapse.
  2. My most positive notion* for UND becoming the "Eagles" is that everywhere in the State at the top of a flag pole, save for the Stars and Stripes, would fly this friendly reminder: *My least positive notion: Boston College
  3. Updated story: http://www.grandforksherald.com/content/und-names-task-force-adopt-new-nickname-logo
  4. Given the state of the NFL, and this guy who can't stay out of trouble, the whistling sound in Tallahassee this week is the sound of Winston's NFL draft status in freefall.
  5. Remember "Major League? Cerrano and his altar to Jobu? The kid, 'gfhockey', has the same kind of thing set up to Blais.
  6. South Prairie? Uh, Griggs County Central, Barnes County North, Central Cass, Northern Cass. <-- much better! Heck, even Maple Valley or Central Valley are more descriptive to where they are than "North Star"*. *That's in Ursa Minor, right?
  7. Diversity in age? No, no. Diversity is however Kelley set up the quota.
  8. "Ol' Boys" Logo: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UqWxLOUxYY4/UmGNp-GPuSI/AAAAAAAAJJw/XPt9aj7ehu4/s1600/Screen+Shot+2013-10-18+at+2.07.48+PM.png
  9. A couple things have to happen over the next 52 weeks: - NDSU needs to have some down angle in their program. I don't expect much more than a 777 on approach. - UND needs some major up angle in the program, about what you see at 0:34 here. That combo might put them at the same altitude.
  10. < scanning defense > Thinking to self: Dang. They've read it ... "Kill! Kill! Kill! Ready .... "
  11. Isn't it obvious?
  12. But corn under $3 isn't helping them.
  13. Good Lord. What a bunch of mealy-mouthed new-speak. It's a committee to gather data and make a recommendation. Confucius where are you and your "rectification of names" when we need you? A dog is a dog, it is not a four-legged canine companion with a variable level of insect infestation.
  14. One more on Sundogs: BRIDGES thought it would be cute because it's sUNDogs. If we want that ... scoUNDrels
  15. Hey ... she will survive.
  16. One too many Burt Reynolds movies? https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=burt+reynolds+mean+machine
  17. Pretty close .... Too bad her rally-cry might have to become ours:
  18. It was first proposed by the anti-moniker group BRIDGES and they came out with a rainbow logo* to go with it. *Claim: Sundogs do diffract light so they have that appearance. Reality: Their "tip of cap" to "diversity and inclusion" (see: Jesse Jackson, Rainbow Coalition)
  19. I fear you are correct.
  20. I already picked mine: Be prepared to discuss the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle; the Austrian school of thought in Economics; Intron-8 and the 5T allele in CF diagnosis; and Tony Hrkac's 1987 statistics .... or I too "Will Go Ape-<bleep> All Up in Yo Grill" bee-otches.
  21. Quit harshing my mellow.
  22. Screaming Weasels >>> Sundogs
  23. I explained the situation to someone this way once: We had a Lamborghini. It was awesome. There were a couple Ferrari around, but we had the only Lamborghini. Then the DOT said, "No more Lamborghini on the streets." The Ferrari were allowed to stay, along with all the Fords and Chevys. Worse? We had nothing to drive for quite a while ... and the Lamborghini was still in the garage, but we can't drive it. And I'm worried that even if we get a Jaguar F-Type V8 S it will still feel like a Yugo because the Lamborghini will always be in the garage.
  24. I'm running against Taz. I'm an expert witness, because I say I am.
  25. FYP.
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