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I'm sure to the uppity snob who lives a privileged lifestyle it probably is, but to the down to earth normal kind of person that I can much better relate to... absolutely not.

PS - The right school for one person might be different than the right school for another person. It all depends on what you want to go into, and every school is going to be stronger in some areas than others. There are no bad schools, only bad students.

So you think that the fact that I regard a Harvard education as being much more valuable than one from the University of Phoenix makes me an"uppity snob who lives a privileged lifestyle"?

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I believe your exact quote was "Schools aren't fine just because you couldn't get into them."

That was my exact quote. Perhaps I should have added "even if you tried" so that you could understand. It was implied. You see, not everything is spelled out in every sentence. But you have to understand that words can have similar meanings. And I don't mean making up my own definitions to words, unlike what you try to do.
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It is not surprising that 2 of the "50 Worst Colleges" are members of the Great West Conference.......................

It's almost surprising that there weren't more than 2 in the Great West. That isn't the company that UND should be keeping for any length of time.
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It's very subjective. What is fine to one person might not be fine to the next. That isn't "twisting" anything, that's just how it is.

Actually, there are a lot of ways to determine whether schools are fine or not. It isn't subjective. You are just trying to twist and shout your way out of the trap you set for yourself.
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No, words have meaning. An argument is fallacious whether the person making that argument understands the meaning of the words he chose or not. The word "finest" is pretty well understood, especially in terms of educational institutions. There is pretty wide-spread agreement about what schools are considered "fine" institutions.

That's why we need you to provide a list of the "fine" shools you consider to prove your assertion. WIthout it, we have no way of evaluating what you mean.

Dave has re-defined the words fine, finest, and pretty much every other word he uses. His definitions are whatever he needs to prove his point. Then he tells us later what he actually meant since none of us has the ability to understand how his "far superior mind" works. At this point Dave believes that Chicago State and Harvard are on the same level of education, and since Dave believes that, we should all just accept it as the truth. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
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Dave has re-defined the words fine, finest, and pretty much every other word he uses. His definitions are whatever he needs to prove his point. Then he tells us later what he actually meant since none of us has the ability to understand how his "far superior mind" works. At this point Dave believes that Chicago State and Harvard are on the same level of education, and since Dave believes that, we should all just accept it as the truth. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

I understand Dave's MO. It's just so much fun to watch him spin ridiculous rationalizations when he's proven to be wrong.

I'm not really sure whether he actually believes that crap he spouts or not. Sometimes it seems like he's got to be a bit. Nobody could possibly be as flat-out stupid as he seems to be.

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I understand Dave's MO. It's just so much fun to watch him spin ridiculous rationalizations when he's proven to be wrong.

I'm not really sure whether he actually believes that crap he spouts or not. Sometimes it seems like he's got to be a bit. Nobody could possibly be as flat-out stupid as he seems to be.

Since I believe that he's a narcissist, and he believes that the world revolves around him, he may not be a bit. But I agree, watching him spin his yarns can be very entertaining. The only constants in his world are his belief that he is right and everyone that disagrees with him is wrong, no matter what he says or how many times he changes the story. And when he can't find another way out he just declares it "subjective".
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Well, if the shoe fits....

Like I said, I think it all depends on what you want to go into. I'm sure Harvard is better in some areas and University of Phoenix is better in other areas.

If that's what you believe, then is it any wonder that you have no credibility?

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Like I said, I think it all depends on what you want to go into. I'm sure Harvard is better in some areas and University of Phoenix is better in other areas.

Yeah you guys! If you were a hiring manager and saw resumes from 2 people fresh out of college with similar grades/experience, who wouldn't pick the UPhoenix grad?!?

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My cousin from Bismarck has had kidney cancer and is on dialysis and they recently found lung cancer. Prognosis not good. She isn't sure she wants to bother with chemo but wants to live long enough to vote yes. God bless her.

Not to sound crass, but absentee balloting is open in Burleigh County.

PS - Find her a goal to live for beyond June 12. Mental attitude matters.

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Of course words have meaning but what constitutes a fine school to one person is not always going to be the same as what constitutes a fine school to the next person. It is subjective, contrary to your shrill opposition.

Words are subjective... black is white, up is down...."finest" schools equals any school.

Dave, you are an endless source of entertainment!

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Would you rather have you or your relatives be treated by a UND Medical School graduate or someone who learned just enough Spanish to attend an unaccredited medical school in the Caribbean that offered no clinical rotations and no residency programs?

There should be no concerns because surely all medical schools are fine schools ...

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I guess it all depends on your definition of the word "fine".

Bill Clinton defense, interesting choice.

So obviously you believe that EVERY college has an athletic dept., got it! ;)

That depends Dave, what is your definition of "every"?

