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Sioux/Denver Sat.


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Didn't see much on the tube. Please elaborate.

It started early in the game, he would make comment to the players on the bench as he was going into his bench, he leaned out of the bench and made comments to the other bench, he would point to the score board and make little celebratory movements with his hands and head, once he made a punching motion with his gloves in a fist. You know as I write this it doesn't seen like a big deal but it bugged the he!! out of me. Probably because it was Punkobitch.

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Well that was awful.

** The Grinder Line was not nearly as effective tonight without Fabian; I hope he gets back soon. (Any word on his status?)

** Was fatigue and conditioning a factor? Several of our guys looked tired in the 3rd tonight - Chorney made some uncharacteristic plays, Lee looked a bit leg weary, Stafford didn't have the same jump, etc.

** While it would be unfair to blame Phil for the goals, several of which were just plain sick, it is fair to wonder how JPar would have done tonight. DU's 3rd goal came because Phil was down in a situation where JP may have stayed on his feet.

I agree. This was a terrible game for the Sioux.

I, too, would LOVe to know more about Fabian. It did not look too serious, but what can you tell from a limp these days?

Not conditioning. That was proven vs. UNH to not be the case. I think it was fatigue. They played HARD Friday night. They were extremely physical and it was a tiring game. By game time tonight we had very little in the tanks. By the third period, we were flat out out of gas.

I think Phil does go down too early (JPar has this problem too but not nearly to the extent that I saw tonight with Phil). I really think that most of the DU goals came because our defense just let the other team have the puck. Gauthier's goal was unfortunate really. I believe that the puck ricochetted off of Jones' stick right onto the stick blade of Gauthier and, with Gauthier's finesse and speed, Jones couldn't catch up. However, I wouldn't want to be Hak because I think Phil is fundamentally a good goaltender with a few bad habits. Where and when to play him when JPar is playing out of his mind is downright problematic.

IIRC, we're not exactly a Saturday night hockey team. Anyone have our Saturday W-L-T record from last year?

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Nothing at all against Lammy, but it would appear that JPar is the better goalie, and there is essentially no doubt in anyone's mind that this team plays better on Fridays than on Saturday's...it's the same case as last year. With that being said, I wonder if Hak would try playing Lammy on Fridays, when he would get more help from the D and the team in general, and play JPar on Saturday's, when the team is tired and there is a little more pressure on the goaltender to perform. Maybe then we could pull off both wins. I don't think JPar would have saved the night tonight, though.

I guess I'll take the inconsistency of winning on Friday and being horrible on Saturday than being "consistent" and losing both. ???

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Observations from section 112:

Well, that was just horrible. Aside from about ten minutes of the first, the Sioux were bottled up everywhere on the ice. I didn't see that many mistakes, certainly not enough to account for the lopsided score. Denver just flat out schooled the home team tonight. As much as I hate to do it, I must tip my hat to Denver coming out with jump and a heckuva game plan. They looked like the national champs tonight, and the Sioux had trouble moving the puck. Period.

Denver's agressive forecheck will serve as a blueprint for every other team the Sioux play this year. They clogged every passing lane, they dogged the puck, they helped Mannino. It seemed like every time the Sioux had the puck in their attack zone there were two Pioneers on the puck. Just no room for the speedsters to move or to make a pass.

Dagies and farce poobah did great jobs summarizing the game. I'll simply add that TJ Oshie has showed me in a month why he "suddenly" showed up as a first-round pick: that kid has a set of wheels under him, has great hands, and is tough as nails. I thought Stafford showed a lot of skill with the puck tonight. Lee is incredible with the puck! Lammie didn't play very well, be he didn't get a lot of help on at least two of the goals.

I really thought that beautiful pass from Smaby to Porter for the first goal was going to change the game; it certainly did for the next five or six minutes (nice shot and goal for Taylor Chorney), but Gauthier's goal effectively ended the game. That took all the starch out of the Sioux.

The end was ugly. Maybe even embarassing. No one knew what the heck was going on. Shep sent Prpich down the tunnel for 10 and the Sioux had four, then five then four again skaters on the ice. Shepherd lost control of things at that point and linesman Nathan Freeman ended up taking Marvin to the ice after he'd warned both him and Helgason to cool it right before the face off. Freeman dropped the puck and immediately turned around and tackled Marvin!

