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Fullerton Still Talking Big Sky Expansion


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It would appear to me that you don't have to worry about NDSU fans bashing UND. They seem to do it on their own out there. Pretty smart people I guess. ???

Perhaps you need to re-read the thread. The only negative thing that I read from anyone other than Bison fans was one person commenting that UND is a hockey first school instead of a football first school and another stating his opinion that most MSU/UM fans would rather see NDSU win in a game against UND. Neither appear to be bashing.


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UBC looks to become first Canadian NCAA member - Will Rock Canadian Sports

The University of British Columbia is eagerly awaiting a reply from the NCAA, one that could rock the Canadian sports world to its core, and eventually establish Vancouver as a mecca of university athletics in Canada.

UBC expected word before the end of September regarding its interest in joining the NCAA, although there is no news yet on a reply.

So which conference will take UBC? Again, the most logical candidates in the near term are the WCC (which is all private and mostly Catholic/Jesuit schools) and the Big Sky. UBC in a league within three years?:

"If we go Division I NCAA, we have to do this right, and we'd have to have all our ducks in order ( . . . ) I'm not saying that we couldn't be playing in the league in three years or so but realistically, we'd have to do this right."
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Sometimes, I do wonder if I'm stuck in some time wharp relative to 2004, only now the tables are ironically turned. ??? The same kind of "jealousy and wishful" talk was hurled by Bison fans at my preposterous concept that UNC would get a Big Sky bid over NDSU/SDSU because of media/cable issues. Now, being consistent and using those same principles, UND with its FSSN should be obviously be of interest to the BSC. But NDSU fans, now claiming to "comprehend" media issues, ridicule the very idea that UND would be in the Big Sky because of its media capabilities. Never mind that UND with its FSSN has essentially transformed the Dakotas and NW Minnesota into a Sacramento-sized media market.

Law of Bison fan conventional wisdom: when Bison fans reach agreement, the opposite happens:

Sure things according to conventional Bison wisdom:

1.UND will lose to Northern Iowa, badly.

2.UND athletics is a basket case financially.

3.UND athletics will be stuck as an independent for a long, long time.

4.The FSSN has no impact on conference decision making.

5.UND has absolutely no leadership, and is doomed.

6.NDSU will surpass UND in stature.

7.Grand Forks has nothing whatsoever going for it and is destined to be a hell-hole.

The Law of Bison Fan Conventional Wisdom strongly affirms ---> The future is very bright for UND and it athletic program. :lol:

UNC got into the BSC because of their location, not their media connections. By the way, I have never heard anthing about what kind of ratings the FSSN gets for football and basketball games. You would have to exclude hockey from the discussion because the BSC wouldn't care about those ratings. In fact, I would assume hockey would bump a number of weekend basketball games off the FSSN schedule.

If you keep hanging your hat on getting into a conference on the FSSN, you will quickly ensure points #2, #3 and #6 in your Bison fan conventional wisdom list will come true.

As for point #7, why do you think there are three times as many UND grads living in Fargo than in Grand Forks?

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As for point #7, why do you think there are three times as many UND grads living in Fargo than in Grand Forks?

Warmer climate? Tropical breeze? Beautiful vistas? ???

Could it be the same reason that NDSU didn't get into the BSC? Geography. The confluence of the interstates has been the impetus for the growth of Fargo.

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I like the 7 points. Here is my take:

Conventional wisdom of the NDSU Fan:

1) UND will lose to Northern Iowa, badly.

2) UND athletics is a basket case financially.

3) UND athletics will be stuck as an independent for a long, long time.

4) The FSSN has no impact on conference decision making.

5) UND has absolutely no leadership, and is doomed.

6) NDSU will surpass UND in stature.

7) Grand Forks has nothing whatsoever going for it and is destined to be a hell-hole.

Conventional wisdom of the UND fan:

1) NDSU will get crushed by DI-A Ball State

2) NDSU will fail in DI, it' a waste of money, no local talent, no difference from D2

3) NDSU was foolish to move without conference invite, or at least a secret one.

4) UND hockey is the biggest thing in North Dakota

5) UND has absolutely no leadership and is doomed, Buning is ok though

6) NDSU will surpass UND in stature

7) Grand Forks has nothing whatsoever going for it and is destined to be a hell-hole

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I like the 7 points. Here is my take:

Conventional wisdom of the NDSU Fan:

1) UND will lose to Northern Iowa, badly.

2) UND athletics is a basket case financially.

3) UND athletics will be stuck as an independent for a long, long time.

4) The FSSN has no impact on conference decision making.

5) UND has absolutely no leadership, and is doomed.

6) NDSU will surpass UND in stature.

7) Grand Forks has nothing whatsoever going for it and is destined to be a hell-hole.