I think the definition of the word "finest" is going to vary greatly from one person to the next. No, YOU try again. You will NEVER win this argument. Sorry. :p

You lost the argument long ago. Unfortunately you just keep moving the goal posts and which leads to you being proven wrong again and again.

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I think the definition of the word "finest" is going to vary greatly from one person to the next. No, YOU try again. You will NEVER win this argument. Sorry. :p

Professor Dave,

The answer to your problem is University of Phoenix. One of greatest college FB stadiums in the country. They don't have a FB team. I don't believe they have any athletic teams, but you may be able to make their fantasy FB team. This will be just like the fantasy world you, Frank and others are trying to drive UND to. We will have the greatest hockey facility in the country but no college hockey team. Fetch will be able to schedule his old timers team anytime he wishes and call them the Fighting Sioux. He can turn the weight room into a sheep pen for his harem. You might wish to inquire as to whether or not the former Fargo mayor would sponsor you to join the "freethinkers" group. You could keep them occupied for years. A lot of them are philosphers like yourself. A number seem to be former college professors like the former mayor so you would love that group. It will give you something to do after the vote. If UND prevails and the yes votes win you have stated you will abandon UND athletics. IF the no votes win, UND athletics will suffer a slow death under these sanctions as more and more teams refuse to play UND and you will have even more time on your hands.

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DaveK and Fetch really do have a point though. It is not like Wisc. or the Gophers are going to play UND in hockey much after next year, if at all. All the other teams really are only blood suckers like women's hockey (which none of you watch), football, tennis, golf, et al. I think the hockey team would survive even under sanctions. So if hockey survived what does the rest even matter then? After 9 years earning 3 bachelor and one master degrees I never heard anyone talking about sports to start with at UND. So the track team goes away boo hoo. The football team goes away. Again boo hoo who cares. I have realized one thing though. I have learned how to defined hypocrite. It is defined "UND sport fans on this board". DaveK and Fetch at least are not hypocrites. They have kept their same stance through all of this. Whereas the rest of you talked tough, like a little Yorkie nipping at the NCAA's nuts, until they took a chomp out of your asses and you found out who the real power is. Once you found out you all limped away licking your wounds and started a new system, or justification, for changing your stories. With this being the case I have more respect for DaveK and Fetch than the rest of you.

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DaveK and Fetch really do have a point though. It is not like Wisc. or the Gophers are going to play UND in hockey much after next year, if at all. All the other teams really are only blood suckers like women's hockey (which none of you watch), football, tennis, golf, et al. I think the hockey team would survive even under sanctions. So if hockey survived what does the rest even matter then? After 9 years earning 3 bachelor and one master degrees I never heard anyone talking about sports to start with at UND. So the track team goes away boo hoo. The football team goes away. Again boo hoo who cares. I have realized one thing though. I have learned how to defined hypocrite. It is defined "UND sport fans on this board". DaveK and Fetch at least are not hypocrites. They have kept their same stance through all of this. Whereas the rest of you talked tough, like a little Yorkie nipping at the NCAA's nuts, until they took a chomp out of your asses and you found out who the real power is. Once you found out you all limped away licking your wounds and started a new system, or justification, for changing your stories. With this being the case I have more respect for DaveK and Fetch than the rest of you.

Thank you for being the textbook definition of "sore winner".

Now, to point, UND has to sponsor at least 14 sports (7M/7W or 6M/8W) to stay classified Division I. That's the NCAA's rule also. So losing sports does damage Athletics at UND.

And, as Dave Hakstol has said, sanctions would slowly erode even the mens hockey program.

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The answer to your problem is University of Phoenix. One of greatest college FB stadiums in the country.

So a "fine" college without athletics has to put its name onto a stadium used for professional and college athletics to draw attention to the college and get the attention of potential enrollees.

So even U of Phoenix needs high level college athletics.

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DaveK and Fetch really do have a point though. It is not like Wisc. or the Gophers are going to play UND in hockey much after next year, if at all. All the other teams really are only blood suckers like women's hockey (which none of you watch), football, tennis, golf, et al. I think the hockey team would survive even under sanctions. So if hockey survived what does the rest even matter then? After 9 years earning 3 bachelor and one master degrees I never heard anyone talking about sports to start with at UND. So the track team goes away boo hoo. The football team goes away. Again boo hoo who cares. I have realized one thing though. I have learned how to defined hypocrite. It is defined "UND sport fans on this board". DaveK and Fetch at least are not hypocrites. They have kept their same stance through all of this. Whereas the rest of you talked tough, like a little Yorkie nipping at the NCAA's nuts, until they took a chomp out of your asses and you found out who the real power is. Once you found out you all limped away licking your wounds and started a new system, or justification, for changing your stories. With this being the case I have more respect for DaveK and Fetch than the rest of you.

