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What the hell is he doing passing in front of the net with a attacker 5 feet from you

He did what Sioux D used to do all the time but haven't done much of this year and that is hold the puck for two seconds before attempting the same pass that was open from the start.

You could see the Sioux starting to lose the puck battles again tonight and feel what was coming. You know Parker will have a good game plan after all his years' experience, and his boys delivered.

I really like Gleason, but you wonder how long it will take before there is a change there.

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You could tell by the way things went to open the 3rd when we were on the power play that someone else was more determined. I said to myself that UND will be lucky to come out of this with a tie......well, some poor decisions made sure that even a tie wouldn't happen.

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If Gleason just clears the puck instead of playing with it we have a different game.

Lots of blame for the D-men.Maybe some deserved....but how about we put the puck in the net....kristo,knight,rowney,grimaldi,macmillian one goal and a emptynetter on the weekend. Knight alone could have put the game away tonite.
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You could tell by the way things went to open the 3rd when we were on the power play that someone else was more determined. I said to myself that UND will be lucky to come out of this with a tie......well, some poor decisions made sure that even a tie wouldn't happen.

When BU tied the game i thought to myself "ok i hope the sioux get out of here with a tie". Disappointing to say the least.

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I think you understood what bcblues meant. I catch myself saying "we" as well when talking about the team. Hell, had to edit one of my recent posts cause I was saying "we" as well.

But then you have that evil twin problem most of us try to overlook . . .

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Too bad UND isn't playing the critical non-conference games after Christmas, because now getting swept at Notre Dame could really put the hurt on this team in the pairwise. I think a timeout could have been warranted in the third period even when UND was holding on to a 2-1 lead. It felt like it was just a matter of time. Maybe if you do that too much early in the year, they don't hold the same authority as they do for the Final Five type timeout. Hopefully were not in for a frustrating first half of the year that will make every game crucial in the second half. At least UND hopefully learned a painful lesson the last two weekends that will help them in league play in the weeks to come.

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WE, as in playing for the (former) Fighting Sioux (now UND). They are playing for the marque. And for the history of the jersey they wear. The players generally understand this. When I refer to the team as "we", it is a mark of respect, for I am alumni of the university. When the day comes that the players are no longer playing for the UNIVERSITY (regardless of name), then I will sadly close the door on my Fighting Sioux jersey collection.

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I saw glimpses tonight of two teams that can both be great. We clearly were gassed in the third- no excuses for being outconditioned .

Although, I continue to feel that we chase the puck too much instead of going to where its going to be and using solid positional play and good crisp passes. Chasing the puck is very bad.

We did not adjust to the aggressive 3 man forecheck, instead our D kept getting trapped.

Our powerplay is God awful.

We need to finish. It will come.

Both nights, either team could've won- we both had plenty of chances each night. It was a deserved split for two pretty good teams.

As for the PWR, well a sweep would've been great, but a split ain't bad. BU is going to have a winning record against most of Hockey East. In the common opponent part of PWR, .500 vs BU will be good.

Gleason had a really bad weekend.

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Hey, don't think I am a pessimist, the Sioux typically don't come on til after the break, so I am not sweating yet. It is just frustrating to watch a team that SHOULD be whupping butt, when you are splitting series.Not the end of the world, but not confidence inspiring either.

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We have a lot of guys on this team who won last year on sheer discipline and force of will. Why do all of Hak's teams have to revert to this kind of start?

This is not a bad start...splitting against a traditional hockey east power that is expected to be a tourney team...no way is that a bad start.

Going 2-0-1 against a team that you played 3 times in 8 days...not a bad start

Losing to Alaska- ok, not good, but starting the season with the monster of all road trips- not the end of the world. If you remember the Frattin and Genoway led Frozen Four team tied with Anchorage up there at the goal rush too.

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