Paukovich is a punk, and Paul Stastny didn't endear himself to me with his smack either. The rematch between these team in February in Denver could be a real ugly deal.

I was thinking during the game that this was maybe the "freshman moment" we've all be fearing. But on further review, I'd say Denver won this game by playing very tough, very tenacious hockey. The Sioux ended up on the wrong side of the score board, but I wouldn't say they kicked it away. They were out-played, out-hustled and out-checked for about 55 minutes. It'll be an interesting week of practice, and probably a good thing they stay at home as it will give them an extra session on the ice.

Oh, I saw Trotter before the game, coming into the Ralph with what must have been his father and maybe a younger brother of something. He's in a cast, on crutches, and still hurting from the look on his face. I hollered my encouragement to him and while his father smiled in acknowledgement, the kid was looking pretty grim.

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The end was ugly. Maybe even embarassing. No one knew what the heck was going on. Shep sent Prpich down the tunnel for 10 and the Sioux had four, then five then four again skaters on the ice. Shepherd lost control of things at that point and linesman Nathan Freeman ended up taking Marvin to the ice after he'd warned both him and Helgason to cool it right before the face off. Freeman dropped the puck and immediately turned around and tackled Marvin!

Paukovich is a punk, and Paul Stastny didn't endear himself to me with his smack either. The rematch between these team in February in Denver could be a real ugly deal.

Oh, I saw Trotter before the game, coming into the Ralph with what must have been his father and maybe a younger brother of something. He's in a cast, on crutches, and still hurting from the look on his face. I hollered my encouragement to him and while his father smiled in acknowledgement, the kid was looking pretty grim.

Actually, I saw a replay of the incident where Freeman, a DU player, and Marvin got taken to the ice. Actually, the DU player swung his left glove around to get at Marvin and ended up dragging everyone down to the ice. The arm Freeman put on the DU player was merely to keep him from getting a noseful of ice.

Agreed. As for Statsny, he may have smack talked this game but he backed it up. Smack talk is going to happen in a game and none of what comes out is too flattering for anyone on any side. I'm sure that what has all the opposing players talking about Prpich as well.

This last part really intrigues me. He had 2 hour surgery last night and he's out of the hospital by 6pm the next day? Athletes are amazing. The anesthestic alone would have taken me longer to burn off enough to make me even think about going to the grocery store let alone a hockey game.

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Once again, Punkovich does his yapping from behind his teammates and in the paper. He's a tough guy there and when he's running goalies and hitting from behind. I'd guess he'd be a tough guy on message boards also. ???

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wow! never would have guessed that from the hit.

I thought he was just shaken up... what's the recovery on that??

If it's any consolation to you, in the early 70's the Flyers had a goalie, Doug Favell, who severed his achilles tendon. He stepped back on a skate in the locker room. In that it was a clean slice instead of torn he did return to play and sooner than expected.

I would hope that with advancements in surgery Trotter can return in time.

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Once again, Punkovich does his yapping from behind his teammates and in the paper. He's a tough guy there and when he's running goalies and hitting from behind. I'd guess he'd be a tough guy on message boards also. ???

Interesting how fast the "tough" guy got off the ice when Prpich was ready to go. I think Prpich came up to his shoulders. Also interesting to see Finley come on the ice when Prpich got kicked out. I wonder if the coaches told him to go out there. Seemed like Finley was ready to fight.

As ugly as the ending was, the refs should have let it go. Let Marvin get DQ'ed along with whoever else. Get it out of everyones system, because now this is just going to boil over in Denver and it could be even uglier. At some point these two teams will go and at some point Punkobitch will get his bell rung.

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Interesting how fast the "tough" guy got off the ice when Prpich was ready to go. I think Prpich came up to his shoulders. Also interesting to see Finley come on the ice when Prpich got kicked out. I wonder if the coaches told him to go out there. Seemed like Finley was ready to fight.

As ugly as the ending was, the refs should have let it go. Let Marvin get DQ'ed along with whoever else. Get it out of everyones system, because now this is just going to boil over in Denver and it could be even uglier. At some point these two teams will go and at some point Punkobitch will get his bell rung.

