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Student attendance thoughts and How to Fix it


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That is a cop out answer to that part. Really because the Goofers play outside, Wisconsin plays outside, the Packers play outside, the Vikings are moving outside. The weather is not that different in GF as it is in MSP, Madison, Green Bay, etc. Not to mention UND played outside in years past. Obviously it can be done. As an alumni who spent many a saturday side in hockey line, it is possible to be outside in January and February for 10-12 hours so it is completely possible in November.

That may be true, but the weather is a little different between here and Minneapolis, and folks down there will be sure to tell you that. I have no doubt that some people would like the outdoors better, but if you have seen the 2500 or so fans that show up for a big playoff game compared to the number that show up on fair weather days, you'll know why they have indoor football.

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As a recent UND alumni who enjoyed football and tailgating while there and has now moved on to law school at a Big10 university I feel like the big things that students want are not easily fixed. However here they are:

1. Play schools people have actually heard of. Sorry but Montana is not a school people have actually heard of. Thats just the way it goes. You need teams that people grew up watching.

2. Get out of the Alerus center. That is the most depressing building I have ever been in as the field is lit brightly but the stands are so dark it feels like a person should be taking a nap. You do not see the big powerhouse programs playing inside.

3. Put it on campus. Big schools have stadiums on campus so people can tailgate/pregame at home or nearby without the need for a tailgating set up.

4. Have food and drink available for purchase at tailgating. Right now tailgating feels like a grand forks resident only club. I was lucky enough to have friends and family in the area to tailgate with but it often feels like a GF only club.

5. Stop trying to compete with hockey. UND is a hockey school. Thats just how it goes. People come to UND to watch hockey, not football. That is just the hard truth.

1. We play in the Big Sky- that's who we are going to be playing for the foreseeable future.

2. Again, I've been at Memorial in Wind, Rain & Snow estimated attendance- 2,000 people

3. Love to have a campus location- but that is going to cost money. I can't foot the bill for everything here :lol:

4. Food & Drink IS AVAILABLE at tailgating in Tailgate Village- you want pizza-they have pizza, you want barbecue-they got Dickey's, you want Ground Round they got Ground Round.

5. I don't see it competing with hockey as they usually don't go on at the same time. If there is competition, it's for the ability to capture people's disposable income on entertainment. That competition is always going to be there.

***Student's can buy their own tailgating spot in the regular tailgating area- but were provided a spot, because their biggest complaint it seems to be is that "we don't have any money" plus it's their own area. I didn't realize that the youngster wanted to hang out with us oldies anyway.

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The tailgating this year has been a step up over previous years. The addition of the Tailgating Village has been a big success. The student's tailgate lot has had a good turnout every week until this past one and I suspect that the weather had more to do with that than anything. Kudos to the Athletics Department and Marketing Department on what they did this year but don't get complacent and waste the positive momentum.

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That is a cop out answer to that part. Really because the Goofers play outside, Wisconsin plays outside, the Packers play outside, the Vikings are moving outside. The weather is not that different in GF as it is in MSP, Madison, Green Bay, etc. Not to mention UND played outside in years past. Obviously it can be done. As an alumni who spent many a saturday side in hockey line, it is possible to be outside in January and February for 10-12 hours so it is completely possible in November.

So your comparing Wisconsin's climate to Grand Forks. Interesting. Factor in tradition and school size and conference before you start telling us how the UND football program should run like a Big Ten School. Oh, and don't forget the 20 million dollars a year they get from the Big Ten Network when making your list.

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Maybe they just do not like to watch football? How many students really are at hockey games vs the student population?

I'd guesstimate 2,000 students (in the student section) at hockey games. UND student headcount was over 15,000 this year, but that includes online students.

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This is why I love this forum. I made it obvious at the beginning of my post that these are big things that Students want that are Not easily fixed. I loved UND football while I was there (with the exception of the Alerus. That really is a depressing, dark building). Also I did move away from GF this year but have heard good things about the Tailgating Village, however it is only a start so no one can get complacent. However these are the things that Students complain about. They want the program they see on College Game Day on ESPN. All I am saying is these are the things that I have heard good, bad or otherwise. If you want to know about student attendance and "how to fix it" then you have to be willing to address the complaints that students have rather then simply discredit them. If you don't want to address them that is fine but then you can not complain about them not showing up.

