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Not a bad weekend in the springs for the Sioux. A split was needed and the Sioux showed good signs scoring 7 goals vs a great goalie and team. The Sioux are banged up on the blueline overall with 4 players which proably didn't help on Saturday in the loss to CC. Get the sweep vs the Seawolves at the ralph and get the overall record to .500 and add 4 points to the WCHA standings. UAA comes off a loss on friday and tie to MSU in Anchorage this last weekend. Get healthy as possible and get these 4 all important points. GO SIOUX

LAST SEASON SERIES - Sioux swept only series at home winning each game by the score of 3-1



Overall Record: 3-5-0

WCHA: 3-3-0, 6 points

Home: 1-1-0

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Sioux desperately need a sweep....as I said i do not expect one as the Sioux do not seem to be able to finish the deal against anyone. Even if it is the sister's of the poor...I say 3 points for the Sioux. Alaska will get a point Sat night.

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Sioux desperately need a sweep....as I said i do not expect one as the Sioux do not seem to be able to finish the deal against anyone. Even if it is the sister's of the poor...I say 3 points for the Sioux. Alaska will get a point Sat night.

ignoring the negativity in this post.

SIOUX SWEEP...(I'm sending the team a get well soon card...lol -- it will help haha)

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A wounded animal is dangerous - and this SIOUX team is wounded. Seawolves.... You've been warned.

I see our awesome training staff getting these guys healthy in the weeks to come.

As a coach myself, I have gone through many many seasons with members of my team on the sidelines because of injuries during early portions of our season only to get them healthy in time for Regional competition and make it to the State Tourney. During the time when our top players were down others stepped up. It made the team bond together more and the ones coming back came back on a mission. I'm heading up to GF and will be watching a sweep by our Sioux team over AA!

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I'm not sure where the Seawolves are getting the results they are getting. However, calling them an automatic sweep might contribute to their success. Bryce Christianson was a goaltender I knew would be good. It surprised me that he turned down UMN a few years back. That aside, he's not a game stealing goaltender.

It is hard for me to say what is going to happen. I really haven't seen the Sioux play two solid 60 minute games in a row yet this season. When they play solid, they're very good.

The other situation is the injury situation. Jones won't be able to play all season with a broken hand...at least I don't believe so. The status of Genoway and Blood also leave question marks at D.

I truly think that, at 100%, we'd be able to eke out a sweep next weekend, but we're not 100%. Also take into account that Finley will more than likely be a bit rusty after missing time due to injury. The haters will love this because it gives them yet another excuse to call for his benching/signing/cutting from the team. However, the rest of us will have to grimace when he makes a rusty mistake. The good news here is that it is at least against UAA and not CC, UMN, or DU.

I think UND wins on Friday. Saturday...I can't predict what will happen other than UND will have a lead at one point during the game.

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Yeah I don't get the negativity.

before this weekend i had negative thoughts as well. we still are 2 games under .500 and were before the start of the weekend but i also like what i saw this weekend as a whole. the problem is our D corps are very banged up and they havent been great to begin with yet. im calling a sweep but we cant have a mash unit on D with forward replacement vs any WCHA team. get healthy SIOUX!!

sioux sweep

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before this weekend i had negative thoughts as well. we still are 2 games under .500 and were before the start of the weekend but i also like what i saw this weekend as a whole. the problem is our D corps are very banged up and they havent been great to begin with yet. im calling a sweep but we cant have a mash unit on D with forward replacement vs any WCHA team. get healthy SIOUX!!

sioux sweep

Yep I agree, I am hoping we get the guys healthy this weekend, I want to see Finley back soon. Sounds like UAA has some question marks at Goalie.

I think the speedier Sioux can exploit that, I like the puck movement of some of our underclassmen (17-18-19).

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There is no way that log splitter split that peice of wood that clean. Looks like it was cut before hand with a nail file, then set up on the splitter for a photo op. :(

Anyway, I think there are good things in store for the Sioux. Starting with a sweep this weekend against the Seawolves.

But, heal up everyone, we need you all healthy. Really missing Big Joe at D, but the others stepped up nicely.

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There is no way that log splitter split that peice of wood that clean. Looks like it was cut before hand with a nail file, then set up on the splitter for a photo op. :(

Anyway, I think there are good things in store for the Sioux. Starting with a sweep this weekend against the Seawolves.

But, heal up everyone, we need you all healthy. Really missing Big Joe at D, but the others stepped up nicely.

I agree. The Sioux look good in person and sound good on the radio (minus the opening weekend). We are getting lots of shots and cycling the puck better than any point last year, in my opinion. To put up 7 goals on Bachmann is great in a weekend. There shouldn't be a goalie we face that we can't do that to if we did it against Dick Bachmann.

Surprisingly, this team looks very balanced, and if we can shore up the defense, we will be tough down the road. I'd really like to have that opening weekend back.

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I can be one of the most negative peopleon this board at times, but I am pleased with what happemned this weekend considering all factors. I like the direction this team is going and a sweep will happen soon, very soon. if we get our d healthy and hopefully Joe will be back it may happen this weekend.

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Nope, they can split like that. I have split quite a bit of wood in my day, and sometimes you get a log/tree that splits clean.

I think the way he's looking down at the wood, how he's handling the wood, and the position of the wood relative to his body and the photographer brings other things to mind. :(

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this is starting to look alot like last season. 2 spilts in a row and looking for answers. i hope und can get some much needed points. i know its early but if they want to contend this year these are the games we have to win.

I don't know if I would start to go down the splitsville road like last year just yet. I think if they would have had a healthy d corps last nights result might have been different. people can point to the hextall major all they want but in the second period we had like 4+ consecutive minutes of pp, 3 minutes of which was 5 on 3 and we could only score once. that being said I really like what I saw this weekend and hopefully we'll have six d men healthy enough to play this weekend.

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I can be one of the most negative peopleon this board at times, but I am pleased with what happemned this weekend considering all factors. I like the direction this team is going and a sweep will happen soon, very soon. if we get our d healthy and hopefully Joe will be back it may happen this weekend.

i agree on joe. he logs tons of ice time to begin with and is missed badly with his leadership. i also hope genoway and jones are good to go. those 3 together can change the dynamic of a D core easily if all out there playing. sioux sweep

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i agree on joe. he logs tons of ice time to begin with and is missed badly with his leadership. i also hope genoway and jones are good to go. those 3 together can change the dynamic of a D core easily if all out there playing. sioux sweep

Hey, AZ do you know if Ben Blood actually has green blood, especially after this weekend?

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