Agreed, the only way this is going to get solved is for Punkovich to drop the mits get the fight over and it should be done. Punkovich is a gutless piece of crap, how does he expect to be recieved. Does this kid want a key to the city, what. When your cheap and you do bad things on the ice people are going to call you out on it. I think Greg Lotus said it best I wish I could play I plant him in the ice. Also, to take a piece from Tim_H; the kid just doesn't get it, he acts like nothing happened. So come one Punkovich take your medicine and lets get this over so everyone can move on. Another thing Punkovich shut your yap and stop acting like a vicitim. Your the biggest guy out there, but you definately aren't the badest.

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I am going to agree to a point.

I think Prpich's run was what needed to be said, but it should have been said on Friday, not last night.

Also, when we next meet it will be in February in Denver. Two things trouble me about this:

1. It's not at home and I doubt things will be as friendly to the Sioux as it was this weekend.

2. It's February, which means every game counts and by then, both DU and UND will be in the thick of things. With as much emotion as Prpich plays, and the fact that UND gets emotional around DU and UMN, it could very well cost us a game or two to lose our focus like Paukovitch wishes us to do. I have no doubt in my mind that Prpich would throw down with Pauko. I have no doubt vice versa either. However, Paukovitch on Saturday night was in a better position than Prpich. He could actually afford to get DQ'd because the Pios are going home to Denver to face MTU, which is surely going to be an easy home series for the Pios. Sure, we stay at home, but we face a tougher opponent. With Fabian out (who is quickly turning into the heart and soul player of the Grinder line) with whatever is ailing him, losing Prpich would mean that our checking line would be down to only one quality grinder (Kaip) and two fill ins.

I'd still say screw Pauko and to hell with the lad. Let's go out and win and let him piss and moan about whatever he can dream up. In February, we'll need to win both nights. I guarantee it.

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I think Parise would have given up some of the goals that Phil did last night, but certainly not all of them. What Parise seems to give us is that key save that keeps us in the game. The Sioux had several chances to get up 3-2 and when they didn't, I knew it could come back to haunt them. Who knows how Denver would have reacted had the Sioux taken the lead. The Sioux could have used a few more key saves to give us a chance to stay in the game. In hindsight, I would rather win on Saturday, but as a fan, I would rather win on Friday, as it assures you of no worse than a split. I am sure it is a great relief to the players to get that first one as well, which may explain why they come out with less urgency on Saturday. Keep getting that Friday win and come out with more intensity on Saturday and things will be looking up again.

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I'm not a fan of fighting in hockey but it probably would have been best to let Marvin and Helgeson go and get it done with. I figured Marvin had been provoked. It was the only thing that made sense because he's not been the type of player to go looking for it. Paukovich, if he really was yapping last night, should not be complaining in the paper about the conduct of the Sioux at the end of the game. I'm not sure what he would have expected.

I'd have preferred the Sioux win both games and send Denver home with their tails between their legs. Absent that, at least lose, but keep our heads. I didn't like this ending. I'm glad to hear there was some provocation coming from Denver, because that at least helps explain some of it. But Denver got under our skin, and laughed all the way out of the arena. They left feeling pretty good about themselves.

I'm with Redwing in that I don't like all this crap hanging over the ice when we go to Denver for what will likely be important conference points. Hopefully the guys will be able to stay focused on the points/games and not the ancillary stuff. I like a good rivalry as much as the next guy, but this has the potential to get a lot worse, and someone else could get seriously hurt on another cheap shot.

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I have to disagree with some of what's been said. I think that Saturday happened because we were losing, not because of the Punkobitch history. We were winning on Friday and everyone kept their cool. No one, including Prpich, was going to jeopardize the win. The difference was that Denver played smart on Friday as well. The game was close and they played with the expectation that they could still turn things around and win. They couldn't do that if they started getting chippy and the reins were loosend on Punkobitch. On Friday he spent, what, four minutes on the ice? He is obviously NOT a key player.

Saturday, we were losing and we obviously weren't playing well enough to come back and win. IMHO, their coach put Punkobitch on the ice to do exactly what he did. Get under the Sioux players skin. The other Denver guys were following suit. Our players reacted in a way that I don't believe they would have had we had the chance to win. They didn't in Columbus when the wounds were fresh and the players were Robbie's friends. There was too much at stake.

