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And the post of the year award goes to...Diggler. I second this motion.

I fully agree that this board isn't as much fun as it has been in the past and that Mpls should be banned. Let's all just "ignore" him until that happens. It makes no sense to argue or debate with him - he is just trying to get under our skin (and he is quite successful in doing so).

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I fully agree that this board isn't as much fun as it has been in the past and that Mpls should be banned. Let's all just "ignore" him until that happens. It makes no sense to argue or debate with him - he is just trying to get under our skin (and he is quite successful in doing so).

Agreed. I'd sign the petition.

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Another example of a post that deserves a thumbs up smiley.
It needed a smiley, but I could't find one to fit.

I also agree in regards to MPLS. There must be a parallel universe or dimension in which his logic makes sense. It just isn't the same one in which we live.

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It needed a smiley, but I could't find one to fit.

I also agree in regards to MPLS. There must be a parallel universe or dimension in which his logic makes sense. It just isn't the same one in which we live.

He's just like the WCHA ref that just "Makes up sh*t as he goes".

I agree with Diggler.

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I fully agree that this board isn't as much fun as it has been in the past and that Mpls should be banned. Let's all just "ignore" him until that happens. It makes no sense to argue or debate with him - he is just trying to get under our skin (and he is quite successful in doing so).

The bad part is Jim kills MPLSBISONFAN posting privileges and some sock puppet will show up in his place and say the same $#it from the same IP address, I would be willing to be that MPLSBISONMORON is someone that has an axe to grinde against UND and I wouldn't be surprised if he is actually one of the anti name crowd from UND...

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It is dumbfucks like MplsBison why this board now sucks and a number of people don't post here anymore. He has sucked the fun out of this place and he's been allowed to do so. I do not understand why he is continually allowed to post here as he purposely and continually acts like a braindead asshole. I do not know of any other place where this constant bullheaded and purposely jerkoff behavior is allowed. Who cares if he's not breaking the rules? When 99% of the posters can't stand a fellow poster, just ban him and make the board fun to be on once again. Isn't that what this place is supposed to ultimately be? Fun? Well it sure as hell hasn't been fun for the past year. So can you please just ban this joke? If not, please just delete my account here, as I don't need to it anymore.


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As much as I'd love to not ever read a MPLSBISON post again, I love free speech more...I will not support a ban of someone due to their opinion. Ignoring him or avoiding threads where he dwells is the best route.

He's like a lone skinhead at an NAACP event...his logic is corrupt, his intentions are suspect, his venue is that of certain confrontation, but he's got the right to speak. Gotta keep the slope from getting slippery.

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Don't agree with MPLS Bison hardly ever, but I'm a big believer in free speech, and that's what forums and message boards like these are all about. Plus, I would never give anyone that much credit for having that much effect on my personal fun. I'm a big person, I can handle reading his posts, or choosing not to...I'm certainly capable of that.

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Now, just to let me see if I understand this whole disagreement here.

I believe that The Sicatoka point was that for the NCAA to hold an NCAA sponsored event at the United Center could possibly be deemed hypocritical due to the similar imagery that is there and at the Ralph, where the NCAA has said that they won't hold an event. Correct, so far?

Now, if what i can figure out from only reading half of the conversation...MPLSBison disagrees because the NCAA can not control the United Center or their affiliatied organization, the Blackhawks and states that it is an apples to oranges discussion because of this. Am I still correct?

Now, assuming that the above info is correct....then the discussion of controlling the teams is irrelevant because you aren't talking about controlling the teams or the buildings...the main part of this disagreement is where the NCAA "hosts" (via certain teams) an event sponsored by them. This is something that they control making it both logical and reasonable to separate the teams and the buildings because the NCAA holds events in buildings that house professional teams.

Looking at both sides and all of the information that I can figure out so far, I would have to agree with The Sicatoka....it could be deemed hypocritcal because the NCAA is saying that it will not allow an event to be hosted in one building that has "hostile and abusive" imagery, but would allow it to be held in a building with similar imagery.

Does that make sense to anyone else?

Makes a lot of sense to me, although I will acknowledge this: I believe different courts/juries presented with the same information are just as likely to arrive at different conclusions and verdicts. When you take something to court, you never know. It does seem logical, however, that if an imagery is deemed "hostile and abusive" one place, logically a similar piece of imagery should also fit into the "hostile and abusive" category. The NCAA made a serious error in the first place in this instance and wants to have it both ways. Nevertheless, money talks. Part of me wants to say it would serve the NCAA right if the power conferences establish their own playoff system, much in the same way the BCS system is set up in football. Providing the money is there sometime in TV contracts, it just might happen.

