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I was somewhat upset at the Vikings first pick, until they maneuvered to get Bridgewater. Now their first round looks pretty good. I did not want them to pick Manziel. Yes, he has tons of talent, but his mental game (off the field) is not where it needs to be. The quarterback needs to be a leader of the team. Think of one of the most mentally prepared and disciplined athletes we know (Toews) and then look at Manziel. They are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Manziel had enough off field issues in college, and then issues with the draft workouts to cause red flags for many teams. Unfortunately for him, he will not have a role model to teach him at Cleveland.

I had to chuckle last night at the images of folks attending the Vikings draft party. Lots of anger and frustration after the Barr selection was announced. Just think if the picks had been reversed and they took Bridgewater first and Barr later...confetti and cheers would have reigned everywhere in Minnesota.

Remember 1999 and Philly fans going nuts over Donovan McNabb being picked over Ricky Williams? Yea...the fans know what's best...


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I had to chuckle last night at the images of folks attending the Vikings draft party. Lots of anger and frustration after the Barr selection was announced. Just think if the picks had been reversed and they took Bridgewater first and Barr later...confetti and cheers would have reigned everywhere in Minnesota.

Remember 1999 and Philly fans going nuts over Donovan McNabb being picked over Ricky Williams? Yea...the fans know what's best...

Me thinks you are confused. Please cite a reference where anyone has ever claimed Philadelphia fans were intelligent. :)

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Anthony Barr is a good pick right at #9. The linebacker out of UCLA was supposed to be a top 10 pick during all of the 2013 college football season so I have no problem taking him in the top 10. In Mike Zimmer's defense, he will be used to do multiple things. He has a big frame (250 lbs.) plus he is athletic and fast (4.44 40). He will do fine.

Now, on the other hand, Teddy Bridgewater is a bust waiting to happen. His arm strength is average at best, he has a slight build (under 200 lbs.), and likely can't play in cold weather (Chicago, Green Bay, TCF Bank Stadium next two seasons, etc...). Plus, he depends on a glove for goodness sake! He will have to prove me wrong, because I think the Vikings should've gone with Derek Carr with the 32nd pick or waited in the 2nd round/3rd round for Zach Mettenberger or AJ McCarron. Teddy Bridgewater doesn't impress me right now, and I think they somehow found a way to reach again.

I'd give Barr a B+ grade and Bridgewater a C- grade. All in all, I give the Vikings a B- grade on their draft so far. Disappointing....

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Now, on the other hand, Teddy Bridgewater is a bust waiting to happen. His arm strength is average at best, he has a slight build (under 200 lbs.), and likely can't play in cold weather (Chicago, Green Bay, TCF Bank Stadium next two seasons, etc...). Plus, he depends on a glove for goodness sake!

Yea, I can think of one other guy that had to depend on a glove last season. Here are his stats:

5,477 yards and 55 TD passes

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Anthony Barr is a good pick right at #9. The linebacker out of UCLA was supposed to be a top 10 pick during all of the 2013 college football season so I have no problem taking him in the top 10. In Mike Zimmer's defense, he will be used to do multiple things. He has a big frame (250 lbs.) plus he is athletic and fast (4.44 40). He will do fine.

Now, on the other hand, Teddy Bridgewater is a bust waiting to happen. His arm strength is average at best, he has a slight build (under 200 lbs.), and likely can't play in cold weather (Chicago, Green Bay, TCF Bank Stadium next two seasons, etc...). Plus, he depends on a glove for goodness sake! He will have to prove me wrong, because I think the Vikings should've gone with Derek Carr with the 32nd pick or waited in the 2nd round/3rd round for Zach Mettenberger or AJ McCarron. Teddy Bridgewater doesn't impress me right now, and I think they somehow found a way to reach again.

I'd give Barr a B+ grade and Bridgewater a C- grade. All in all, I give the Vikings a B- grade on their draft so far. Disappointing....

There is WAY too much emphasis put on metrics at the NFL Combine. QB is all about leadership, poise under pressure and intelligence (both FB and intellectual). JaMarcus Russell was picked #1 overall by Oakland because of his cannon arm. Where is he? Out of the league. And if Brett Favre, who spent his entire life in southern Louisiana (and went to college in Mississippi) can play in the "frozen tundra of Lambeau Field", not to mention road games at Chicago twice a year, anybody should be able to. Let's give Bridgewater a couple of years before throwing him under the bus.

