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Are you Fuc*ing high? Cooke returned to the same old cheap shot artist that he's been known as his entire career. Yes he's gone a while since his last incident, but this leopard did not change his spots...It was just a matter of time.


What he said... Cooke will always be a piece of !@$!.....

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Based on logic and common sense this should not even be an issue at all. Two players collided at high speed and one of them unfortunately got hurt. People who can't handle that may as well watch a non-contact sport like golf or tennis.

Whether Cooke intended to due that or not, if seabrook got 4 Cooke should get 7-10.

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Matt Cooke offered in person interview with Department of Player Safety, as required for any suspension that exceeds five games.


Couldn't happen to a more appropriate repeat offender.

You (not you, farce poobah) are either a Matt Cooke homer or blind if you can't see him stick his left knee out in an effort to clip the opposing player.

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Based on logic and common sense this should not even be an issue at all. Two players collided at high speed and one of them unfortunately got hurt. People who can't handle that may as well watch a non-contact sport like golf or tennis.

You're an idiot. That is all.

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Based on logic and common sense this should not even be an issue at all. Two players collided at high speed and one of them unfortunately got hurt. People who can't handle that may as well watch a non-contact sport like golf or tennis.

Come on Dave. If you can't see him sticking his knee out then obviously you are blind and for the life of me I don't know why players would do this. You are risking damage to your own knee the same as the player you are hitting. Dumb.
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Everyone will be on Cooke for it but he has been a much different player. Watching that kneeing call I put that more on Barrie than Cooke the only reason it happens is Barrie trying to avoid a hit and almost diving out of the way. Avs getting all the calls in this one too refs must be intimidated by Roy.

So Barrie is to blame for trying to dive out of the way of Cooke lunging at him, knee extended, in order to make sure he makes contact with him?

2:00 penalty on Barrie for delay of game embellishment, while we're at it?

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Are you Fuc*ing high? Cooke returned to the same old cheap shot artist that he's been known as his entire career. Yes he's gone a while since his last incident, but this leopard did not change his spots...It was just a matter of time.

Not at all, I've watched almost every Wild game this year and Cooke hasn't had an incident and has brought a very well rounded game to the Wild which they need. Watching the play last night and the replay a number of times there is no intent there from him he is going for a body check and Barrie darts out of the way and unfortunately there knees hit. Bickell had a similar play on Saturday and I don't think there was even a penalty call. Would be a big loss if Cooke is suspended for the Wild and it would be based more on history than anything else.

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So Barrie is to blame for trying to dive out of the way of Cooke lunging at him, knee extended, in order to make sure he makes contact with him?


2:00 penalty on Barrie for delay of game embellishment, while we're at it?

Never said Barrie should have got a penalty or anything like that but Barrie moving out of the way to try to avoid the check is the reason the knees collide. Cooke comes in for a body check and Barrie tries to jump out of the way and sometimes players collide. I agree that they can call a minor for tripping or kneeing but a suspension would be a joke imo. Bickell had a very similar play against St.Louis on Saturday and I don't even think he got a penalty so if Cooke is suspended it will be more based on his history than the incident.

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You better check your eyesight as there was clear intent. I am sure the league is setting up a face to face to say "atta-boy" good clean hit Mr. Cooke.

I didn't say it was a clean hit I said the intent was for a clean hit and when Barrie tried to avoid it Cooke didn't change his angle like Barrie did which is why the knees collided. I've talked to a number of people most of which are former hockey players or coaches who feel it really wasn't a bad hit but Cooke will probably be suspended because of his history and they think his history is why people are making a big deal about it not because of the actual nature of the hit which is something I definitely agree with.

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Giving up three goals in two minutes to blow a two-goal home lead?

The sound you just heard was the Columbus Blue Jacket tent folding up.

I watched that game last night...Columbus completely in control of the game until that stretch. Unfortunate.

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You better check your eyesight as there was clear intent. I am sure the league is setting up a face to face to say "atta-boy" good clean hit Mr. Cooke.

I have not idea if it was clear intent however Cooke wasn't controlling himself very well. Bickel did the same thing the night before but was lucky the guy didn't get hurt. I have had this happen many times in different levels I have played at. In Cooke's defense it's tough when you are reaching for the guy and he's a lot quicker than you are. Also, it is super tough to actually knee a guy on purpose if you are going at full speed. But again, Cooke could have controlled himself better. A lot of times you are reaching out to make contact. Either way, 7-10 games....the NHL has already set precedent. The players have to be more conservative out there.

You are correct though....Cooke has really changed....and I'm not being sarcastic. Great PKer. He just got caught last night in a bad situation, he was about to get walked. 7-10 though.

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It is nauseating listening to Paul Allen defend Cooke this morning. Would be an entirely different show if Cooke were still wearing an Av's sweater. He's become unlistenable. And I'm a Wild fan!

I don't recall Cooke ever playing for Colorado...did I fall asleep somewhere and miss an NHL season along the way?

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I must say that I am very disappointed in the NHL and the Stanley Cup playoffs. It seems as if the refs have swallowed the whistles and just about anything goes. Between head shots, knee on knee shots, two handed slashes, spearings, and cup checks it is becoming a pathetic display of thuggery against the top players of all teams. It is disgusting to see the number of players that are missing games due to injuries from cheap shots. It cheapens the league, the playoffs, and the stature of Lord Stanley's cup. I thought the NHL made a significant step forward with the way the game was changed after the last lockout. It became a much faster and more exciting game. Now they seem to be slipping backwards because once the playoffs start they quit calling the penalties. I noticed it last year and this year seems worse. It appears that almost anything goes as long as it is in the interest of winning the cup.

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