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As much as I'd love to not ever read a MPLSBISON post again, I love free speech more...I will not support a ban of someone due to their opinion. Ignoring him or avoiding threads where he dwells is the best route.

He's like a lone skinhead at an NAACP event...his logic is corrupt, his intentions are suspect, his venue is that of certain confrontation, but he's got the right to speak. Gotta keep the slope from getting slippery.

By that logic, I should be able to go to a grocery store and talk over the PA system, because no one should ever stop me from exercising my right to free speech.

Everyone knows free speech laws only protect you from your government, and even then there are limits to free speech.

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By that logic, I should be able to go to a grocery store and talk over the PA system, because no one should ever stop me from exercising my right to free speech.

Everyone knows free speech laws only protect you from your government, and even then there are limits to free speech.

You are incorrect, there have been many Supreme Court Cases that have ironed out where and when free speech ends, and they do include the government (sedition is not protected) but also they go well beyond the government and include such things as community standards for vulgarity and obscenity as well as statements designed explicitly to cause injury (yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre). Opinion statements are not covered, and many a$$holes have taken advantage of it: KKK gathering at an MLK day parade for example.

The example you give would be protected aside from your PA statement. If you are using someone else's PA, you are trespassing and using someone else's property. I could go in a grocery store and say anything I want in terms of an opinion and I would be protected.

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You are incorrect, there have been many Supreme Court Cases that have ironed out where and when free speech ends, and they do include the government (sedition is not protected) but also they go well beyond the government and include such things as community standards for vulgarity and obscenity as well as statements designed explicitly to cause injury (yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre). Opinion statements are not covered, and many a$$holes have taken advantage of it: KKK gathering at an MLK day parade for example.

The example you give would be protected aside from your PA statement. If you are using someone else's PA, you are trespassing and using someone else's property. I could go in a grocery store and say anything I want in terms of an opinion and I would be protected.

Where did I say anything that contradicts what you just said? I think we're on the same page. I could be wrong.

My point was that this forum isn't a free-speech zone, as far as I know. Using this site to broadcast your opinions is similar to using a grocery store's PA to broadcast your opinions. Now, if you just went into a grocery store and started talking to people or just stood there and talked, it would fall under a law that prohibits harassment or loitering, or whatever.

The owners of this site can ban someone if they don't want them using their site.

It really bothers me that he-who-shall-not-be-named actually derailed this thread and we're still talking about it. I'm done with the whole "community" sub-forum.

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FYI - Rocky Wirtz, owner of the Chicago Blackhawks, owns 50% of the United Center. The Blackhawks and the Bulls are not just pro teams who play in a municipal venue i.e. the United Center, they are pro teams who actually own the stadium. The NCAA does have total control on the venue, whether it is at the Ralph, Excel Energy Center or the United Center for that matter. Does Mplsbison work for the NCAA? The NCAA is all about the money. Principle and integrity are only a fa

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FYI - Rocky Wirtz, owner of the Chicago Blackhawks, owns 50% of the United Center. The Blackhawks and the Bulls are not just pro teams who play in a municipal venue i.e. the United Center, they are pro teams who actually own the stadium. The NCAA does have total control on the venue, whether it is at the Ralph, Excel Energy Center or the United Center for that matter. Does Mplsbison work for the NCAA? The NCAA is all about the money. Principle and integrity are only a fa
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FYI - Rocky Wirtz, owner of the Chicago Blackhawks, owns 50% of the United Center. The Blackhawks and the Bulls are not just pro teams who play in a municipal venue i.e. the United Center, they are pro teams who actually own the stadium. The NCAA does have total control on the venue, whether it is at the Ralph, Excel Energy Center or the United Center for that matter. Does Mplsbison work for the NCAA? The NCAA is all about the money. Principle and integrity are only a fa
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I don't understand why everyone keeps stating the fact that the NCAA has control over which venue they select like it's some game-changer of a point. Obviously the NCAA selects the venue - but they are not going to circumvent their own rules to do so.

In other words, they are not going to select a venue whose home team is or was an NCAA affiliated school that was on the "hostile and abusive" list - unless both the school and the venue have complied to the NCAA's requirement.

