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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Olson and O'Donnell keep firing ... Os. ... ... get it on net guys. Luke Johnson off with 10:27 remaining (CC PP).
  2. 11:27 remaining UND 6 CC 1
  3. 6-1 UND -- MacMillan (PPG) at 6:19
  4. 5-1 UND -- LaDue from Simonson and 2:54 remains on the major.
  5. Third underway. CC takes a 5 for contact to head hit on Cags. (Hennessy doesn't sound convinced, but will take it.)
  6. 4-1 end of second
  7. @EWU 26 UNC 18 F
  8. Ugly drooling mutts get a PPG with 7 left in the third.
  9. 0-0 early in the third on Saturday afternoon v. UMD
  10. I always thought "stakeholder" is a word that belonged on a vampire slayer job description.
  11. The NCAA stands for nothing, so they'll fall for anything.
  12. Dear Team, Remember how crappy it felt last Saturday morning? Think about it today. So, what are you going to do tonight to not have that feeling on the flight home?
  13. He remembers when ice was invented so then they had to invent trees to get wood for the first sticks. Seriously, he's about 62-63. (Found an article from 2011 saying he was 59 then.) I thought he did a UND game in 1979 during the '79-'80 season. That'd be five decades or so.
  14. From the little I saw of "Our Lady of South Bend" last night: Shut down Lucia = nighty-night 'domers.
  15. I hear Bye's defense is pretty porous. Let's hope our offensive line can deal with it. Alternatively, I don't think our defense will feel a thing from Bye's offense.
  16. From your lips to the recruiting gods' ears.
  17. < honk > 3-1 UND final
  18. MacMillan hits side of open net. (No hat trick for you.)
  19. CC pulled. O'Donnell misses open net.
  20. 2:20 to go.
  21. 3-1 UND with 3:32 remaining.
  22. UND facility overview and drawings. http://www.iconarchitects.com/projects/masterplan/indoor-practice-facility.html
  23. 3-1 UND 11:47 remaining in third. UND seems to be giving up more chances this period. No time to go asleep.
  24. UND on PP to start second and with 5 sec left in that CC gets caught for too many men.
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