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If someone posts in their very first post important news about a player leaving, it is hard to know if they are a reliable source of information, or just a troll looking for bait.

If someone that has an established record of reliable posts makes the same claim, it is easier to trust that info because they have proven to be trust-worthy in the past.


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When a brand new poster isn't automatically believed, it's not because of some exclusive clique, it's because the poster is completely anonymous and hasn't demonstrated any credibility beyond being able to login into an email account.

If you're really just trying to join the community, put your fact out there and sit back and you will gain a positive reputation when you turn out to have known what you're talking about (see this guy's first dozen posts). Of course people are going to question an unsubstantiated, anonymously posted rumor; substantiate it or explain that you can't right now, don't bash them for daring to question it.

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If someone posts in their very first post important news about a player leaving, it is hard to know if they are a reliable source of information, or just a troll looking for bait.

If someone that has an established record of reliable posts makes the same claim, it is easier to trust that info because they have proven to be trust-worthy in the past.


I hope I have enough posts under my belt by now that everyone can believe I'm an a$$hole :)

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If someone posts in their very first post important news about a player leaving, it is hard to know if they are a reliable source of information, or just a troll looking for bait.

If someone that has an established record of reliable posts makes the same claim, it is easier to trust that info because they have proven to be trust-worthy in the past.


I agree with most of what you say but it seemed to me that he really made an effort in his post to show he wasn't just a troll looking for bait. He said he didn't want that to be his first post, that Spirko is one of his favorite players so this news sucks for him also, and he added that he's been going to UND games since 1979.

I got the impression that he was a loyal Sioux fan who came across some info that he thought you people would be interested in, so he registered and posted it.

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I agree with most of what you say but it seemed to me that he really made an effort in his post to show he wasn't just a troll looking for bait. He said he didn't want that to be his first post, that Spirko is one of his favorite players so this news sucks for him also, and he added that he's been going to UND games since 1979.

I got the impression that he was a loyal Sioux fan who came across some info that he thought you people would be interested in, so he registered and posted it.

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Some of you ask for sources but having a higher up source and a source at the paper are two different things. If people name their sources every time like many of you want it to be, then that source may no longer give any information to whoever the person is. Ever thought of that?

The flip side of that is we know some of those "higher up sources", although they may deny it vehimently, do read this board.

If the "higher up sources" see what they told to someone in confidence pop up on here twenty minutes later, you've lost a source (and maybe a friend).

Trust me, I've known stuff I'd have loved to post here, but I knew if I did it would ruin it for me and my sources.

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I agree with most of what you say but it seemed to me that he really made an effort in his post to show he wasn't just a troll looking for bait. He said he didn't want that to be his first post, that Spirko is one of his favorite players so this news sucks for him also, and he added that he's been going to UND games since 1979.

I got the impression that he was a loyal Sioux fan who came across some info that he thought you people would be interested in, so he registered and posted it.

I got that impression too, and there was a reason why I tended to believe what he posted. That said, frankly I've seen other people with similar things in their first post who ended up NOT being accurate. What JimDahl said is quite true. In a forum situation, there's no way to prove your credibility until your information is confirmed by a source considered credible by the general populace. Once you're information proves accurate, your credibility raises substantially.

In a sense you're victim of other crackpots who post similar type things with no actual information. In the end the truth will prove out. Might as well wait it out, and accept the apologies at that time. It's better than running around screaming and telling people they have to believe you.

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Thanks for the support buckysieve. Maybe I should have titled my post differently. You are right about me being a Sioux fan. This will age me some, but here it goes. I graduated from UND in 1985 and again in 1987. I certainly didn't want to post what I did, because I didn't want it to be true. Spirko and Oshie ware my favorite Sioux players off of last years team. I know its sounded kind of fishy when I said his former roommate, and maybe I should have stated that he lived with him throughout the 2005-2006 season. I also understand some of the skepticism that some posters have with newbies. I wants to thank fs1 and 7National Titles for backing me up. If some of you have to make fun of my post I understand, or fun of my login, 8WBGR8, which simply means 8 National Titles will be great I also understand. I'm not sure if I should start a new post stating, If rumors of Spirko's departure are true then I wish him well. Sorry for the long post, time to go back to work.

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I agree with most of what you say but it seemed to me that he really made an effort in his post to show he wasn't just a troll looking for bait. He said he didn't want that to be his first post, that Spirko is one of his favorite players so this news sucks for him also, and he added that he's been going to UND games since 1979.

I got the impression that he was a loyal Sioux fan who came across some info that he thought you people would be interested in, so he registered and posted it.