The United Center's home teams are not NCAA affiliated - therefore the rule doesn't apply. If the United Center was the home court for the U of Illinois and they refused to remove "hostile and abusive" imagery related to the U of I's past indian logos, then it would be right in the same boat as the REA.

It's really easy.

The NCAA has made a stand that Indian-related imagery is either forbidden or must have tribal support. The United Center containing Indian imagery has hosted NCAA events, which is in direct contradiction to the NCAA's stated goals (not necessarily their current rules.)

The NCAA is hypocritical and so are your arguments.

Mpls, who is capable of an actual message board conversation but instead consistently chooses to be a flame-thrower, has long over-stayed his welcome and deserves to be banned.

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Where did I say anything that contradicts what you just said? I think we're on the same page. I could be wrong.

My point was that this forum isn't a free-speech zone, as far as I know. Using this site to broadcast your opinions is similar to using a grocery store's PA to broadcast your opinions. Now, if you just went into a grocery store and started talking to people or just stood there and talked, it would fall under a law that prohibits harassment or loitering, or whatever.

The owners of this site can ban someone if they don't want them using their site.

It really bothers me that he-who-shall-not-be-named actually derailed this thread and we're still talking about it. I'm done with the whole "community" sub-forum.

I see. We are thinking about different parts of the argument. I thought you were talking about it only applying in terms of the government. I agree that SS.com could remove someone and not technically violate their rights due to this being an owned medium. No one can stop him from pounding away on his keyboard, but the owners don't have to let it make it to the board.

I would just hate to do it out of principle. I like letting people speak their mind.

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1st amendment....

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

SS.com Forum Terms and Rules....

About freedom of speech

This is a privately owned forum on which you may be permitted to post messages at the sole discretion of its owners.

Sometimes I read someone's post on the board and rethink my position on a topic. Not so with Mpls. Mpls seems to have a contrary viewpoint than everyone else on nearly every subject. Whether he is intentionally contradictory or his views are just different is up for debate. In my book, he's anti-ism.

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Sometimes I read someone's post on the board and rethink my position on a topic. Not so with Mpls. Mpls seems to have a contrary viewpoint than everyone else on nearly every subject. Whether he is intentionally contradictory or his views are just different is up for debate. In my book, he's anti-ism.

MPLSBison is sort of like that, but different. MPLSBison comes on here just to rile us up. He may believe what he says, but that's irrelevant. He knows we are an emotional, passionate, fanbase when it comes to this issue (among others) and uses that to gather entertainment. If we posted how our eyes fool us into believing that the sky is blue and it really is, in fact, green, MPLSBison will go on how it is actually more purple simply because it would aggravate us.

He's a bully, in effect, without really using personal attacks. He can get away with it because, in a black and white context, he really hasn't violated any of the rules of the board.

Doing what he's doing here makes him happy. In a way, he could use it for bragging rights. Talking about how trolls like GrahamKracker have come on this board (among others) but couldn't stay unbanned while accomplishing what he has accomplished.

He has posters here ready to quit the board over him. For a bully, that's a big success. I'm sure, if there was a legal way for him to convince us that, by rooting for the Sioux, we are all morons and should all go play in I29 traffic, he'd go ahead and do it, claiming that his purpose was enlightenment and not animosity.

The proverbial trying to shake our hands with one hand and flipping us off with the other.

The reality is this:

The Nickname is changing. Once the nickname has changed, UND's non-hockey sports will be in a conference. Once that happens, a need for this part of the forum goes away.... and MPLSBison is left without a venue for his statements.

The key really is to ignore him. And I admit I haven't done an especially good job of it. And I admit it also is very hard to do so. But everyone who leaves because of him, puts down JimDahl over him, and argues with him, basically fuels MPLSBison's happiness.

He's a sad man in the fact that he so enjoys coming on here and acting in such a way. But he's found a loophole and he's exploiting it.

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The NCAA has made a stand that Indian-related imagery is either forbidden or must have tribal support. The United Center containing Indian imagery has hosted NCAA events, which is in direct contradiction to the NCAA's stated goals (not necessarily their current rules.)

The NCAA is hypocritical and so are your arguments.

Mpls, who is capable of an actual message board conversation but instead consistently chooses to be a flame-thrower, has long over-stayed his welcome and deserves to be banned.

Did the NCAA put the Chicago Blackhawks on the "Hostile and Abusive" list?

No? Then your argument fails to equate the United Center's situation with the REA's situation. They are in fact, unequal.

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