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~Tonight the inconsistency was in the net. A win is a win.....but Zane made it interesting.

~Tough to play 40 plus minutes with only five defensemen.

~Puck luck edge to UND....two Tech posts in the third were the difference.

~Rocco has got to find a way to score. So many grade A chances, but just can't put it home.

Never be upset about a win. Never.

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Kind of a strange game, I'm sure Zane would like to have a couple of those goals back as he made a few real good saves but then gave up the 2 weak goals but I was glad to see the guys bailed him out after he really stole the team a win last week. Tech really looked like a bunch of goons for a while there and really got a lot of stickwork in. I hope Hunt is embarassed at the horrible call he made on Mac, I would expect a very tightly called game from the refs tomorrow after some of what happened tonight. I really thought Techs goalie was pretty shaky too and if we can get a good number of shots on him again we will be fine again tomorrow. All that really matters at this time of the year though...survive and advance!

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~Tonight the inconsistency was in the net. A win is a win.....but Zane made it interesting.

~Tough to play 40 plus minutes with only five defensemen.

~Puck luck edge to UND....two Tech posts in the third were the difference.

~Rocco has got to find a way to score. So many grade A chances, but just can't put it home.

Never be upset about a win. Never.

I don't know if I would say that, Sioux had a couple of posts early, the shot from the point that sat behind the goalie, and the puck right on the edge of the crease with an open net that someone couldn't tap in.

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Please tell me we will have new refs in the nchc. I don't want any more of my money going to the current ones.

Considering we'll have Don "I make !@#$ up as I go" Adam as Head of Officials, I'm guessing he'll hire some of the assclown refs from the WCHA. Hate to say but it's most likely true... :glare:

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Tech is a fairly talented, young team. They were DIRTY though. We need to bring a better effort tomorrow...our compete level needs to get better every game from here on out.

With Mac and Mattson in street clothes, we were essentially skating 4 regulars on D. Simpson played great.

Kristo is in a different talent stratosphere.

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Tech is a fairly talented, young team. They were DIRTY though. We need to bring a better effort tomorrow...our compete level needs to get better every game from here on out.

With Mac and Mattson in street clothes, we were essentially skating 4 regulars on D. Simpson played great.

Kristo is in a different talent stratosphere.

Tech was feisty in the corners. Absolutely tough to play against in the tough areas. Won a ton of battles and played with a lot of grit. It'll be the same tomorrow night. Hak always uses the term battle level. Well, it needs to go up.....thats for sure.

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Tech was feisty in the corners. Absolutely tough to play against in the tough areas. Won a ton of battles and played with a lot of grit. It'll be the same tomorrow night. Hak always uses the term battle level. Well, it needs to go up.....thats for sure.

They were winning a lot of foot races and puck battles...we won based on talent tonight...we would not win with that effort against a Minn or SCSU or BC

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Looking at PWR...a little run by Sconny and we could have 6 WCHA teams at the dance. I think we are pulling for UNO to win to stay a TUC and for DU to knock CC out of being a TUC.

Tonight's win didn't give me a lot of confidence for any kind of fantastic run at #8, but as someone else said, never question a win.

I thought Simpson and Kristo had stellar games.

Team faced a lot of adversity losing Mac, dealing with MTU's style...I think the team is better with Caggiula out there- maybe this is a nice wake up call?

Rocco- seriously snake bit- I'd like to see him shake it for the NCAAs.

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Considering we'll have Don "I make !@#$ up as I go" Adam as Head of Officials, I'm guessing he'll hire some of the assclown refs from the WCHA. Hate to say but it's most likely true... :glare:

Don't get me going on this - We should be a mover and shaker in the new league, but so far have taken it in the shorts on their decisions - Head of Officials and media contract. Time for us to assert ourselves and stop getting hosed.

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Looking at PWR...a little run by Sconny and we could have 6 WCHA teams at the dance. I think we are pulling for UNO to win to stay a TUC and for DU to knock CC out of being a TUC.

Tonight's win didn't give me a lot of confidence for any kind of fantastic run at #8, but as someone else said, never question a win.

I thought Simpson and Kristo had stellar games.

Team faced a lot of adversity losing Mac, dealing with MTU's style...I think the team is better with Caggiula out there- maybe this is a nice wake up call?

Rocco- seriously snake bit- I'd like to see him shake it for the NCAAs.

May have figured the top unit out......if it isn't going to be Rocco, I guess whomever gets Kristo going is fine by me.

Can't believe that Drake has gone from being a regular to a bubble guy. What on earth happened to Senkbeil? Wasn't out of the lineup for months, and now we haven't seen him since......ummm.....anyone?

I one hundred percent agree with your thoughts on a national championship for this team. Just don't see it happening. I mean Zane goes from being the defensive player of the week to letting in cheapies from the corners and the redline? Rocco can't score to save his life? Mac gets tossed for checking....Its just not adding up. But my wife would tell you I'm always wrong....so maybe.

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