By the time we get to Denver, there's going to be a lot more experience and maturity under the belts of our guys. Prpich, Stafford, Smaby, Porter and Fabian are also going to be more experienced in their team leader roles. I believe that we have the talent to go into Denver's house and sweep. I also believe that if they don't know it now, our guys will know it by they as well. I, for one, don't believe we're going to turn our next meeting into the St. Valentine's Day massacre. There will be too much at stake.

That having been said, Punkobitch is a chicken $#it. Anyone on our team could take him, even Duncan. Hit 'em low, he'll fall hard, get into the fetal position and hope his teammates will come to his rescue.

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just got done watching pieces from last nights game..was working so missed it..did not miss much though from what i just watched, the ending was eventful!! to see paukobich shake the refs hands after the game was funny..hes such a tool..you could hear him yaking at prpich or someone else maybe kaip saying "your all talk" as his butt skated to the bench so fast...goons...marvin tried to get some airtime which was nice to see..he took the du player down as well as the ref....

not a great game overall but you move on to the next tough test in this league..the badgers..robbie earl is the ringleader with great diving techniques i might add..i think the russain international team will take him since the usa team will not..another talented team that the sioux will have to be on top of their game to get 3-4 points..i say parise wins friday then gets the chance to complete it on saturday...hopefully ???

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I have to disagree with some of what's been said. I think that Saturday happened because we were losing, not because of the Punkobitch history. We were winning on Friday and everyone kept their cool. No one, including Prpich, was going to jeopardize the win. The difference was that Denver played smart on Friday as well. The game was close and they played with the expectation that they could still turn things around and win. They couldn't do that if they started getting chippy and the reins were loosend on Punkobitch. On Friday he spent, what, four minutes on the ice? He is obviously NOT a key player.

Saturday, we were losing and we obviously weren't playing well enough to come back and win. IMHO, their coach put Punkobitch on the ice to do exactly what he did. Get under the Sioux players skin. The other Denver guys were following suit. Our players reacted in a way that I don't believe they would have had we had the chance to win. They didn't in Columbus when the wounds were fresh and the players were Robbie's friends. There was too much at stake.

By the time we get to Denver, there's going to be a lot more experience and maturity under the belts of our guys. Prpich, Stafford, Smaby, Porter and Fabian are also going to be more experienced in their team leader roles. I believe that we have the talent to go into Denver's house and sweep. I also believe that if they don't know it now, our guys will know it by they as well. I, for one, don't believe we're going to turn our next meeting into the St. Valentine's Day massacre. There will be too much at stake.

That having been said, Punkobitch is a chicken $#it. Anyone on our team could take him, even Duncan. Hit 'em low, he'll fall hard, get into the fetal position and hope his teammates will come to his rescue.

Either I am misinterpretting you or it's the other way around. Why should we care what Gwozdecky does in terms of ice time for his players? Even Paukovich? We lost the game! That's all that matters. I don't care if Pauko got 50 min of ice time or played only 1 shift. He shouldn't be the focal point of this rivalry despite the history. Just because we're losing the game doesn't mean we have an excuse to act the way we acted at the end of the game. If we play like that, people will start calling us 'cheap' and then what do we say? Deny it? No. As lame and as boring as it sounds, we need to take the high road. Win the games and let Paukovich be damned. If his name was never mentioned again, all's the better, IMO.

Hab-it: A mild concussion???? What the hell? I need my eyes examined because I swear I saw him limp off from behind the bench into the locker room. Anyways, I hope they are careful with him and monitor him closely to be sure that he doesn't end up with Post Concussion Syndrome. Wasn't it about this time last year that Kaip came down with PCS?

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Either I am misinterpretting you or it's the other way around. Why should we care what Gwozdecky does in terms of ice time for his players? Even Paukovich? We lost the game! That's all that matters. I don't care if Pauko got 50 min of ice time or played only 1 shift. He shouldn't be the focal point of this rivalry despite the history. Just because we're losing the game doesn't mean we have an excuse to act the way we acted at the end of the game. If we play like that, people will start calling us 'cheap' and then what do we say? Deny it? No. As lame and as boring as it sounds, we need to take the high road. Win the games and let Paukovich be damned. If his name was never mentioned again, all's the better, IMO.

Hab-it: A mild concussion???? What the hell? I need my eyes examined because I swear I saw him limp off from behind the bench into the locker room. Anyways, I hope they are careful with him and monitor him closely to be sure that he doesn't end up with Post Concussion Syndrome. Wasn't it about this time last year that Kaip came down with PCS?