Conventional wisdom of the UND fan:

1) NDSU will get crushed by DI-A Ball State

2) NDSU will fail in DI, it' a waste of money, no local talent, no difference from D2

3) NDSU was foolish to move without conference invite, or at least a secret one.

4) UND hockey is the biggest thing in North Dakota

5) UND has absolutely no leadership and is doomed, Bunning is ok though

6) NDSU will surpass UND in stature

7) Grand Forks has nothing whatsoever going for it and is destined to be a hell-hole

Other than 4) UND hockey is the biggest thing in North Dakota, the remainder is jibberish. Items 5-7 are the same on both lists. ???

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The confluence of the interstates has been the impetus for the growth of Fargo.

Sorry to go off topic a bit but I've always thought that the western part of US 2 should be an interstate from Duluth to Seattle. Perhaps I-98?

Not that I think that would increase the growth of Grand Forks, but I still think it should be one.

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Sorry to go off topic a bit but I've always thought that the western part of US 2 should be an interstate from Duluth to Seattle. Perhaps I-98?

Not that I think that would increase the growth of Grand Forks, but I still think it should be one.

Just this once I will agree with a Bison fan. :silly: (only cause I travel 6-8 times a year to Duluth) ;)

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Fargo was also larger than Grand Forks before the interstate highways, athough it has been growing slightly faster since then.

Population in 1950 (pre Interstates)

Fargo 38,000 G.F. 29,000

Population in 1990 (last decade before the flood)

Fargo 74,000 G.F. 50,000

Warmer climate? Tropical breeze? Beautiful vistas? :silly:

Could it be the same reason that NDSU didn't get into the BSC? Geography. The confluence of the interstates has been the impetus for the growth of Fargo.

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Fargo was also larger than Grand Forks before the interstate highways, athough it has been growing slightly faster since then.

Population in 1950 (pre Interstates)

Fargo 38,000 G.F. 29,000

Population in 1990 (last decade before the flood)

Fargo 74,000 G.F. 50,000

Granted, Fargo was larger than GF pre-interstate, but there was a brief period of time that Grand Forks was growing faster than Fargo, despite Fargo's geographic advantage. Prior to the interstate Fargo still had Hwy's 10 and 81, while GF had 2 and 81. Since 10 came through the Cities and headed toward the NW into Fargo, it is a natural distribution line. The one time when GF was growing faster is when the GFAFB came into the picture and GF's growth rate surpassed Fargo's. When the interstates were built Grand Forks was 80 miles too far out of the way, thus being the impetus for the growth of Fargo. Of course the flood didn't help either.

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Dont forget about the railroads. They jump started Fargo. The river traffic is of course the original method of transportation. Another interesting phenomena is the fact that the flagship cities, at least in the USA, get larger as you move down the I-29 corridor. Fargo, Sioux Falls, Omaha, KC, Of course there are smaller towns in between but the flagship cities show the pattern. When you look at the MSAs the size differences between the flagships and other towns in the corridor become even more pronounced.

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Please let's not be debating the populations of Fargo and Grand Forks in the 1950s.......there has to be better filler for this board..... :D

;) I agree that thread has detiororated and I'm partially to blame. I think JBB wants to take this back to the riverboat and railroad days.

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:D I agree that thread has detiororated and I'm partially to blame. I think JBB wants to take this back to the riverboat and railroad days.

i remember those days and if i recall correctly, fargo was just an outhouse with a bar. grand forks was a booming city. :D

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Well, since this thread has deteriorated.........I thought I would throw in a picture of the Georgia Southern cheerteam.......It was quite a sight this past weekend.............here we see the girls in training.............


Too bad they didn't use these two on their O'line...Maybe could have actually run against the Bison a little! :D

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Nothing will happen in the BSC anyway unless members leave so while waiting for news I watched the John Wayne movie where he was the railroad agent trying to buy land for the Red River crossing at Fargo. He runs up against crooked land speculators but somehow prevails and gets the girl. Good movie. They correctly depicted Fargo on the Plains and Fargo on the River. Fargo on the Plains later grew to become West Fargo.

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I hear Diggler is a big TJ Oshie fan.

OK, I invoked "Diggler*" so we must return to topic:

Don't the BSC presidents meet yet this month?

* The Diggler Rule: Bring him up and you must un-hijack the thread and return to the original topic.

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I hear Diggler is a big TJ Oshie fan.

OK, I invoked "Diggler*" so we must return to topic:

Don't the BSC presidents meet yet this month?

* The Diggler Rule: Bring him up and you must un-hijack the thread and return to the original topic.

:silly: Thank you for invoking the Diggler Rule.

I think I read somewhere that the BSC presidents are meeting this month.

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