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Fire Muss


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Man, you really read what you want into people's comments, don't you? And I find it really funny that you talk about "professionalism" and "decorum" and in the next breath you insult me with "Or do I confuse you with the big words?". Real consistent, Mr. Professional. I don't care what opinion you post on here, I just get tired of the "Father Knows Best" attitude you display on here. That, my friend, is unprofessional.

Does the fact that 82SiouxGuy presents his arguments in a level-headed, thought out way rather than with a knee-jerk, reactionary, scorch the earth way bother you? For example, all those that were complaining about how much money the REA does (or doesn't) give to UND. The suggestion was made by more than a few people that the information was available if you really wanted it. And lo and behold it was. All it took was a simple phone call to Jody Hodgson and the mystery was solved after how many pages of complaining that no one knew what the number was, just that it wasn't enough. Complaining on a message board doesn't solve anything other than maybe making you feel better. Actually taking some initiative to get real answers or voice concerns to people who actually make decisions isn't that hard. Because someone suggests that, makes them a pariah apparently.

And the "Father Knows Best" line is pretty amusing coming from the guy who wrote a 5 page manifesto on all that is wrong with UND athletics while using the demolition of an old building that hasn't been used for a decade to make room for a state of the art athletics facility as one of the main problems.

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If butt-kissing and universal deference to authority is "being professional", I prefer to not be a professional. And if you think everyone that wears a suit and tie is a "professional adult", then you really are living in fantasy land. My experience at UND is that the students are much more grown-up than the grown-ups in Twamley Hall.

Man, you really read what you want into people's comments, don't you? And I find it really funny that you talk about "professionalism" and "decorum" and in the next breath you insult me with "Or do I confuse you with the big words?". Real consistent, Mr. Professional. I don't care what opinion you post on here, I just get tired of the "Father Knows Best" attitude you display on here. That, my friend, is unprofessional.

I just don't see the group think you are seeing. There are people on both sides of the "Fire Muss" debate posting on here and I think the tone has been very polite compared to some other forums I have seen and heard about. Unless you think people that think we need a change at the top of the FB program are being "unprofessional".

Obviously you have had problems with professional people and it still bothers you. Actually, you were the one that brought my acting like a professional into the discussion in a different thread. You didn't like it when I spoke like a professional. You wanted me to talk more like one of the guys. Sorry, I am who I am and this is it. I'm not going to change just because some anonymous person on the internet doesn't like it. And I'm not going to change because you keep coming after me.

It is my opinion that there is some group think going on here. Remember, I get to have an opinion on a forum. There is definitely piling on that happens here. It doesn't have to be your opinion. But you don't get to tell me not to have an opinion.

You obviously haven't paid much attention, you just keep looking for places to attack me. I have posted very little in the Fire Muss threads. When I have it is usually when I have been directly addressed or to throw in my 2 cents on a topic like getting better results at a restaurant by being nice rather than acting like a fool. I don't remember ever telling anyone that they can't have an opinion either way about whether Mussman should be fired or not. I haven't even said whether I agree or disagree with the idea.

As I posted earlier, you might want to just put me on Ignore if it bothers you so much. It doesn't matter how much you keep attacking me, I'm not going anywhere. I actually ignore most of your posts unless you address me correctly. I know that I am going to disagree with most of your posts and that you are mainly going to complain about things rather than add anything that I consider positive to the discussion. So I usually just don't read the posts. Try it, it might keep your blood pressure down.

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And the "Father Knows Best" line is pretty amusing coming from the guy who wrote a 5 page manifesto on all that is wrong with UND athletics while using the demolition of an old building that hasn't been used for a decade to make room for a state of the art athletics facility as one of the main problems.

What I wrote was the truth, truth that some of our fans don't want to hear, see or read. If you look at the past 10-15 years and connect all the dots, it makes sense. Some people did understand the point I was trying to make, even if they didn't agree with all of what I wrote. I guess you didn't.

