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PCM Returns


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I remember back in the day when he was just a "sudo reporter". Once he became an unrestricted free agent, I knew the big deals would start to present themselves. I just hope he doesn't let the fame and fortune go to his head. :lol:

Sudo or Pseudo?

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That's about right. Only the more veteran posters here know PCM.

This one can't remember why he left, but I heard it wasn't exactly a positive experience or grouping of experiences that led to PCM leaving SS.com. Could be wrong though.

What would cause a hockey fan to leave his favorite team's website? I mean it's just hockey; not life or death... ;)

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That's about right. Only the more veteran posters here know PCM.

This one can't remember why he left, but I heard it wasn't exactly a positive experience or grouping of experiences that led to PCM leaving SS.com. Could be wrong though.

A veteran that quit?

You couldn't pay me enough to leave SS alone. I love UND athletics way too much and there is not a better website to be a part of! :love:

"Cratter: Never Left. 8 years and counting."

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Gosh, I didn't even know I was gone! It's so wonderful to feel the love here that it makes me think of my favorite Whitney Houston song. :blush:;)

Really? I figured you more for this Whitney classic. ;)

But I do believe that UND SID Jayson Hajdu put the Foss-Miller tag team writing combo in proper context when he compared it to this famous event. :D

Naw ... more like this ...

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There seems to be some confusion caused by the title of the thread. I'll be covering men's hockey for FightingSioux.com, the website of UND Athletics. This doesn't mean I've decided to resume posting regularly here. It was never a case of me being either here or at USCHO.

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Gosh, I didn't even know I was gone! It's so wonderful to feel the love here that it makes me think of my favorite Whitney Houston song. :blush:;)

But I do believe that UND SID Jayson Hajdu put the Foss-Miller tag team writing combo in proper context when he compared it to this famous event. :D

I thought you celebrated whitney's entire catalog of hits... As far as the pairing with Virg, were you the guy in the cowboy hat and Zubas? :). I loved your Slim Jim commercials.

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I thought you celebrated whitney's entire catalog of hits... As far as the pairing with Virg, were you the guy in the cowboy hat and Zubas? :). I loved your Slim Jim commercials.

I don't believe PCM has made it to the '80s yet with Zubas. Last time I saw him he was fighting with Virg over a bag of popcorn up in the pressbox. He was decked out in his favorite Bee Gees Saturday Night plad leisure suit. :0

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I don't believe PCM has made it to the '80s yet with Zubas. Last time I saw him he was fighting with Virg over a bag of popcorn up in the pressbox. He was decked out in his favorite Bee Gees Saturday Night plad leisure suit. :0

Thoroughly Modern Virg was in the leisure suit. I'm still rockin' the Nehru jacket. ;)


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