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Actually, it's interesting in a way.

Let's consider another angle. Maybe what Standing Rock is doing is trying to get a definitive ccomittment from SBofE on what it intends to do IF there is an election and the name is favored.

Because let's be real about it, even if a vote is done and goes the way we think it will, the SBofE could say that it isn't enough and demand some Tribal Counsel degree regarding timelines of approval and stipulations of no reversal bla bla bla (yada, yada, yada as Myles would say).

So maybe they want to hear what the SBofE is going to do IF the resolution passes??

From a financial and leadership standpoint, definitely see your point.

An election on the nickname would cost $'s from the SR tribe themselves. It is possible that SR is waiting affirmation that the SBoHE would indeed accept the results of the vote. It the SBoHE is going to change the name anyway, why should SR spent money on a special election?

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From a financial and leadership standpoint, definitely see your point.

An election on the nickname would cost $'s from the SR tribe themselves. It is possible that SR is waiting affirmation that the SBoHE would indeed accept the results of the vote. It the SBoHE is going to change the name anyway, why should SR spent money on a special election?

Well that would make sense if they are strapped for cash and don't have the money to burn they might want to see which way the Stat Board of Higher Education is leaning before they go out and spend the money.


SR council sounds like there doing this:

1. Seeing what the school board will do, will it postpone and actually give Standing Rock an opportunity to vote or will it sell out for the liberal view. I feel Standing Rock again is saying, we will vote on it only if the board gives us room to do so in OUR time, not theres.

2. By their actions (SR) they're saying we want control of whether the nickname goes through or doesnt, not the board. Lets see if the board dares to retire the nickname with over 1000 people supporting the nickname at Standing Rock.

I think its again a bold move, but Murphy did this before as well and its worked so far. Hes basically saying give us time, we know the deadline, dont push us into a decision.

Its not the news i was hoping for, but at least they didn't say no to a vote.

How expensive can a vote actually be??

Go buy a ream of computer paper, have some pens and pencils. Present ID. Write "yes" or "no". Place vote in box. Count.

Sounds like about $10.

Either way, it's a bigger waste of time. Retire the name, lose the millstone, and get on with more important things... like conferences.

Wrong! I will never be convinced that membership in the Summit is more important than the name. Those who feel that way cannot possibly be true Sioux fans.

SR council sounds like there doing this:

1. Seeing what the school board will do, will it postpone and actually give Standing Rock an opportunity to vote or will it sell out for the liberal view. I feel Standing Rock again is saying, we will vote on it only if the board gives us room to do so in OUR time, not theres.

2. By their actions (SR) they're saying we want control of whether the nickname goes through or doesnt, not the board. Lets see if the board dares to retire the nickname with over 1000 people supporting the nickname at Standing Rock.

I think its again a bold move, but Murphy did this before as well and its worked so far. Hes basically saying give us time, we know the deadline, dont push us into a decision.

Its not the news i was hoping for, but at least they didn't say no to a vote.

Great post and I that is the motivation for the "lack" of action.


I still think it's the old powerplay screw job.

I mean, look at the pure conspiracy theory laden movie plot style angle:

The activists still argue how the White man is STILL screwing over the Native American (I'm going to let this fallacy lie). So, if they vote and the nickname is supported, they look bad and could be made into pariahs. If they vote no, they dance in the street. But if NO vote occurs, it is taken as a NO vote and the nickname must be retired. They get what they want, they screw over some white men, and they didn't have to risk being made fools of (trusting the will of their people rather than the will of their activistic goals).

SR could vote it down. Heck, they could vote it down BAD. Who knows, but the one thing that terrifies those who are against the nickname on the SR reservation is the will of the people. You can't control the will of the people. You give them a choice and they COULD choose "wrong." This way, the "right" choice is made without taking the risk of the will of the people choosing "wrong."

That's the conspiracy theory I'm buying into.

Delay tactics forces the SBoHE to take the blame not them. They screw over the White man and the White Man gets the blame. Win win.


Yeah, my guess is this goes until Nov. 30. Standing rock will take some sort of action during the month of November, just like Spirit Lake did in August when the deadline was September.


Yeah baby! Just heard on the news that SR will not be voting on the nickname! Way to take a stand my Lakota brothers and sisters! Goodbye Fighting Sioux!! I told you people from the beginning the name would be dropped!! HAHAHAHA, YES!!!