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By all accounts, UND head coach Mussman is one of the nicest people that you will meet. He has a proven track record of being a very capable offensive assistant coach. But as a head coach, Mussman is simply out-matched on a consistent basis, as his 19-31 lifetime record entering Saturday's game with the Northern Arizona Lumberjacks indicates.

For starters, Mussman doesn't have the demeanor that it takes to be successful in today's game. Many of today's winning teams are led by fiery, emotional coaches. Mussman prefers the stoic, emotionless presence, which UND's fans were acclimated to with Coach Hakstol. With Hakstol you can't tell if the Sioux are ahead by 3 goals or behind by 1. With Mussman, you can't tell if the Sioux are behind by seven points or behind by 27.

But that's where the similarities end, as Hakstol has the respect of his team and the rest of the league, while Mussman appears to have neither. The Sioux aren't responding to his methods and have too much talent to be 2-6 and one of the laughingstocks of the league.

Mussman is also too indecisive to be a successful head coach. Once again, he is holding off on naming a starting quarterback against Northern Arizona until Friday. He said one reason for the delay is that he wanted an element of surprise. That means the Lumberjacks won't know whether to prepare for the weak-armed quarterback who doesn't have the arm strength to throw a slant pattern or the strong-armed quarterback who couldn't stop throwing the ball 10 yards over everybody's head in his appearance with the team.

Mussman has also surrounded himself with the wrong people. Schleusner is not a quality offensive coordinator, while defensive coordinator Kotelnicki has to take some of the criticism for the team's consistent dismal efforts.

The thinking is that AD Brian Faison doesn't want to fire coaches, even though that would send a signal to the team, particularly the younger players, and the fans that losing is not acceptable.

The Sioux are in dire need of a complete rebuild and it's going to have to start at the top. There's no better time to get the ball rolling for the future than right now and that means it's time for somebody else to lead the Sioux for the remainder of the season.

So this article is about the Vikings, but after switching some names and numbers it rang eerily similar.

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What I wrote was the truth, truth that some of our fans don't want to hear, see or read. If you look at the past 10-15 years and connect all the dots, it makes sense. Some people did understand the point I was trying to make, even if they didn't agree with all of what I wrote. I guess you didn't.

You're right. Our programs would be light years ahead of where they are now playing at Memorial Stadium, the Hyslop and the old REA.

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Hey, don't take your ball and go home, debating is fun!!! FYI you've done absolutely nothing with your arguement to refute my point: As long as UND has hockey it will continue to be the most popular sport at UND. A DII football championship 10 years ago has no bearing on that point and neither does the lull in the programs success prior to that. Do you really forsee a time in the future where the hockey program is not a national title contender?


Perhaps when Grand Forks realizes it's not in Canada?

Had to do it.

But your point is valid; with the Ralph and tradition here, hockey will always be number one - even though hockey will always be # 4 in terms of national popularity.

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If Craig had a wife that looked like Hillary I am sure he would stroll down that path again, but look at her.


Light bulb just turned on. If we can hire a less than attractive coach with a good looking wife, we will nail it on the recruiting trail. This should really be the number one criteria if we hire a new coach.

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Well, it has gotten hard to find good things to say about Mussman. He is a good coordinator, but just doesn't seem to have a grasp on the head coaching position.

Not on the Mussman bandwagon by any means, but... his players have managed to stay out of the news for off field indiscretions for the most part. That is a very good thing.

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Petrino's situation was far more severe than Bohl's when he left Nebraska. Not a good comparison at all.

If Pelini gets fired, which there is a good change he will, then Bohl will at least get some consideration, especially if NDSUAAS wins a third consecutive national title.

Bohl's situation, though hardly discussed outside Nebraska, involved unborn twins. Petrino's situation was national, without the kids.

Pelini's brother got fired yesterday at FAU for marijuana. I suspect the tirade Pelini went on against Nebraska fans is not forgotten (as well as losing to Minn). Bet Bohl has not been forgiven by Nebraska fans to this day and there would be open rebellion in Nebraska if Bohl's name is mentioned. The Fargo media never mentioned Bohl's escapades.

