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Death of POI


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This is a great outlet to follow the Sioux, I would be lost without it. Thanks to those who make it happen, it is much appreciated. In reading POI there were a few that really annoyed me, however it was a good resource to follow college hockey and the WCHA.

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I suspect that we will see more traffic on this site from POIers looking for a hockey fix, especially if that other site doesn't pan out.  Perhaps it might be a good outlet, because if Hammy isn't allowed to spew his venom, the consequences for the average person on the street is kind of scary. Without that outlet the frustration has got to be released somehow.


Well if he wants to spew he can go over to USCHO.COM, UMD hockey or the SCCC hockey site. Also the Badgers have a site too.

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Having never perused the POI I can't really compare them with SiouxSports.com. But I would find it hard to believe that any other fan based forum could be much better than SS.com.

This is a great place for any college hockey fan to learn about the Fighting Sioux. As I am only a "new" one to these ranks, I have learned more about the Fighting Sioux in the last 7-8 months than I did the previous 4-5 years.

Hopefully you will never feel unappreciated (judging by the posters I've seen you never will be) for what you do. True fans to be able to give others this forum.

Keep up the good work. This is one kick ass site!!

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This site really is the cock of the walk when it comes to team game board sites. Not a competitor in sight. Thanks to those making the commitment to keep it up.

As for Pride on Ice, there were a few fine folks over there. Most were typical Gopher fans. Slow. Dense. Arrogant. Condescending. Ranging in age from eight to eighty.

I could really care less that their site is toast. Surely someone will resurrect it if anyone really thinks that it was worth the bytes on which it once existed.

RIP POI. Bye-bye.

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I'll offer up a tip of the cap to the guys that ran POI. However, the last year or two it turned into a little private chat room for a dozen posters or so. If you weren't in the circle and had the audacity to post anything other but duckies and bunnies content where the Goofs were concerned, you would get ignored, or a smarmy, arrogant little jab.

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I'll offer up a tip of the cap to the guys that ran POI.  However, the last year or two it turned into a little private chat room for a dozen posters or so.  If you weren't in the circle and had the audacity to post anything other but duckies and bunnies content where the Goofs were concerned, you would get ignored, or a smarmy, arrogant little jab.


I've only sporatically viewed POI and, from what I saw, there were a few Gopher posters there that were decent. Of course, most of them already post here, but...

In any case, I think I recall flamefests going on there Gopher fan vs. Gopher fan if one fan were to disagree with or say something about a senior poster's favorite Gopher player or recruit.

I mean, if I were to go on the site and say "Mike Howe's freshman campaign is disappointing compared to other USHL scoring champs" even if I were a Gopher fan, I'm pretty sure I'd get a fair smattering of flames.

Just think if I came aboard and said "Kris Chucko is a hack." :0

In any case, too bad it's gone, but respectable Gopher fans can still recieve insight on the game of hockey here and talk within reason and context about their team.

I mean, with UMN's recent skid, I thin we both have a lot in common now.

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If I were a more avid POI user, I would be really angry over this. Not because the owners gave up on the site, but rather the poor manner in which they did it. I realize I don't know the whole story, BUT...

1) Why not post the situation and try to hand off the website to keep it going. I'm sure that there is someone in gopher land that could handle the technology (Though they would likely have to not be an I of T grad :0 )

2) Don't shut the site down in the last 1/3 of a season. Stick with it until after the 8th North Dakota championship and then shut it down

I wish Jupitor the best of luck with his site.

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That's too bad about POI.  Seriously.  It was a great site with great info, and the people I met that posted there were great...

Though I guess that means WPoS is going to be hanging around here more..another down side ;) ;)

BTW, Worthless....BeerDarts is on for the Final Five, you're going down :0


MNS! About time you show up again! I had people looking at milk cartons for you!

You are on for the FF!


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My site was sort of secret for almost 2 years. I had just over 300 registered users. A large bulk of them registered when POI was down during the 2003 Frozen Four. Now there is over 420 users and it's rising fast. I don't think it's a secret anymore.

A few months ago I thought I was going to shut down. When FOX made me take down the highlight videos, I figured why keep it up and running? The videos were the main reason that anyone visited the site. Then the University got on my back for having logos that looked like their trademarks, even though I drew them by hand back in the 90's. After all of that I felt like giving up. I guess it's a good thing that I didn't do that.

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Quite frankly, I will miss POI. Anytime Woog is revered like a matinee idol, and with Hammy posting like he is the Stephen Hawking of college hockey, you have the makings for great, great humor. One of the greatest sources of amusement for me though was the anti-Sioux sentiment accompanied by the Sioux obsession. I never could reconcile those two, but it provided good entertainment.

I am sad to see it go, but the person I feel the worst for is Phil Kessel. What will he do now without the wisdom and guidance of POI? He will surely be a lost soul. Imagine being 17, having a bad game and needing a boost. What do you do if you are PK? Without a doubt you slip back to your lockerroom, fire up your laptop and peruse POI. What a bummer for that kid. No more posts about PK signs, no more ramblings about the Olympic Ice suiting his game, the "treasured M" and how slimy those fellas at UW are.

In all seriousness, I liked the site, but was more of a lurker than a poster. There were several good posters though providing quality information. Hang in there, Jupiter, I hope your site does well and I look forward to spending some time there.

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