I still think it's the old powerplay screw job.

I mean, look at the pure conspiracy theory laden movie plot style angle:

The activists still argue how the White man is STILL screwing over the Native American (I'm going to let this fallacy lie). So, if they vote and the nickname is supported, they look bad and could be made into pariahs. If they vote no, they dance in the street. But if NO vote occurs, it is taken as a NO vote and the nickname must be retired. They get what they want, they screw over some white men, and they didn't have to risk being made fools of (trusting the will of their people rather than the will of their activistic goals).

SR could vote it down. Heck, they could vote it down BAD. Who knows, but the one thing that terrifies those who are against the nickname on the SR reservation is the will of the people. You can't control the will of the people. You give them a choice and they COULD choose "wrong." This way, the "right" choice is made without taking the risk of the will of the people choosing "wrong."

That's the conspiracy theory I'm buying into.

Delay tactics forces the SBoHE to take the blame not them. They screw over the White man and the White Man gets the blame. Win win.

Along with that scenario is maintaining Native Americans programs that some on this board have advocating cutting if the votes didn't go the right way. The numbers prove the NAs are in favor of the name, so how can you penalize them when it gets dropped.

Just to be clear, I don't care if the majority of the NAs vote against the name, maintain all programs at current levels. Just let the people vote. I can live with the results.

Yeah baby! Just heard on the news that SR will not be voting on the nickname! Way to take a stand my Lakota brothers and sisters! Goodbye Fighting Sioux!! I told you people from the beginning the name would be dropped!! HAHAHAHA, YES!!!

you do realize that they didn't say that they weren't going to vote...they said they were waiting to see what the SBoHE says on Thursday before making a decision....never mind..I just realized that I am stating facts and those are hard to understand.

you do realize that they didn't say that they weren't going to vote...they said they were waiting to see what the SBoHE says on Thursday before making a decision....never mind..I just realized that I am stating facts and those are hard to understand.


See for yourself. Facts is Facts!!


See for yourself. Facts is Facts!!

I was wondering how long it would take this guy to crawl out of the woodwork. Read what you posted. If SBoHE indicates that they'd allow retention of the name if a vote is held, then a vote will be held. That's how I read it. Translation for those who need it: Tell us that you'd respect our vote, if we have one, SBoHE. That's exactly what some have been saying here. I think FWB's jubilation is a bit premature.


Interesting turn of events, but not fatal... yet....

I typically have no faith in the SBoHE to do the right thing, but I hope they will hold off on any decisions this Thursday unless it is to say that they will grant Standing Rock the time it needs to have a vote within the NCAA time parameters. At the very least, no decision should be made until the Supreme Court renders its ruling.

Interesting turn of events, but not fatal... yet....

I typically have no faith in the SBoHE to do the right thing, but I hope they will hold off on any decisions this Thursday unless it is to say that they will grant Standing Rock the time it needs to have a vote within the NCAA time parameters. At the very least, no decision should be made until the Supreme Court renders its ruling.

Then again, if the SBoHE retires the nickname on Thurs the supreme court can dismiss the case as moot and move on to much more important things.

Come on SBoHE...do the right thing. End this debate! Everyone is looking to you now to step up and be the leader!

SR council sounds like there doing this:

1. Seeing what the school board will do, will it postpone and actually give Standing Rock an opportunity to vote or will it sell out for the liberal view. I feel Standing Rock again is saying, we will vote on it only if the board gives us room to do so in OUR time, not theres.

2. By their actions (SR) they're saying we want control of whether the nickname goes through or doesnt, not the board. Lets see if the board dares to retire the nickname with over 1000 people supporting the nickname at Standing Rock.

I think its again a bold move, but Murphy did this before as well and its worked so far. Hes basically saying give us time, we know the deadline, dont push us into a decision.

Its not the news i was hoping for, but at least they didn't say no to a vote.

I think this ^^^ gets pretty close.

By taking this approach Standing Rock is basically asking:

- Will you really listen to us?

- Will you really turn the decision over to us?

If the ND SBoHE drops the name Thursday one could argue that SR made the right call in that they saved themselves time and energy that would have been ignored anyway.

This way, they have effectively either a) made the ND SBoHE the "heavy" or, b) truly taken the power on the decision for themselves. Seems win/win for SR Council.

I think this ^^^ gets pretty close.

By taking this approach Standing Rock is basically asking:

- Will you really listen to us?

