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The next coach of UND football is....


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Great post. To tie this to Oxbow's thought on timing, which I agree with..............Faison could have asked anyone who was around when Bubba was here and probably asked anyone at Duluth and the way everyone described Bubba would have been consistent. And it would have all been positive. So at least in terms of Bubba, he could have done his own work during the wait period and even if he had to narrow it down to 9, Bubba could have been named shortly after.

I have no problem with Bubba being the guy. He will be a solid head coach with a plan. The key to me is still the funding of assistant coaches and the staff he puts in place.

Completely agree. The key is what we get as a staff as a whole and its good to hear the AD is starting to step up, finally.

Folks on here have accused Faison of knowing in October he was going to fire Mussman but still being unprepared for the process of hiring a new staff. Or, that he was going to fire him earlier but the USD game stopped that. I don’t think he had any desire to fire Mussman until being pressured late this year. Mainly, because any change in staff would automatically cause a major increase in overall football staffing costs…..something he clearly has wanted to avoid.

In my opinion he handcuffed Mussman going into the Big Sky. Going into the BSC, and even between year 1 and 2 Faison had the opportunity to show a commitment to raising the level of UND football by having the Athletic Dept. step up and bring in some experienced, outside staff for some of the open positions. The boys at SFI said Mussman had carte blanch to hire any assistants he wanted under Faison, in every way except for salary. No offense to Luke or Josh, but I have to think Mussman had far more experienced options, if it wasn’t for the dollars needed, to get more seasoned coordinators.

Last fall we started out with 2 first time coordinators, 2 line coaches in their 1st or 2nd year, a 1st year running back coach, a special teams coach in his first year as ST coordinator, 1st year inside LB coach, 2nd year CB coach, etc. Mussman may have had carte blanch from Faison, but it’s clear the purse strings were pretty tight over Faison’s tenure. You can get by with a new coach here and there, but when the majority of the coaches are figuring out how to do their new job it’s not a good situation.

Now, when Faison started feeling the heat, he magically finds way more dollars for both the new head coach, but more importantly for his new staff. (I never heard reports of Mussman being unhappy with his own compensation, I did hear he was unhappy with the dollars available for staff). If reports are correct, I’m expecting about a triple increase in football staff costs in one year.

Many on here like to say Mussman set UND football back, in my opinion he did what he could with how he supported. Rather, I tend to believe that Faison’s going cheap on football set things back. If he’s finding all this money now, he should have been able to have done that 2 or more years ago too, at least incrementally. I know many will say great young coaches can be successful in new positions, but they typically have other veteran coaches to learn from. Our young guys were overwhelmed at times this year and it showed on the field.

I hope Faison spends some serious UND money and hits a home run with a great new staff. I just wish he had invested some of that a few years ago.

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The more I think about, either DeBoer or Schweigert would be fine. Flip a coin! They have gained valuable experience in the Missouri Valley Football Conference and have had success as head coaches, with DoBoer having the most.

Once the head coach is hired, the most interesting aspect that comes to play will be the coaching staff that is hired. Both have probably made connections in the MVFC and I doubt they would be opposed to seeing if they could pull someone else's coordinator/position coach away from them. For example, if Bubba is hired, maybe he calls some OCs that he's been impressed with from the MVFC, or DoBoer would do the same for DCs. It's certainly a possibility, and if the assistant coaching salary has been raised enough, UND could get some quality coordinators to accompany Bubba or DeBoer.

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The more I think about, either DeBoer or Schweigert would be fine. Flip a coin!

The "would be fine" part is what I'm hearing more and more around here and that's disappointing. This program went into a total tailspin with Muss and I guess I was looking for more with this hire than (insert name) "would be fine".

But I guess it is what it is.........

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The "would be fine" part is what I'm hearing more and more around here and that's disappointing. This program went into a total tailspin with Muss and I guess I was looking for more with this hire than (insert name) "would be fine".

But I guess it is what it is.........

It's become the reality of DI UND football. It's been hard for some people to accept, including myself.

Now, with UND non-hockey sports, I'm afraid the expectations are to try produce a high-quality product using average-quality resources.

Need to have faith each and every season that UND football will be tremendously efficient.

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If the speculation on this board turns out correct and either Schweigert or DeBoer ends up with the job, then it's just further evidence that Faison and Kelly aren't serious about the football program and need to be replaced.

They fired a coach with 2 years remaining in his contract, basically eating up to $175K. They went digging and found more money to pay a head coach and assistants. Seems like if they weren't serious they wouldn't have done either of those things.

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It's become the reality of DI UND football. It's been hard for some people to accept, including myself.

Now, with UND non-hockey sports, I'm afraid the expectations are to try produce a high-quality product using average-quality resources.

Need to have faith each and every season that UND football will be tremendously efficient.

I'd say there are some pretty good investments made to the sports above if salaries continue to increase. No one will be able to question facilities once the IPF is complete.

I'd say the "is fine" comments are based on the thought Tibesar would come back or a BCS coordinator was coming.