I agree with you, that he came across as a loyal Sioux fan, but it is still hard to know for sure how reliable his source was being it was only his first post.

If the Spirko rumor proves to be true, then he will have proven that his source is reliable. :)

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Of course people are going to question an unsubstantiated, anonymously posted rumor; substantiate it or explain that you can't right now, don't bash them for daring to question it.

Quite true Jim, but on that same token shouldn't you ask seasoned posters to equally show some restraint and not bash someone simply for predicting something a lot of people don't want to hear? There's nothing wrong with questioning information from a poster - especially when a specific link or source cannot be cited - but it's not as though the poster in question here was initially disrespectful or thoughtless. It's too easy to give a free-pass to regulars when in fact all rules - written or unwritten - should apply across the board.

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This thread started with the rumour that Spirko was leaving for Europe, then days later a GFH article (link earlier in thread, on Apr 13) quoted him as:

"I'm coming back for my junior year," said Spirko, whose fianc
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Remember how this bickering started? Someone posted Sparky's roommate told him/her that Sparky was gone and playing hockey in Europe.

Goon responded,

Don't believe it. What team is he on? News link, I bet if it was true it would have made the news already.
Then I posted,

I'm with you, Goon! If he's already gone and playing in Europe why are we only hearing about it now?! Show me the news link!

Where in these two posts were the newbies flammed? fs1 took umbrage at what I posted and dissed me. Siouxtatoo42 called him on that ( thanks :)).

The fun part of SS.com are the disagreements. No need to get your panties in a bunch because some members don't agree with you.

I have never been a member of a clique unless you count the 'I don't want you hanging around with those kids' group of friends I had in high school. If being a member of SS.com means I'm in a clique, I'm home! :)

(I still won't believe Sparky is gone until an official statement is made by UND, Sparky, and/or the hockey program he is supposedly playing for. ;) )

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Where in these two posts were the newbies flammed? fs1 took umbrage at what I posted and dissed me. Siouxtatoo42 called him on that ( thanks :)).

I had the 'tool' comment in mind when I posted, which I didn't think was a response to anything that bad. No big deal either way. :)

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A former Sioux hockey mom told me the boys are strongly discouraged from reading sports forums. So I can't imagine a current member of the team would come on board and post anything!

Yet there are plenty of congratulatory and thank-you posts on this forum directed toward players as if they're reading it... :D

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Yet there are plenty of congratulatory and thank-you posts on this forum directed toward players as if they're reading it... :D

Reading when no one else is looking over your shoulder is one thing (I'm not naive', I know they check us out!) but posting messages, where it's out there for everyone to see, is quite another. ;)

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Yet there are plenty of congratulatory and thank-you posts on this forum directed toward players as if they're reading it... :D

That happens on every sports board. I say it all the time with the intention that there are no players reading.

However, I did post something about my favorite athlete one time and her mom read it and replied to me, and we continued to talk via that message board until she passed away.

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That happens on every sports board. I say it all the time with the intention that there are no players reading.

However, I did post something about my favorite athlete one time and her mom read it and replied to me, and we continued to talk via that message board until she passed away.

You, too! My favorite player's dad emailed me and we actually met in Milwaukee. Met his mom there, too. I saw first hand the 'basics' their son started out with that resulted in his becoming the gracious young man he is; good character, excellent work ethic, and tenacity equal to none!! ;)

(Gonna miss him, ;) .)

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I try to remind everyone of this now and then... players visit the site, their families visit the site, UND administrators visit the site, local media members visit the site. Some participate, but most just read. I often wonder how different these boards would be if everyone always behaved as if everyone they're talking about were in the room with them...

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I try to remind everyone of this now and then... players visit the site, their families visit the site, UND administrators visit the site, local media members visit the site. Some participate, but most just read. I often wonder how different these boards would be if everyone always behaved as if everyone they're talking about were in the room with them...

That is an interesting thought. Conversely, perhaps we should behave in person as we do on this board to air unfiltered comments as opposed to being the passive agressive type. Would reduce some stress I think.

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For what it is worth, I have also heard that it is possible that Spirko may not be back. Because of the whole fiancee thing (there are other considerations also, but this is the BIG one ;) ). This comes from people I know within the hockey program, normally I don't post on issues such as this because of those "insiders". But this is different because things have gotten out of hand.

If he goes back to Europe to be close to her, he has my support and best wishes for him and the mrs.

But I will still be depressed as hell. ;)

I truely believe we won't know for certain until next season, when he/they decide what is best for their relationship and his career.

Hopefully if he doesn't come back, people won't be comparing Spirko's fiancee to Yoko Ono. :D

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