- Will you really turn the decision over to us?

If the ND SBoHE drops the name Thursday one could argue that SR made the right call in that they saved themselves time and energy that would have been ignored anyway.

This way, they have effectively either a) made the ND SBoHE the "heavy" or, b) truly taken the power on the decision for themselves. Seems win/win for SR Council.

Once again, this board is falling over itself moving mountains to make it look like something that is obviously negative for the nickname is, oh wait just a second, no it's actually positive! Yeah that's it! The SR board, in it's infinite wisdom and foresight, actually is pulling the maneuver of the century and grabbing the power for themselves!

Yeah, that's it! I'm sure it wasn't an attempt to do something severe enough to get the SBoHE to retire the nickname but not severe enough to take the heat for ending the nickname themselves. No, that couldn't be it.


Once again, this board is falling over itself moving mountains to make it look like something that is obviously negative for the nickname is, oh wait just a second, no it's actually positive! Yeah that's it! The SR board, in it's infinite wisdom and foresight, actually is pulling the maneuver of the century and grabbing the power for themselves!

Yeah, that's it! I'm sure it wasn't an attempt to do something severe enough to get the SBoHE to retire the nickname but not severe enough to take the heat for ending the nickname themselves. No, that couldn't be it.


You've stated a number of times how you don't care either way about the nickname of UND, yet you seem to be pretty mad about SIOUX FANS reactions to this inaction by the SR Tribal Council. Why? Donnie, you're out of your element.

I'm sure it wasn't an attempt to do something severe enough to get the SBoHE to retire the nickname but not severe enough to take the heat for ending the nickname themselves. No, that couldn't be it.

Go back and ready my option/point: SR has effectively a) made the ND SBoHE the "heavy". That's what you're saying too.

Deep down inside I know what is really going on: Both sides are letting the clock run out so they can claim it wasn't their action.

Yeah baby! Just heard on the news that SR will not be voting on the nickname! Way to take a stand my Lakota brothers and sisters! Goodbye Fighting Sioux!! I told you people from the beginning the name would be dropped!! HAHAHAHA, YES!!!

Why are you so happy they didn't listen to the people of the Standing Rock. This proves there is NO democracy on that reservation and it will come back at the council big time. At least if they let the people vote and they voted NO then that is a decision everyone can understand. No one can understand this decision, unless they are going to ask the board to do nothing until a vote of the tribe is final.

Why are you so happy they didn't listen to the people of the Standing Rock. This proves there is NO democracy on that reservation and it will come back at the council big time. At least if they let the people vote and they voted NO then that is a decision everyone can understand. No one can understand this decision, unless they are going to ask the board to do nothing until a vote of the tribe is final.

There's less and less democracy in America as well.

Yeah baby! Just heard on the news that SR will not be voting on the nickname! Way to take a stand my Lakota brothers and sisters! Goodbye Fighting Sioux!! I told you people from the beginning the name would be dropped!! HAHAHAHA, YES!!!

Nice...I'm sure it was just an extra reason for you to get the Blatz flowing at sunrise again today!

Yeah baby! Just heard on the news that SR will not be voting on the nickname! Way to take a stand my Lakota brothers and sisters! Goodbye Fighting Sioux!! I told you people from the beginning the name would be dropped!! HAHAHAHA, YES!!!

And your life will remain one of bitter self-pity, so I guess everyone wins. :lol:

SR council sounds like there doing this:

1. Seeing what the school board will do, will it postpone and actually give Standing Rock an opportunity to vote or will it sell out for the liberal view. I feel Standing Rock again is saying, we will vote on it only if the board gives us room to do so in OUR time, not theres.

2. By their actions (SR) they're saying we want control of whether the nickname goes through or doesnt, not the board. Lets see if the board dares to retire the nickname with over 1000 people supporting the nickname at Standing Rock.

I think its again a bold move, but Murphy did this before as well and its worked so far. Hes basically saying give us time, we know the deadline, dont push us into a decision.

Its not the news i was hoping for, but at least they didn't say no to a vote.

I think you're reading way too much into what happened. It's much more likely that SR is just waiting out the clock so the nickname is dropped by the SBoHE without SR having to take a formal position on it. Nothing more than political cover, which cowardly politicians do all the time. I don't see any way to take any positives out of what happened yesterday. The only question is whether the SBoHE will wait until the Supreme Court rules to drop the nickname or drops it now.

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