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This is why I love this forum. I made it obvious at the beginning of my post that these are big things that Students want that are Not easily fixed. I loved UND football while I was there (with the exception of the Alerus. That really is a depressing, dark building). Also I did move away from GF this year but have heard good things about the Tailgating Village, however it is only a start so no one can get complacent. However these are the things that Students complain about. They want the program they see on College Game Day on ESPN. All I am saying is these are the things that I have heard good, bad or otherwise. If you want to know about student attendance and "how to fix it" then you have to be willing to address the complaints that students have rather then simply discredit them. If you don't want to address them that is fine but then you can not complain about them not showing up.

Do you mean the quality of the team or the quality of the atmosphere surrounding the game? I think you mean the later which is an excellent point. As a student I would not think it would be much fun to sit inside of a building with no atmosphere watching AAA football. The campus and town's atmoshpere on gameday in Madison and at the U of TN in Knoxville is exciting where as gameday in GF is blah who cares.
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Do you mean the quality of the team or the quality of the atmosphere surrounding the game? I think you mean the later which is an excellent point. As a student I would not think it would be much fun to sit inside of a building with no atmosphere watching AAA football. The campus and town's atmoshpere on gameday in Madison and at the U of TN in Knoxville is exciting where as gameday in GF is blah who cares.

I meant the quality of the atmosphere, yes. That is exactly what I was going for. The whole town, can't wait for saturday, every game is the biggest game of the year atmosphere that you find at other institutions.

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I meant the quality of the atmosphere, yes. That is exactly what I was going for. The whole town, can't wait for saturday, every game is the biggest game of the year atmosphere that you find at other institutions.

That sadly has never existed in GF. The only time would be for a Bison game and then not all that much. One thing you are overlooking here, I am sure you get it, is GF and UND are hockey people and BB and FB coming in a distant second and third. The other schools that have a great football atmosphere only tend to pay attention to that sport. Somewhat hard to get excited over something one could care less about.
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I strongly disagree with the hockey seating priority, and last year as a student i had perfect attendance at football and hockey. There is no reason to award your fandom in one sport in another. There are a variety of reasons which could limit attendance at one of the sports.

Interesting point on it being a dark building. Never really thought about it, but realized it when you said that. There probably is something to that.

I can understand the tailgating point brought up. I tailgate with GF guys (when I make it back now), but the student lot is pretty far away and makes you feel like you are out in the boonies. I have no idea if the student lot was closer to the building if it would help or not, just a thought.

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Game day production needs to be on par with what they do for the hockey team. Intro blasting through the speakers. Tailgating needs to be adjusted. O yea and winning alot.

team intros are cool. They don't get students to stay for a whole game though.

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Are the NDSU students staying for the entire game, or is there a drop off at half?

Depends. If it is a blowout, then people start to head out either at halftime or throughout the third quarter. If the game is good, you don't see a huge dropoff from where I am(first few rows). What you guys have been describing on here seems outlandish and we haven't had that issue before in my time in Fargo. Leaving a game at halftime when it is close en masse? Sad.

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Depends. If it is a blowout, then people start to head out either at halftime or throughout the third quarter. If the game is good, you don't see a huge dropoff from where I am(first few rows). What you guys have been describing on here seems outlandish and we haven't had that issue before in my time in Fargo. Leaving a game at halftime when it is close en masse? Sad.

It really is sad because regardless of your affiliation that was an exciting game to watch. I just don't get it because i know from experience that there is really not that much going on in GF on a Saturday afternoon in the fall. Partying is not an excuse to leave early because the game was over early. I also don't buy the hunting excuse because I also know from experience that you can get a good duck / goose hunt in and be showered by 11.

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I feel bad for the players. Don't think for a second that they don't notice. They do.

I would feel bad for them too. One has to wonder if the attitude could begin affecting recruiting at some point. Kids probably base some of the decision at some point on the atmospheres.

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I would feel bad for them too. One has to wonder if the attitude could begin affecting recruiting at some point. Kids probably base some of the decision at some point on the atmospheres.

True, but it's a long way from that. This situation has room for improvement. It's not a total freaking disaster.
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