:0 I don't know what you interpreted from my post.

To put it more succinctly,

Saturday the play was close. Both teams played the game, not the man/rivalry. Punkobitch played a minor role in Friday's game because he is a minor player.

Saturday, Denver out played us. We were losing and our immaturity and inexperience resulted in increased frustrations and the game ended up as it did. IMHO Punkobitch was allowed to play on those frustrations by his coach.

As the team matures and gains more experience this should not happen again.

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just got done watching pieces from last nights game..was working so missed it..did not miss much though from what i just watched, the ending was eventful!! to see paukobich shake the refs hands after the game was funny..hes such a tool..you could hear him yaking at prpich or someone else maybe kaip saying "your all talk" as his butt skated to the bench so fast...goons...marvin tried to get some airtime which was nice to see..he took the du player down as well as the ref....

not a great game overall but you move on to the next tough test in this league..the badgers..robbie earl is the ringleader with great diving techniques i might add..i think the russain international team will take him since the usa team will not..another talented team that the sioux will have to be on top of their game to get 3-4 points..i say parise wins friday then gets the chance to complete it on saturday...hopefully ???

Redwing had a good post on the FB thread so I will comment. I saw both games. I have been watching Sioux hockey for 35 yrs.

This group of Freshman is very impressive. They will make freshman mistakes but I think they will improve faster and more that the veteran teams.

I was suprised at how well Finley moved the puck. He stick handled well and moved pretty well for such a big guy. A year with our conditioning coach and he will be awfully intimidating.

Ducan is very quick and very tough. I was impresssed with how well our young forwards went into the corners and played the angles. Toews is going to be quite a talent. You could seee the flashes of brilliance that has everyone so excited. I was impressed with how mature Lee played. He has great vision and directs the power play very well. He also stick handled well and carried the puck through traffic very well.

Chorney was very steady and had his first goal.

Oshie was so impressive. He is one of the smartest hockey players I have some come into the WCHA in a long time. He outworks the opponents then sets his teamates up with great passing. He seldom goes into the corners and doesn't come out with the puck or kick it to a teamate. He often came away with the puck when the Denver guy got there first. The other thing I was impressed with was that on at least 3 occasions a Denver guy took a run at him and found themselves on their butt. He is a tough kid.

I thought Jones looked like a freshman with promise, and Watkins, Kozek and the others looked like very good freshmen. These kids dominated a very good Denver team Friday night and hung with them for most of Saturday night. I wouldn't bet against another trip to the Frozen Four if they improve like they should. I am not a hockey expert but that is what I saw while eating too many of those damn Bavarian Almonds.

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Redwing had a good post on the FB thread so I will comment. I saw both games. I have been watching Sioux hockey for 35 yrs.

This group of Freshman is very impressive. They will make freshman mistakes but I think they will improve faster and more that the veteran teams.

I was suprised at how well Finley moved the puck. He stick handled well and moved pretty well for such a big guy. A year with our conditioning coach and he will be awfully intimidating.

Ducan is very quick and very tough. I was impresssed with how well our young forwards went into the corners and played the angles. Toews is going to be quite a talent. You could seee the flashes of brilliance that has everyone so excited. I was impressed with how mature Lee played. He has great vision and directs the power play very well. He also stick handled well and carried the puck through traffic very well.

Chorney was very steady and had his first goal.

Oshie was so impressive. He is one of the smartest hockey players I have some come into the WCHA in a long time. He outworks the opponents then sets his teamates up with great passing. He seldom goes into the corners and doesn't come out with the puck or kick it to a teamate. He often came away with the puck when the Denver guy got there first. The other thing I was impressed with was that on at least 3 occasions a Denver guy took a run at him and found themselves on their butt. He is a tough kid.

I thought Jones looked like a freshman with promise, and Watkins, Kozek and the others looked like very good freshmen. These kids dominated a very good Denver team Friday night and hung with them for most of Saturday night. I wouldn't bet against another trip to the Frozen Four if they improve like they should. I am not a hockey expert but that is what I saw while eating too many of those damn Bavarian Almonds.

To add on, I was very impressed with Lee's stickhandling. I know some people start screaming "shoot" immediately, but Lee was creating better opportunities by stickhandling past an opposing player.

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