Wisconsin and UND were in the process of scheduling a regular hockey series when the sanctions went back into effect. Sorry, you're wrong. Minnesota had talked about continuing the rivalry, but hadn't been following up so it is hard to know if that would have happened.

Some of us do attend sports other than hockey. I have season tickets for both hockey and football; and attend women's hockey, volleyball, and both men's and women's basketball games. I know several people that have season tickets for each of these sports. I don't know who you hung around with while in school, but sports was often a major topic of conversation while I was in school. That included while hanging out with my regular group of friends and while sitting around the classroom. Most students I knew had friends that were athletes. I knew people on the football, hockey, women's basketball, swimming and baseball teams off the top of my head and I met people that played some of the other sports. Just because you were in some secluded group doesn't mean that sports aren't a part of the average person's life.

Football is not normally a blood sucker at UND, it can be very profitable when the team is doing well. Men's basketball can also be very profitable, especially when the school belongs to a conference with an automatic bid to the NCAA Division I men's basketball tournament. And the better the league does, the more money they get. The other sports are in place for several reasons, including to give students more opportunities. But for people like you, they are needed because hockey can not exist on its own. To belong to the NCAA in Division I you have to have a minimum of 14 sports on campus. They can be broken down as 7 for men and 7 for women or 6 for men and 8 for women. The school has to support either football or basketball or both, plus whichever other sports they desire that are sanctioned by the NCAA. The school has to meet Title IX requirements. I also believe that there are some minimum scholarship limits overall to be part of Division I. So the other sports are important even if you only watch hockey.

And I guess that you don't allow people to change their opinion or position as they learn more about the situation. Whatever your first impression is, that is what you are going to support for the rest of your life. Even if the situation changes. You may not realize this, but people actually adapt and change as the situation changes. The situation surrounding the nickname has been in constant flux for many years, well before the NCAA announced their policy in 2005. And the situation will continue to change. The rubber is now starting to meet the road for the University, now that the sanctions are in place. The sanctions have become real for many people in the past 6 months to a year. As it becomes real, and as people actually learn about or accept that the sanctions are real, it is only natural that many of them will change their position. That doesn't make them hypocrites. It makes them well informed. You can admire Fetch and Dave all you want, but their position that they would rather allow the athletic department be completely destroyed rather than change a sports nickname is not something to be admired in my opinion.

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Holy crap I didn't think this thread I started would end up like this. I just saw the tv ad again. I hope it is getting the point of undecided voters. That is going to be the biggest problem. Should i vote to get rid of the name that I cheered for for many years? Or should I keep the name that I have cheered for for many years. You always have the ones who know how they will vote...YES to help UND athletics, NO to stick it to the NCAA. But the undecided ones who don't have much of a clue on the sanctions or even know who the NCAA is...thats going to be the biggest factor in the vote.

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The sad thing you and Dave and Fetch don't realize is, it's not about you. It's about UND, the student athletes and the majority of alumni and fans who understand what is at stake. "After 9 years earning 3 bachelor and one master degrees I never heard anyone talking about sports to start with at UND." Not really believable since you are posting on here quite a bit. You never heard anyone talking about sports???

When you look at this from a purely selfish, childish point of view like you do, maybe it makes sense. But, if you look at the facts that have been repeatedly stated on this board and in the media it shows that even someone with multiple degrees can be an utter bonehead if they choose to ignore facts and be childishly undiscerning and self centered.

You applaud people for keeping the "same stance" through all this, like it's a good thing. As situations change, so do the solutions. If you could discern the facts you'd understand that. But, I guess it's easy to understand coming from someone who never heard about UND sports in 9 years of class time.

DaveK and Fetch really do have a point though. It is not like Wisc. or the Gophers are going to play UND in hockey much after next year, if at all. All the other teams really are only blood suckers like women's hockey (which none of you watch), football, tennis, golf, et al. I think the hockey team would survive even under sanctions. So if hockey survived what does the rest even matter then? After 9 years earning 3 bachelor and one master degrees I never heard anyone talking about sports to start with at UND. So the track team goes away boo hoo. The football team goes away. Again boo hoo who cares. I have realized one thing though. I have learned how to defined hypocrite. It is defined "UND sport fans on this board". DaveK and Fetch at least are not hypocrites. They have kept their same stance through all of this. Whereas the rest of you talked tough, like a little Yorkie nipping at the NCAA's nuts, until they took a chomp out of your asses and you found out who the real power is. Once you found out you all limped away licking your wounds and started a new system, or justification, for changing your stories. With this being the case I have more respect for DaveK and Fetch than the rest of you.

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Just shut up Dave. I have been reading the last few pages and nothing but garbage comes out of your mouth. You are clearly uneducated on multiple levels so just make peace with that and be humble.

There's no need for that. Please maintain some level of decorum. Thank you.


The Moderation Team

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