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Just so you know Dru is in a sorority on campus and i happen to be part of that too. Its truley amazing all the support, People that have no idea who she is were out there this morning with us!! Wear pink and white ribbons to show support-- Pink for Drus favorite color and White for HOPE!!

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Just so you know Dru is in a sorority on campus and i happen to be part of that too. Its truley amazing all the support, People that have no idea who she is were out there this morning with us!! Wear pink and white ribbons to show support-- Pink for Drus favorite color and White for HOPE!!

undhockey5, I had the opportunity to be at the house last night and it is great to see everyone coming together. I also appreciate the ribbon that I was given.

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It is truly a shame and really scary that this has happened. I'm praying for her.

Hopefully someone saw something in that parking lot.

I guess you can't use that Amber Alert thing either because she is too old. Every day when I drive home from work that Amber thing is flashing another kidnapping out here in Cali. Amazingly enough they catch most of the kidnappers out here. It's normally parents.

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The caring and heartfelt warmth that this town shows to everyone in times like these is absolutely amazing. 1,200+ taking time away from class, work, etc. to look for this poor girl brings a tear to my eye for two reasons. One because I feel for Dru and her family & friends. Secondly, because this town cares so much for its neighbors. A lot of these people didn't even know Dru but had enough heart to come and search. If the 1997 flood didn't prove it, this does.

My prayers go out to Dru for her safe return. May God bless Dru and her family, and may God bless the people of Grand Forks.

Keep the hope!

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The local news and the Strib are reporting that a young woman was abducted in Fertile, MN but managed to escape, after closing a local store. There's no definite link to Dru's disappearnce, but the cops are looking into it. It's pretty f'ing sad when you have to warn people in the smallest of towns to "watch their back" and walk in pairs, etc. ???;)

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The local news and the Strib are reporting that a young woman was abducted in Fertile, MN but managed to escape, after closing a local store. There's no definite link to Dru's disappearnce, but the cops are looking into it. It's pretty f'ing sad when you have to warn people in the smallest of towns to "watch their back" and walk in pairs, etc. ???;)

As they should. I grew up watching my back. Call it paranoid, but as I walk up to my car, I look underneath it, then as I pass by, I look in the back seat. The reason people like this go to small towns is because of the sense of invulnerability that many in these towns have. Where my roommate is from (middleofnowhere, NE) they leave there doors unlocked, and keys in the ignition. Small town people need to realize that it really is a small world...you have to be ready for anything.

Anyone know where they are searching tomorrow (Besides "somwhere in Grand Forks County).

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Phoenix is a very crime-ridden city & what happened to Dru happens here on a fairly-regular basis. This city is so full of illegal aliens, psychotic drivers & short-fused people that I wonder why I still live here. I refuse to let my wife ride the city bus because I'm not prepared to accept what could happen to her, aside from the drug needles that are frequently found between the seats.

When I grew up in GF in the early '70's & '80's we still locked our front door but stuff like this never happened that I can recall. I can only imagine what was going through her mind at the moment she was abducted. Geez, my heart goes out to her & her family.

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If you think Phoenix is bad, don't come to San Bernardino. Up where the DII volleyball tourney is being played is nice, but I don't drive into the city. Two weeks ago we caught a seventh grader with pot, then I had to confiscate a knife from him. Later that week I had to break up a gang fight. The kid with the knife won't even be expelled, because he's a special education student. These are just the kids. The people here don't even bother to learn English. We're so sheltered in GF and to tell you the honest truth I wouldn't want it any other way.

Has anyone seen that Bowling for Columbine movie? Michael Moore goes to Toronto and just walks into peoples' homes. He couldn't believe they didn't lock the doors. They'd just talk to him and say they don't worry about crime.

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