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Anthony Barr is a good pick right at #9. The linebacker out of UCLA was supposed to be a top 10 pick during all of the 2013 college football season so I have no problem taking him in the top 10. In Mike Zimmer's defense, he will be used to do multiple things. He has a big frame (250 lbs.) plus he is athletic and fast (4.44 40). He will do fine.

Now, on the other hand, Teddy Bridgewater is a bust waiting to happen. His arm strength is average at best, he has a slight build (under 200 lbs.), and likely can't play in cold weather (Chicago, Green Bay, TCF Bank Stadium next two seasons, etc...). Plus, he depends on a glove for goodness sake! He will have to prove me wrong, because I think the Vikings should've gone with Derek Carr with the 32nd pick or waited in the 2nd round/3rd round for Zach Mettenberger or AJ McCarron. Teddy Bridgewater doesn't impress me right now, and I think they somehow found a way to reach again.

I'd give Barr a B+ grade and Bridgewater a C- grade. All in all, I give the Vikings a B- grade on their draft so far. Disappointing....

I think Bridgewater will be the steal of the draft. He can make all the throws and has led his team to a lot of wins at every level. Bridgewater has already experienced playing in some cold weather games at places like UCONN and Rutgers late in the season. He has a great level of toughness evidenced by his bowl game win over Florida a couple of years ago. Bridgewater is the best on tape of all the available QBs but some people get too hung up on a bad pro day which to me is just overthinking it.

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Yea, I can think of one other guy that had to depend on a glove last season. Here are his stats:

5,477 yards and 55 TD passes

Get real; Manning doesn't depend on a glove. He put together many pro bowl seasons without a glove and certainly didn't have a poor performance which he blamed on not having a magic glove. He probably lost all those playoff games against the Patriots in the early 2000s because he didn't have a glove, right? C'mon man!

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There is WAY too much emphasis put on metrics at the NFL Combine. QB is all about leadership, poise under pressure and intelligence (both FB and intellectual). JaMarcus Russell was picked #1 overall by Oakland because of his cannon arm. Where is he? Out of the league. And if Brett Favre, who spent his entire life in southern Louisiana (and went to college in Mississippi) can play in the "frozen tundra of Lambeau Field", not to mention road games at Chicago twice a year, anybody should be able to. Let's give Bridgewater a couple of years before throwing him under the bus.

My main reason for disappointment is not entirely on metrics, but rather the fact that I think there were better QBs available at the time the Vikings chose Bridgewater, namely Carr.

Of course, I hope he proves me wrong. Some analysts have compared him to Aaron Rodgers, and although I think those guys are crazy/nuts/gone, I hope they end up being right.

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Vikes take a DE Scott Crichton from Oregon State. Supposedly most thought he would go early in the 2nd but I think I would have preferred taking a guy at a position they were weaker at. I would guess this is the Vikes just sticking to the old best player available philosophy.

They add RB Jerrick Mckinnon from Georgia Southern with their last pick of the night. I thought they would wait to add the backup RB and focus on LB or DB with this pick mostly because RB seems to be one of the positions where you can often find a pretty good contributor later in the draft.

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So Chris Kluwe wants $10 million dollars because of comments allegedly made by a coach...but a simple apology for THIS is all he can muster up? Is his 15 minutes up yet?


"I realize that a lot of people found my joke in poor taste, which I’m sure was the entire purpose of the Vikings leaking it," Kluwe told SI Now. "Character assassination is a tried-and-true tactic for any sort of harassment lawsuit. But it’s something where I was making fun of the culture at Penn State, and if it offended people, then I apologize. I'm sorry for that.

"But to make it seem like I was making fun of victims of child abuse, I mean, that is horrific. And really that kind of upsets me from a personal perspective, that the Vikings would try and spin it that way, because that’s insulting."

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Kluwe tore a hole in the back of his shorts and said he was a victim of convicted child molester and former PSU assistant coach Jerry Sandusky.

Dear Chris,

What you did is as bad or worse than what you accused of a Viking coach. The Vikings had to "spin" nothing. They reported your actions.

You tried to sit on a moral high horse and instead got knocked off of it onto your own exposed rear end. Live with that.


Irony, the harshest mistress

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