You can make Bohl a saint if you want, but Mussman is a better man and husband. Bohl has coaching going for him.


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Bohl's situation, though hardly discussed outside Nebraska, involved unborn twins. Petrino's situation was national, without the kids.

Pelini's brother got fired yesterday at FAU for marijuana. I suspect the tirade Pelini went on against Nebraska fans is not forgotten (as well as losing to Minn). Bet Bohl has not been forgiven by Nebraska fans to this day and there would be open rebellion in Nebraska if Bohl's name is mentioned. The Fargo media never mentioned Bohl's escapades.

You can make Bohl a saint if you want, but Mussman is a better man and husband. Bohl has coaching going for him.


That thread is from 2007. After 6 additional years and, in all likelihood, 3 straight national championships, I'd guess the mood may have softened on Bohl in Lincoln.

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Bohl's situation, though hardly discussed outside Nebraska, involved unborn twins. Petrino's situation was national, without the kids.

Pelini's brother got fired yesterday at FAU for marijuana. I suspect the tirade Pelini went on against Nebraska fans is not forgotten (as well as losing to Minn). Bet Bohl has not been forgiven by Nebraska fans to this day and there would be open rebellion in Nebraska if Bohl's name is mentioned. The Fargo media never mentioned Bohl's escapades.

You can make Bohl a saint if you want, but Mussman is a better man and husband. Bohl has coaching going for him.


Those message board comments were from 6 years ago - now, with 2 titles and several FBS wins, Bohl is a lot more attractive to the Nebraska faithful.

I'm not real sure when bashing Bohl became a productive stance for UND football, but oh well. I guess when your football team sucks, people come up with all sorts of things to jabber about. And, until UND gets change at the top, there won't be a solution for the problem. There hasn't been any prior success, so what makes people think Mussman will suddenly turn into some amazing leader overnight? I have a lot of friends who are NDSUAAS supporters/alumni, so I had a chance to meet Bohl a few years back and he's not a bad guy in my opinion. UND football needs a passionate, knowledgable guy like that leading their program.

Mussman may be nice, but he's a "football klutz" as far as I'm concerned. He just doesn't have the practicality and leadership necessary to be a good head coach.

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Those message board comments were from 6 years ago - now, with 2 titles and several FBS wins, Bohl is a lot more attractive to the Nebraska faithful.

I'm not real sure when bashing Bohl became a productive stance for UND football, but oh well. I guess when your football team sucks, people come up with all sorts of things to jabber about. And, until UND gets change at the top, there won't be any success for the problem. There hasn't been any prior success, so what makes people think Mussman will suddenly turn into some amazing leader overnight? I have a lot of friends who are NDSUAAS supporters/alumni, so I had a chance to meet Bohl a few years back and he's not a bad guy in my opinion. UND football needs a passionate, knowledgable guy like that leading their program.

Mussman may be nice, but he's a "football klutz" as far as I'm concerned. He just doesn't have the practicality and leadership necessary to be a good head coach.

If a coach has a salacious scandal in his past, those facts will be opened up before getting a top FBS job. It's hardly bashing when telling it like it is. Think Bohl wouldn't apply because what he would force his family through.

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If a coach has a salacious scandal in his past, those facts will be opened up before getting a top FBS job. It's hardly bashing when telling it like it is. Think Bohl wouldn't apply because what he would force his family through.

It's not like he exposed himself at the mall.

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If a coach has a salacious scandal in his past, those facts will be opened up before getting a top FBS job. It's hardly bashing when telling it like it is. Think Bohl wouldn't apply because what he would force his family through.

You're a real tool. Just a small man on a computer. Maybe we should check out the UND coaches, maybe not so white (clean) as snow as you think.
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If a coach has a salacious scandal in his past, those facts will be opened up before getting a top FBS job. It's hardly bashing when telling it like it is. Think Bohl wouldn't apply because what he would force his family through.

Has he not interviewed for other FBS jobs before?

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