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I don't think anybody with realistic expectations thought Tibesar was going to come back to UND. What people are "fine" with is the fact that the hiring process has been going on a month now and we are going to be getting a coach who we probably could have and should have done our due diligence prior to the listing being posted.

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I'd say the "is fine" comments are based on the thought Tibesar would come back or a BCS coordinator was coming.

The thought that Tibs was even an option by some is even more disappointing...totally unrealistic.

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I don't think anybody with realistic expectations thought Tibesar was going to come back to UND. What people are "fine" with is the fact that the hiring process has been going on a month now and we are going to be getting a coach who we probably could have and should have done our due diligence prior to the listing being posted.

Exactly...well said.

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He get permanently banned now or is he just on a 7-day shift out on the rigs? ;)

Worhing out west for the money and just stuffing his pockets full of Benjamin's for his return to tear up the downtown GF scene.

"Dolla dolla bills y'all"!

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The thought that Tibs was even an option by some is even more disappointing...totally unrealistic.

But yet his name was mentioned.

I'd add to that as well. Looking at this whole process the open records law clearly hurt this search. Look at the list when the process started, how many of those guys were realistic with that law in place. I'll take a guy like Klieman for example, even if the whole coaching change there didn't happen, was it ever really realistic a FU coach was going to apply during the middle of their playoff run? Some thought so, looking back now, it wasn't going to happen. Other coaches were in the same boat.

The other thought was a FBS O or D cordinator, with what the pay was/is, we or any other FBS school isn't getting an FBS cordinator that is currently employed or isn't coming with baggage. Again, the hope was a guy like Minnesota's OC (Clays I believe) would maybe apply. He wouldn't have even been realistic for even FUs position.

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I don't think anybody with realistic expectations thought Tibesar was going to come back to UND. What people are "fine" with is the fact that the hiring process has been going on a month now and we are going to be getting a coach who we probably could have and should have done our due diligence prior to the listing being posted.

Yet his name was thrown around. I bet some of the "I'd be fine with" quotes on this board come from some of the same people who mentioned him as a potential replacement. You can't pick and choose which posts off this board are the voice of the fans and use as a measuring stick for where the fanbase is at.

Edit: When I say you- I don't mean you directly. Just blanketing the dialogue theme of the day on using that statement as where the program is at. I agree with your statement on time and wish a coach would have been made the day after the deadline. Whether that is a Faison thing or a process thing or a combo of both is something that can be discussed after the new coach is hired.

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You can't pick and choose which posts off this board are the voice of the fans and use as a measuring stick for where the fanbase is at.

You are right. Seems that is up to UND's HR dept. and the committee Faison put together.............

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Nationwide Search = Bubba or DeBoer? More like a gong show on the administrative side. Anyone who says Faison wasn't realizing he was going to have to make a decision at the end of the year probably didn't attend any of the football games - ghost town before half-time and at the end ghost town before the game started. A DI AD needs to be an awesome networker and must have the pulse of the market...Filtering 70+ applicants down to Bubba and DeBoer doesn't seem like the high level of organizational skill we expect. I can only hope that whatever decision is made doesn't turn out to be another 5 years of mediocrity and indecision by our team and the athletic department. Continued disappointment with the process...hopefully we are all off base and he comes through with a solid winner off the list...

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Yet his name was thrown around. I bet some of the "I'd be fine with" quotes on this board come from some of the same people who mentioned him as a potential replacement. You can't pick and choose which posts off this board are the voice of the fans and use as a measuring stick for where the fanbase is at.

Fair enough… I can't speak for all fans… I will officially go on record and say that I don't feel Tibesar was ever an option. Additionally being "fine" with a hire represents where we are at currently… We are just begging for somebody to be hired so we can stop the exodus of some of our more talented players and to get on the recruiting trail ASAP to get more of them.

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I'll call BS on that. So with all you HR wizards...what was/is the earliest Faison could have possibly made a hire? And what is "however many days"? Surely one of you has this answer?? So if a hire is made this Friday like some think...is THAT day the earliest Faison could have possibly have pulled the trigger?

Again UND goes thru this whole "process" to come up with a coin flip between Bubba and DoBoer as to who is the next HC?

I don't believe it could have gone faster. Here is why:

1. Faison was not going to hire from within, so he had to post the position externally. As has been mentioned, the position was required to be posted for 15 business days

2. All application received are required to be screened by the HR department. There were 70 some applications...that takes a bit of time to sort through.

3. The hiring department is required to interview all applications that are forwarded from the HR department and document the process. It takes time to coordinate the schedules of 9 different people to arrange interviews (more people when you include the search committee's schedule).

Remember, the position has only been closed since 5pm, December 10. It has been 5 1/2 business days since then.

Like it or not, this is the process. Do you really think Faison would hire a high profile coach in a questionable way (not following protocol)? He still can bring in a last minute coach, but all of the above steps have to be followed, no matter what.

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